The Man's Decree

Chapter 10
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Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Attending The Wedding

Dragon Bay was the best neighborhood in the whole of Horington, constructed on the only mountain inthe city. For that reason, not only was the scenery there astounding, but the air was also exceedinglyfresh.

Those who could live there were either wealthy or influential people from the upper echelons of society.Ordinary people couldn’t even afford to pay the property management fee there, much less Iive in theneighborhood.

“Mr. Sullivan, this… this mansion is too expensive. I can’t accept this!”

Jared hastily returned the key to William.

“Of course, you can, Mr. Chance! Or is my life not worth a mansion?” William remarked smilingly.

Since he had said as much, Jared had no choice but to accept it. Then, William proceeded to take out abank card with ten million in it and handed it to him.

Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to turn it down, Jared could only pocket it.

Just when he was about to take his leave, a clamor sounded from downstairs, the noise deafening.

Jared’s brows furrowed slightly.

When William saw the frown marring his countenance, he immediately summoned the hotel manager.

“What’s going on here? Why is it so noisy?” William demanded.

“Mr. Sullivan, the heir of the Scott family is getting married today, and the wedding banquet is being heldin the banquet hall on the second floor. That’s where the noise is coming from,” the manager hurriedlyexplained.

Only after hearing that did William decide not to pursue the matter. After all, the hotel was open forbusiness, and a racket was inevitable when someone was getting married.

“I’ll be leaving then, Mr. Sullivan.”

Jared waved to William before exiting the private room.

Just as Jared arrived downstairs, he coincidentally bumped into Leyton strutting into the hotel with Sandyin his arms.

Leyton was stunned for a moment when he spotted Jared, but he guffawed in the next instant. “I didn’texpect you to really come and attend my wedding, Jared! Are you here for the free food and liquor?”

Casting him a frosty glance, Jared said nothing and moved sideways to leave.

“Hey, don’t go!” Leyton blocked his path and drawled with mockery written all over his face, “Look at yourex-girlfriend. Isn’t she beautiful now? Do you not have anything to say to her?”

In truth, he was deliberately embarrassing the man.

“Let’s not bother about him, Ley. We’re running late,” Sandy murmured coquettishly to Leyton withouteven sparing Jared a glance.

“Don’t entertain this piece of trash anymore, Leyton. It’s bad to be late for your own wedding, so you twogo into the banquet hall first. I’ll kick this worthless bum out!” Melinda urged, echoing Sandy’ssentiments.

Subsequently, she turned to Jared and lambasted, “Can you just stop hounding us? You’re so desperatethat you even came to the hotel after us! Do you think my daughter will ever take a fancy to your peasantself? Go and take a look at yourself in the mirror! Hurry up and buzz off instead of kicking up a fusshere!”

Her censure was caustic and vile, drawing blood with every single word.

The relatives around them whispered among themselves, snickering as they stared at Jared.

Right that moment, Jared was no more than a fool who was made fun of by everyone.

“One day, you will all fall to your knees before me and beg me!”

Suppressing the fury blazing within him, Jared shoved Leyton, who was blocking his path, away beforestriding out.

Leyton’s brows knitted together. “Stop him! Regardless of whether you want to attend the wedding today,you’ve got to do so! I want you to see your girlfriend marrying me with your own eyes, you piece oftrash!”

As soon as he said that, Baldy and a few others instantly blocked Jared’s path. They were still harboringa grudge after being beaten up at his house, so they wanted to take revenge on him.novelbin

At the sight of them blocking his path menacingly, Jared slowly turned back to look at Leyton. “Are yousure you want me to attend your wedding?”

“Yes! I want you to see with your own eyes and know that you’re not worthy of going against me!”

Leyton wore a sneer on his face.

“All right, then. But a word of warning from me—if I attend your wedding, you won’t be getting marriedtoday!”

After saying that, Jared whirled around and walked into the banquet hall on the second floor. There weremore than a hundred tables set up inside.

“Haha, I’ll just see how you’re going to accomplish that!” Leyton laughed uproariously, not believing histhreat in the least. Nonetheless, to prevent the man from kicking up trouble and dampening everyone’smerriment, he said to Baldy, “Baldy, bring a few men with you and keep a close eye on Jared. Restrainhim at once if he dares to do anything!”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Leyton. Just leave this matter to me!”

Baldy nodded, his gaze turning chilly. This is the perfect opportunity for me to take my revenge on him!

In the banquet hall, Jared took his seat in a corner. Those who could attend the heir of the Scott family’swedding were either wealthy or influential, all prestigious people in the whole of Horington. In otherwords, an ordinary person like him wasn’t even worthy of the honor.

Thus, his appearance had many of the guests in the banquet hall throwing him strange looks. After all, itseemed out of place for an ordinary-looking young man to show up at such an opulent wedding out ofthe blue.

But soon, his identity spread like wildfire among the guests. With that, the gazes directed his wayincreased in number, most of them mocking and derisive, though a handful was sympathetic.

Nevertheless, Jared wasn’t at all bothered. He sat in the corner alone and nibbled at the snacks on thetable with his face devoid of expression.

Meanwhile, Baldy stood behind him with a dozen men, all watching him like a hawk. The second hemade a suspicious move, they would restraint him without a hint of hesitation.

“Hey, if it isn’t Jared Chance! When did you get out of prison?”

A voice tinged with sarcasm rang out. Jared lifted his head and swung his gaze over, only to see awoman with heavy makeup on her face and dressed seductively sashaying toward him. A young manfollowed beside her.

The woman’s voice promptly snagged the attention of the guests around them. They initially thought thatJared was merely the bride’s ex-boyfriend and was there to see his girlfriend for the final time, but theynever expected him to have a record. Following that, they grew all the more intrigued.

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