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Chapter 55

55. The Cold Truth

The creature stepped out of the darkness, and even Gideon grew tense at what was before his eyes.The wolf was larger than any Lycan or werewolf he had ever seen, with tur in a midnight blue colour,alniosl as dark as black, but not quite. All this, however, wasn’t what amazed the King of the West themost. It was the spikes of ice that grew straight out of the woll’s lur. Larger over the top of his neck andback, smaller on the sides. He looked majestic and ominous at theme time as he bared his sharp,sparkling white teeth.

New. He was so newl As if he was just… born now.

It was hard to ignore how call the night became, and snowy mist started to form around the creaturewhose eyes were gleaming like two northern stars

-Amarok,” Riannon whispered. She was the only one smiling now because she was the only one whoknew the creature’s true identity.

The truc Lycan King of the North, he was on his land and in his right. The ruler that was needed nowmore than ever.

“Who7- Gideon still trying to gently move his Luna behind him in an attempt to protect her, it was hardfor him to tell whether the beasi meant well or not.

The bones started snapping, and in just a few moments, the wolf turned into an ice lycan, standing onhis two feet. This sight was even more incredible than the lirst one.

However, in just a lew moments, slowly, and it looked painful too, the lycan tried to retract his spikes,but something wasn’t working, making him growl in frustration and fall back on all lours, turning backinto the ice wolf.

“He can’t shift,” Ria explained, voice barely a whisper, but everyone present heard her. She seemed tobe reading the creature’s mind.

*Stay back, Ria,” Gideon still wasn’t convinced it was safe, the memory of holding his pregnant wife’sdead body was still haunting his mind. His family being destroyed before his eyes was the scariestthing he had ever experienced, and he was ready to die ten times over to not let that happen.

“Don’t you see it?” His wife furrowed her brows as she glanced at him. She knew something he didn’tagain. “It’s Kai!”

“What?” Lachlan stepped in front of them. Seconds ago, he was mourning his best friend and blaminghimself for not being able to get Kai’s out of their burning home, and now a beast stood before hiseyes, and it felt so new and so familiar at the same time.

The Western Queen’s words ignited a spark of hope in him. Was it really his King? He was ready toaccept his new torm, he was ready to follow him to hell and do anything just for the chance of gettinghis friend back.

This monster walked out of the castle that wasn’t burning anymore and he was the one that put the fireout. The second his paws stepped onto the ground, frost covered it, spreading last around him. Thiswolf was a force of nature and the embodiment of the North.

“Kai?” They all heard Elene’s weak voice as the Princess walked closer to the wolf. Their eyes locked,and she threw herself at him before Lachlan had a chance to intercept her. Gideon was ready to step inif it was necessary, but Riannon draped her arm around his and leaned over. Neither she nor theprincess had any doubts.

“It’s fine,” Ria said, “he would never hurt his sister.” “Kail” Elene sobbed. “I thought I lost you too!Thanks to Fenrir!”

There was so much pain and despair in her voice that it was impossible not to leel sorry for thenorthern princess, Elene had many talents, but inner strength wasn’t one of them. If Kai was dead, itwould have broken her forever.

“What happened to him?” Gideon asked quietly. “You called him-” “Amarok,” Riannon repeated thename. “Onyx can talk to him.” “Why would she be able to talk to him?” Her husband didn’t really liketheir sudden connection.

“Because they are the same,” Ria explained with a smile, knowing what was bothering him. She gavehim a disapproving glance.” Well, not exactly the same, but they are similar. They have been bothblessed by divine power. Thanks to that, I can hear him.”

“But why can’t 17* Elene looked at Riannon questioningly. “He is my brother, my Alpha and my king.”Ria looked back at the ice woll belore her, the pair talking without any words said out loud. novelbin

it’s because he died,” Riannon sighed, a single tear rolling down her cheek. “He was dead and then hewas brought back to life. Just like me.”

“Lucky bastard! He doesn’t even believe in the Moon Goddess!” Gideon chuckled, hugging his wifefrom the back. He knew she was relieving the memories of her own death and rebirth. No matter howmuch time passed, no matter how happy they were, it was almost heart breaking for her to rememberthose times.

*# wasn’t the Moon Goddess,” Ria responded, “Kal says it was fenrir and that it’s a really long story.”“Ter e eds to do buter work then,” Gideon said, observing his old rival’s new form. “Why can’t he shiltinto a human again?

1. I SIN

“Patience, my love.” Riannon rolled her eyes, knowing that everyone was looking at her now and thatthey needed motivation and hope -After Onyx and I were reborn, it took her weeks to shift for the firsttime. And Kai has been Amarok for barely an hour. All in due time.”

“We don’t have time!” Gideon interjected. “My sister was taken by that white bear monster and we haveto get her back before

“Yeah.” Riannon rubbed her lorehead. “Kai says the same, and to that, I have to tell you both that youneed to give Savannah more credit. I am pretty sure I stepped on her ex’s heart when we were leavingthe castle, and something tells me she was the one to rip it out of his chest. Not to mention, when shewas betrayed by him on their first night, she managed to escape in mere hours and bring us valuableinformation and werecat forces when we needed all that the most. They may have taken her, but thiswas probably their bigeest mistake.”

Everyone grew silent while Zara and Naya both nodded, proud of their friend.

“We still need to get her out as soon as possible,” Lachlan said, and Amarok growled in approval, theair getting even colder around him. “We need to let them know that the Lycan King still stands and -”

“Absolutely noti” Riannon and Alpha Ramina said in unison, exchanging understanding glances.

“You have something in mind?” Gideon’s lips curled into a smile as he observed his beautiful andbrilliant wife, who never ceased to amaze him.

“Right now, this is our biggest advantage,” she smirked as she looked at him. “They think we are alldead, and the victory is in their hands. They expect everything to fall into their hands now since theydidn’t even bother taking the capital. And let’s be honest, if we were all dead, that would have been aneasy decision to make.”

“Bul we are here.” Lachlan snorted, pulling Zara into his embrace shamelessly “And they have no idea.”Elene placed her hand on Amarok’s ice fur, and it didn’t seem to hurt her in any way. “They don’texpect us,” Kyle stepped closer with Evelyn by his side. “We can see what they plan.” Zara took theBeta’s hand, entwining their fingers, “And we can ruin it so that they would never recover,” NayiSncered, playing with her white hair.

“So, let’s strike them so hard this time that the problem is solved once and for all!” Gideon agreed, andright belore his eyes, Amarok stood on both his feet again in his most dangerous form, stretching hishand with ice claws. This did not scare the Lycan king of the West. He knew what his old rival… no,what his new friend wanted to do and stretched his hand to him in return, shaking it as their first-everpact was created. Together. The West and the North!”

Savannah was in and out of consciousness, abrupt scenes unfolding before her eyes. Some womenshe did not know washed her and cleaned the room, bringing her back to the bed with fresh sheets.They put on a silk night dress on her, and then a man who looked like a doctor with a bag full ol potionsand shitter medicines did a basic check on her, pouring some liquid down her throat as she tried toprotest.

“It’s just some vitamins and a healing accelerator,” the man assured her.

They all looked worried, but Savvy didn’t care. They worked for Bjorn, they lived with him andsupported him. They encouraged him and approved of his actions by doing so. They were a part of theproblem, and she didn’t owe them anything.

The liquid lasted bitter, and Sawy wanted to throw up again, but luckily, she was too weak to do thatand simply fell asleep Haifa

From time to time, she was waking up and finding someone in the room with her. She was never leftalone, but then again, that was probably wise because otherwise, she would try to burn this place just

like they had burned the bodies of the people she loved in Kai’s castle. She dreamed of doing this toBjorn and his followers, even if it was the last thing she would ever do. Just thinking about it Savannahrealised that this would be the last thing she would do. She just had to think it through and get somestrength back into her body:

She woke up again in the middle of the night when the veil of darkness surrounded her, and someone’scold lingers were caressing her hair. She wanted to slap that hand away, knowing very well that onlyone person would be bold enough to touch her like that. She stopped at the last minute, coming to therealisation that if she did just that, he might consider her strong enough to do olher things. So, shechose to bear with this for now and hoped that he would leave again as he did before.

The scent of chestnut and Wintergreen enveloped her, and she hated to admit that it did not repulseher. if it was anyone else but her worst enemy, she would have probably even liked it. Yet to her relief,she honestly did not leel anything resembling a mate bond. Her bones ached after killing lack, but hersoul and heart were hurting for Kai. Bjorn must have been imagining their connection. After all. wann’tthus eractly what his brother Castiel did to Riannon7 He did not call her his mate, of course, but at thesame time, he didn’t get to Send too many days with her. Hopelully, that would be the case for her, aswell. She loathed to even think of having to stay here


Bjorn stopped playing with her hair and wrapped his hands around her waist, bringing her closer,pressing her against his torso. Only the thin ulky labric olher nipilyown what’s spalating them now, andthis made Savannah’s heart beat a bit laster. Nol from pleasure or anticipation. From the horror.

“I know you are not yeeping” he told her, and her whole body went virid when his grasp on her becametighter. “Being so close to me will help you teal laster, and our bond will finally fall into place.”


His hot breath burned the skin on her neck, but she did not move an inch. Not sleeping was one thing:being awake was another. Sawy knew he was testing her and she did not wish to discover what wouldhappen if he lound her strong enough to perform Luna’s duties. She had a break because she wasweak and unwell, and the hoped to prolong it as much as she could. She recretted not drinking moremedicine when she was offered it last ilme. She would live had something in her stomach to throw up infront of him again if she did. Hopefully, she would be able to do this next time.

Biorn’s fingers brushed over her armi. At the same time, His lips pressed against her shoulder, makinga slow wet trail of kisses up to her neck. He grunted as his breathing became ragged, but she gave himno reaction whatsoever. Deep inside of her, Athena was still weak, but she was ready to light if theyhad to.

“It he gets his thing out,” the wolf hissed in their mind, “We will do the same thing we did to Zack’sheart. No one would want to mate us again, but considering the mates we have been getting, this isprobably for the best.”

This gave her strength, although they both knew that the werebear would overpower them easily now,and it was best not to test their chances. After all, revenge was the dish that was best served cold.

Bjorn growled in frustration and disappointment, breathing into her neck. He stopped caressing her andsimply pulled her closer and tighter in his arms as if he was afraid that someone would take her awayfrom him al any moment.

*Soon,” he promised, whispering into her ear, but that was probably said more to himsell than to her.

He held her in his arms without any intention of letting her go, so she had to accept the idea that shewould have to sleep like this today. Probably even tomorrow. He couldn’t claim her the way he wantedto, but he was not going to let her forget to whom she belonged to now.

Some part of her was happy she was so weak at this moment, because her eyelids were gettingheavier each second, and she had almost anfted off to sleep when she heard the white bear speak.

“You asked me how I lost my eye,” Bjorn said into the darkness, holding his most prized possessiontight. “I never tell this to anyone. Only the people who are closest to me know, and now this includesyou too.”

She didn’t care. She hoped she would be able to get the second eye out soon, right before deliveringthe final blow.

“It is a long and complicated story.” Bjorn continued, and she couldn’t tell if he knew she wasn’tsleeping or simply wanted to imagine they had some kind of a connection and were getting closer, “Mymother was a beautiful woman with Alpha blood from one of the biggest brown bear packs on theborder between the North and the West. She met my father when she turned eighteen, andimmediately, the two of them recognised each other as mates.”

He sighed, and Savannah knew that wasn’t the end of the story. He wrapped his arms tighter aroundher, and she thought that if it went like this, he would suffocate her by the morning, depriving her of herrevenge.

*They were very happy. My father was content to be the ruler of the while bears in the North and didn’tthink much about rebelling against the lycans. He had everything he ever wanted and did not needanything else. However, one day, different bear clans and packs gathered together to celebrate theSpring Awakening, the holiday of our ancestors. I was about five back then, and remember thateveryone was so happy. One of the bear Alphas brought his friend along with him, the then Fox King.”

Bjorn stopped talking and clutched Savannah tightly. For a second there, she was afraid that he wouldleave bruises on her and would not continue his story. She wanted to listen because she needed all theinformation he could give her. It could come in handy


She felt him kissing her hair and sighing as if he was in pain, which evoked no emotions in her. Shewas numb after everything he had done to her. If anything. she only desired to hurt him more.

=This is usually a very wild celebration,” he started speaking again, Iwirling one of her curls around hisfinger. He wanted to study Every inch of her, but this was good enough… for now. “There are a lot ofdrinks, festivals, dances, banquets, and feasts. It all goes on for a week. That ycar, when the bearswere done celebrating, my lather found himself missing his Queen. He searched for her everywhere.but she couldn’t be found. One more person was missing as well. That sly fox. Later my fatherconfronted him, bringing his bear warriors with him to the borders of the foxes territory, but the kingdenied everything. My father left just like that. He didn’t even fight for her.”

For a few food minutes, Bjorn didn’t say a word, and Savannah thought that it was the end of the story.The bear let go of her hair and creu dhe cheek again.

-Two years later, my mother appeared back in the North with a newborn baby in her arms. She saidthat she was kidnapped by the For Kine, but my father did not care. He rejected her before my eyesand told her she was now tainted. She cried and begged him to let her and my brother way, even if hedid not want her as his mate anymore. But he did not want to see her at all. She was now an eyesoreto hai. His warriors threw her out.”

Savannaltead Bjorn sucking in a deep breath belore he went on,”Iran alter her. I wanted to live with herthat day, but the Hopped me and told me to go back. She told me had tort strong and powerful and thatonce I was ready. I could come back for her and my little brother. She proved that we would be togetherapain, and believed her.”

Hec he quiet, ad Sawy realiydheliad ruuver Whirdiliis part of the story with anyone else. She wasn’teven sure that he had yured it with tusust mate, who nevei vie was berait looked like every word was

tard lor him, kunful even. He was only revealing

all that

b uy he believed vie was asleep or not in a state founderstand un

His Hands linally unclenchudaround her, and he pulled lumellway, Savannali wasalad to move, not togive hersell away, but she lelt m t of the bed and was ready to uphin reliet. However, fordid not leavethe room. He only went for the window and

continued his story

“I trained hard. I learned everything there was to learn.” He was looking somewhere deep into the night,the moonlight illuminating his silver hair and strong perfect features, making them visible in thedarkness. “I was a good heir to my father, but it was never enough for him. After the insult, he finallybecame ambitious and decided to destroy the foxes and claim their territories. He had a big grand planon how to do it, but the Lycan King of the North ardered him to stop and blocked his every move toavoid the war. This was when he appeared in our lives for the first time… The Serpent.”

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