The Luna Trials

Chapter 40
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Chapter 40

I Am North

“Hey there, Princess,” Bjorn’s voice echoed through the pit’s silver walls, and Savannah looked up tosee his red eyes gleaming in the darkness, “Looks like you need a hand.”

She stood up. There was no way she’d be sitting defeated at a moment like this. Besides, this wasprecisely what she and Kai expected and even planned for. After hours and hours of discussingeverything back in the cabin, they came to the conclusion that Bjorn would be seeking to meet heragain.

The question was where and when. However, it became obvious after it was decided that Savvy

would compete in the next Luna Trials challenge. It was the perfect place to contact her since the white

bears’ lands bordered the Forbidden Forest.

“Are you willing to help me just like that?” She looked at Bjorn with a raised brow.

“I never said that. Everything has its price.” The man chuckled and sat next to the edge of the pit so

that he could observe her better. He liked the sight of the Western Princess beneath him. “I am not sure! am going to help you at all if I am completely honest. At least not in the way you want me to help


“Then why are you here?” She folded her arms on her chest and met his gaze defiantly, “TO


“I guess I am… intrigued.” His gaze travelled up and down her body way too slowly for it to be innocent,and Savannah swallowed a lump that formed in her throat.

“Intrigued with what?”

“With you, Princess.” A vague smile touched his lips. “I was sure you would slap that jerk and leave thiscountry for good after what he did to you. This kind of humiliation was… too much, don’t you


“Was I supposed to run back and lose the chance for an alliance both our countries needed so much tofight against you?” She rolled her eyes and added sarcastically, “Please!”

“So, you know who I am,” he smirked.

“It’s not like you’ve been hiding that, right?” Savvy snorted loudly. His smugness was too much, but itcould be for the best. After all, he was helping her to drag the conversation himself.

“I guess not,” he admitted easily. “Still, i am not that famous compared to the North Star and the greatLycan King of the West.”

“Don’t be shy! The White Bear King is quickly gaining quite the reputation. All your work here doesn’t

to unnoticedi”

“It’s an honour for me to be noticed by you, Princess.” His lips curved into a sly smile, and Savannahjust hoped that Kal’s warriors were on their way. Helping to catch the White Bear King wouldautomatically mean winning the lavour of the Northerners. This was a chance of a lifetime. Not to

mention that it could potentially put an end to this war.

She couldn’t do it alone and not from this pit, though. Gideon arrived at the worst time, and Kai wasdealing with him now. Otherwise, it would be a done deal. With Kai’s ability to do something she never

could control his third lycan form- he could submit Bjorn in battle. This was something that otherscouldn’t do. But maybe it would be possible if there were many warriors against him.

“Why do you seek contact with me?” She decided to prolong the conversation, playing for time.

“Isn’t it obvious?” His red eye gleamed again.

“I prefer to hear things clearly and not think of the double meanings so that I don’t misunderstandanything. So, is the White Bear King brave enough to answer my question?”

“Is the Lycan Princess brave enough to hear my answer?” He teased, enjoying their little game. “I thinkI can manage!” Savannah chuckled, masking her nervousness with fake confidence.

“Then you can hear it next time.” Bjorn stood up. The amused expression on his face changed to thatone of indignation. “I see you’ve been waiting for me, Princess. You’ve prepared and even managed tocall for help somehow.”

“What do you mean?” Savvy tried to pretend she didn’t know about anything, even though acting wasnever her strongest gift. She was surprised that he already knew about approaching warriors as shecouldn’t hear or sense anyone close yet. Just how was he doing that? She was a royal lycan, for MoonGoddess’ sake! Yes, she was in a silver pit, which had its effects on her, but it didn’t affect her the wayit would a simple werewolf. What was wrong with this bear?

“You don’t have to pretend with me,” Darius Bjorn sneered at her. “I like that you set up a trap for me. Iwas angry that you didn’t appreciate my gift, but I like a good challenge. My next gift will be better, Iswear. I like that you stayed to fight, and I like that you thought you could win against me. It’s…refreshing.”

“So, I take it as you like me?” Sawy scoffed, hugging herself uncontrollably. This confession gave herchills and not the best kind.

“Like?” Bjorn let out a low chesty laugh. “No, that’s not how I’d say it.” He calmed down and thenlooked straight at her with a predator’s gaze. “I want you.”

His words echoed through her silver prison, and Savannah’s lips parted. She didn’t expect such a bolddeclaration. This didn’t feel like a game anymore. Not at all.

But the bear didn’t move, staring at her from the top.

“Get used to that idea,” he told her, and that made her shiver. “When a white bear chooses its prey, it

never lets it go.”

Mam no prey!” She threw the words at him, but it seemed to only make his grin wider. He liked her

this way.

“I guess you are not,” Bjorn agreed readily. “You are Queen material. And it just so happens that I am inneed of one”

“You are lucky to find yourself in the middle of the Luna Trials, then!” A little chuckle escaped Sarry’s

chest “You can find some girls who are ready to kill to become a Queen!”

“I thought about taking Elene as my wife once to secure the North,” he confessed, interrupting her,

and looked away as if he was seeing something peculiar far away. “I thought that once I kill Kai andmake

his sister my Queen, the North will accept me. But you know what I learned over the years,Savannah?” His gaze met hers again, and she gulped. “I don’t need anyone to secure my throne here.I have worked hard

for it, and I have earned my right. Once the Lycan King is dead, there will be only one ruler in the North.So,

there is no need to have Elene by my side to rule the North. I AM NORTH!”.

Savvy didn’t reply to anything she didn’t like how he already considered the man she loved dead andbuilt his plans based on that. Elene had a lucky escape there, though, not being his target.

“So, that leaves me with an opportunity to pick my future queen based on my personal preferences.”Bjorn didn’t look like he was in any kind of rush, even though Savannah could now feel approachingwarriors. Paws and feet, they were coming from different directions in two forms and closing up onthem.

The cameras worked, after all!

“And you choosing me doesn’t have anything to do with me being the Western Princess and

descendant of the Western Lycan Kings?” She snickered, trying to stall him again. However, herattempt

did not go unnoticed.

“Let’s say it’s an added bonus,” he smirked, looking down at her. “I didn’t recognise you the first time

we met, but I knew I wanted you then”

“How romantic!” Savannah selt her claws elongating on instinct but had to retract them not to break

the rules of the Trials.

“There are still so many things you have to learn about me, Princess,” Bjorn clenched his lips tightlyand became serious. “I want you, and I like to play games. I love that you are feisty, my woman cannot

be anything else you are also smart, and this is a quality I need for my Queen, Nice job hiding yourmemory skills, by the way. I couldn’t figure it out for a while.”

“Thanks,” she muttered, although she felt like swearing. Now that her photographic memory wasn’t asecret anymore, the little advantage she had was gone.

“Since I know so much about you, it would be fair to share something about me.” Amenacing smiletouched the corners of the white bear’s lips, and Sawy felt uneasy. “When you try to mess with myplans, there will be consequences”

She knew it was a threat but still didn’t know what to expect. Bjorn watched her for a white, and nowShe was sure he wouldn’t be able to escape the warriors. It was too late, but thenhe touched histemple and sneered at her Plercing pain rippled through her body, and she gritted her teeth, having tolean on the

silver wall lor balance

Mer malet Her damn mate was doing this to her again! Just how many times would she have to sufferThanks to that man? When she saw him nent, she would rip his heart out on the spot even if all theCameras in the world were on her!

“See, Savannah, another thing to learn is that even when it looks like I am cornered, I have

everything under my control. I have been working on all of this for too long to lose now!” The whitebear’s confidence was through the roof; she would have probably admired that if not for their little


“Is that why you so actively avoid Kai?” Savvy let out a bitter laugh; her whole body was aching now,“Admit it, Darius,” she used his first name on purpose, knowing this wasn’t how he liked to be called,

“you know that if you two meet in battle, you will lose despite whatever enhancements you’ve done toyourself! You are always on the run. I wouldn’t call that control!”

The smug expression was wiped from his face, and she noticed him clenching his fists, knowing she

had hit the target.

“Princess,” his tone sounded as if he was disappointed, “initially, I wanted it to last just a few minutes sothat you learned your lesson. But I guess you just gifted your mate an orgy.”

“Whatever!” She chuckled through the pain. “I think you overestimate Zack’s abilities.”

“We’ll have to put it to the test, I am afraid!” he said, and they both heard a howl nearby. The howl thatmeant it was a minute until the warrior lycans arrived. “I’ll see you soon, Princess.”

Bjorn was gone, and until she was sure of it, she could finally fall down to her knees and writhe in painproperly.

Someone blocked the sun, and Savannah looked up to see Lachlan watching her with a concerned


“Give me a second,” he exhaled heavily. “I’ll get you out!” “No!” she furrowed her brows and hissed.“The rules…”

“F*ck the rules!” Lachlan grunted, “You are my future Luna, and I can’t leave you like this!”

“Then, as my future subject, take my order!” She did her best to stand up, knowing that her moment ofweakness was over. She was a Western Lycan Princess and the future Luna of the North! She couldn’tafford to lie down and feel sorry for herself even if the world was falling apart. She wasn’t new to thiskind of pain and could easily handle it! Because giving up wasn’t an option.

“Go and get that bear!” she commanded but still saw the Beta hesitating, “Now!” she roared, noticing ablack hawk in the sky. Zara was here too, probably tracing Bjorn’s movements.

“Yes, Luna,” Lachlan bowed respectfully, a little smile playing on his lips. “Follow Zara,” Savvy added.“She will tead you to him.”

The Lycan disappeared after a curt nod, and she heard the receding steps of the warriors, hoping thatthey would put an end to all of this today.

The pain was still rippling through her body, and she couldn’t believe that Zack had fallen so low as tohave s*x on someone’s command. Then again, it was possible he simply did not have a choice.novelbin

It didn’t matter much to her, though. She had her own problem now as she had to get out of this pitwhatever it cost her.

She couldn’t shift or use partial transformation, but she could still use her body strength. The

patterns on the walls were made of silver and bronze to be able to trap both – Wolves and bears, butthey weren’t the hardest metals out there…

Clenching her teeth, Savannah slammed her fist against the wall and saw a dent mark left in the metalfrom the impact. She hit it again and again, ignoring the pain in her bloodied knuckles. This wasn’timportant now. The cracked bones and torn skin would heal as soon as she was out of this place.

The Princess managed to make a few tactical dents and used them to climb higher on the wall. Shewas hitting it repeatedly, creating new places to help her and slowly moving upwards.

At this point, she felt more like a machine than a human, and even Athena inside her did her best toblock most of the painful sensations for them.

Savvy grasped the pit’s edge and paused, taking a deep breath before the final push. She was so close

to getting herself out.

“Savannah?” she heard a familiar voice and winced when she saw Astrid standing before her. Couldthis day get any worse?

“Hey!” she muttered, knowing that another fall was near. Would Astrid step on her hand like Brigit did

or just unclench her fingers from the ground? Or maybe she would go as far as trying to kill her now? Itwasn’t exactly prohibited, and it was a perfect chance. It did not help that Zack was still going at it, andher vision was getting blurry from the pain, even despite Athena’s attempts to help.

Thinking logically, it was probably best to jump back down and pretend she felt herself. Astrid wouldleave her here if she was lucky, and she could get out slightly later.

She was about to do just that when the blonde she-wolf grabbed her hand.

“Careful!” The Southerner began pulling her out. “Hold on!”

Finally, Savvy was out of that hole and lying next to Astrid, both girls breathing heavily.

“Thanks,” the Princess mumbled, still shocked that another contender other than Naya helped


“Don’t mention it!” The girl next to her chuckled, “You were totally thinking I was about to push youdown, right?”

“Can you blame me?” Savannah turned her head to look at her friend. Yes, now she could call Astrid


“I guess not. If it was anyone else, I would have just walked away,” the girl admitted. “I know where weare, and I just escaped Inga and Celia! Everyone is so brutal here!”

They both stood up, and Savvy tried to accelerate her healing as much as possible, watching herwounds heal rapidly. Luckily, there were no serious injuries.

“Yeah, I met them too,” she shorted and then looked the Southerner right in the eye. “So, why didn’tyou?”

“Why didn’t I what?” Astrid giggled.

“Push me of ” Savannah watched her reaction not to miss anything. “We are rivals here, after all. And

you came here to win as far as I remember.”

“Oh, that7” The other woman seemed unbothered. “Well, i think it’s clear now that Kai has already

made his choice. I will not be bringing that crown to the Southern republic. But I hope that maybe atleast ican claim I am the new Queen’s friend?”

They looked at each other for some time, and Savvy stretched her hand to the werewolf in front of


“If you are talking about me, then sure you can,” she beamed as they shook hands, forming a new


“Do you want company?” Astrid asked her, but the Princess shook her head “Sorry, but no. I feel like Ineed to do this alone,” she conlessed.

“Understandable” the Southerner nodded. “Then I’ll get going. I still need to show good results beforegoing back home. Good luck, Future Luna of The North.”

Savannah wanted to say something else, but Astrid stepped on one of the tiles, and a new wall

separated them

“Thanks!” she shouted to her friend.

“Just don’t go left!” Astrid yelled back. “This is where Inga and Celia are.”

And this was why it was so tempting to go left. Savvy already had a way to deal with Celia, while Ingawas good for nothing on her own.

However, she didn’t want to lose any more time. She had already lost a few hours and needed to get

to the shrine in the centre of the city asap.

Looking at the tiles under her feet, Savvy tried to find all the signs they had carved on them. She sawtiles with crescents, knowing that these were making arrows shoot from the walls. The sun meant silverpit, and she just got out of one. She grabbed a few heavy stones from the ground and decided to testthe

She threw one of them on a tile with a square, and a little window in a nearby wall opened, blazing thefire right to the spot a person would have stood. She tried a tile with a flower, and the tiles fell intoanother pit. Yet this time, something was different, and when Savannah got closer, she gasped, seeingthat this pit was full of water and smelled like… aconite

It was a pool of aconitel Somehow, she was glad now she didn’t fall into that one.

Triangle revealed a pit with silver spikes, and this one also made the Princess breathe out in reliel

She atready knew that the diamond shape was changing walls, and that left her only with snowflakeand star patterns. These two could potentially be good because, first of all, something had to be good.And second of all, it was the North, and they loved stars and everything cold.

Savvy had to move, and she tried to pick empty tiles as long as she could since nothing was happeningwhen she stepped on one, but that tactic didn’t work for long, and soon she was faced with flowers,suns and snowflakes. She slowly lowered to the ground and picked up another heavy rock,

wishing to test the snowflake.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you!” She heard a warning and turned to see a woman standing on top ofthe nearby wall, sneering at her.

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