The Luna Trials

Chapter 31
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Chapter 31

31. You Saw Nothing

Kyle knew what he had to do very well. He might have been the good guy who loved joking around andhaving fun, but at the same time, he came here with one purpose and one purpose only – to protect hisbest childhood friend at all costs. And this time blogging as the Truthteller wasn’t going to cut it.

He knew it the moment he saw that piece of garbage in the hall and had to pretend that nothing washappening. But the more he observed Zack Morgan, the faster he came to the realisation that he wouldhave to deal with him personally. He had already seen his friend in the pit of despair, and he wasn’tgoing to let that traitor push her back again right when she started to

return to her usual self. It was surprising that the North influenced Savvy in such a way, but Kyle wasready to take it. Whatever made her happy. They grew up like siblings since their parents died at aboutthe same time, and other than her, Reid and Gideon, Kyle had no one else.

It was easy to find Zack’s room. He already knew where the guest wing was, and from there, he reliedon the asshole’s scent. The stench of revolting mint led him to the door, and he heard moans comingfrom the inside. He was doing it again. Even after seeing his mate tonight! Knowing what it would makeher experience far too well.

Kyle’s fists clenched involuntarily as he heard a loud slap and more moaning.

“Yes, baby, like that!” Zack grunted on the other side of the door, and the next moment Kyle knockedthe whole thing out with his foot. The girls in the room screamed and ran in opposite directions from theluxurious bed in the centre, leaving Zack alone with the one who didn’t manage to get away as he wasstill holding her hands crossed at her back and barely managed to

pull out.

“What the…” The werewolf didn’t even get a chance to finish his sentence as the lycan stormed hisway and grabbed his throat, throwing him against the wall. He could hear the sound of a few bonescrushing at impact, but it wasn’t even nearly enough.

Three girls. He planned to have sex with three girls tonight just to hurt Savvy. Kyle never had a mate,and he couldn’t even imagine what kind of pain that was. However, he heard some things. Musclesbeing torn from the bones, skin peeled, thick needles pierced into each inch again and again… Thosewere just a few comparisons that came to his mind now. And he wanted Zack Morgan to experienceeach of those. He got one of the best mates possible, and this was what he was doing to her.Unbelievable!

The rage went through every cell of the lycan’s body.

The girls hectically tried to gather their things and leave. They were all werewolves. Probably maids orsomeone of lower ranks. There was no way a lycaness would participate in something like this with amere werewolf like Zack. Not thinking twice, Kyle closed the distance between the two of them and,lifting Zack up by his hair, started punching him again and again until his fist was properly bloodied.

The pathetic being tried to block a few punches and then tried kicking Kyle in the chest, probably topush him away. But the lycan only chuckled when he grabbed the prick’s fist and

31. You Saw Nothing

Kyle knew what he had to do very well. He might have been the good guy who loved joking around andhaving fun, but at the same time, he came here with one purpose and one purpose only – to protect hisbest childhood friend at all costs. And this time blogging as the Truthteller wasn’t going to cut it.

He knew it the moment he saw that piece of garbage in the hall and had to pretend that nothing washappening. But the more he observed Zack Morgan, the faster he came to the realisation that he wouldhave to deal with him personally. He had already seen his friend in the pit of despair, and he wasn’tgoing to let that traitor push her back again right when she started to return to her usual self. It wassurprising that the North influenced Savvy in such a way, but Kyle was ready to take it. Whatever madeher happy. They grew up like siblings since their parents died at about the same time, and other thanher, Reid and Gideon, Kyle had no one else.

It was easy to find Zack’s room. He already knew where the guest wing was, and from there, he reliedon the as*hole’s scent: The stench of revolting mint led him to the door, and he heard moans comingfrom the inside. He was doing it again. Even after seeing his mate tonight! Knowing what it would makeher experience far too well.

Kyle’s fists clenched involuntarily as he heard a loud slap and more moaning.

“Yes, baby, like that!” Zack grunted on the other side of the door, and the next moment Kyle knockedthe whole thing out with his foot. The girls in the room screamed and ran in opposite directions from theluxurious bed in the centre, leaving Zack alone with the one who didn’t manage to get away as he wasstill holding her hands crossed at her back and barely managed to pull out

“What the…” The werewolf didn’t even get a chance to finish his sentence as the lycan stormed hisway and grabbed his throat, throwing him against the wall. He could hear the sound of a few bonescrushing at impact, but it wasn’t even nearly enough.

Three girls. He planned to have sex with three girls tonight just to hurt Savvy. Kyle never had a mate,and he couldn’t even imagine what kind of pain that was. However, he heard some things. Musclesbeing torn from the bones, skin peeled, thick needles pierced into each inch again and again… Thosewere just a few comparisons that came to his mind now. And he wanted Zack Morgan to experience

each of those. He got one of the best mates possible, and this was what he was doing to her.Unbelievable!novelbin

The rage went through every cell of the lycan’s body.

The girls hectically tried to gather their things and leave. They were all werewolves. Probably maids orsomeone of lower ranks. There was no way a lycaness would participate in something like this with amere werewolf like Zack. Not thinking twice, Kyle closed the distance between the two of them and,lifting Zack up by his hair, started punching him again and again until his fist was properly bloodied.

The pathetic being tried to block a few punches and then tried kicking Kyle in the chest, probably topush him away. But the lycan only chuckled when he grabbed the prick’s fist and

31. You Saw Nothing

Kyle knew what he had to do very well. He might have been the good guy who loved joking around andhaving fun, but at the same time, he came here with one purpose and one purpose only – to protect hisbest childhood friend at all costs. And this time blogging as the Truthteller wasn’t going to cut it.

He knew it the moment he saw that piece of garbage in the hall and had to pretend that nothing washappening. But the more he observed Zack Morgan, the faster he came to the realisation that he wouldhave to deal with him personally. He had already seen his friend in the pit of despair, and he wasn’tgoing to let that traitor push her back again right when she started to return to her usual self. It wassurprising that the North influenced Savvy in such a way, but Kyle was ready to take it. Whatever madeher happy. They grew up like siblings since their parents died at about the same time, and other thanher, Reid and Gideon, Kyle had no one else.

It was easy to find Zack’s room. He already knew where the guest wing was, and from there, he reliedon the as*hole’s scent. The stench of revolting mint led him to the door, and he heard moans coming

from the inside. He was doing it again. Even after seeing his mate tonight! Knowing what it would makeher experience far too well.

Kyle’s fists clenched involuntarily as he heard a loud slap and more moaning.

“Yes, baby, like that!” Zack grunted on the other side of the door, and the next moment Kyle knockedthe whole thing out with his foot. The girls in the room screamed and ran in opposite directions from theluxurious bed in the centre, leaving Zack alone with the one who didn’t manage to get away as he wasstill holding her hands crossed at her back and barely managed to pull out.

“What the…” The werewolf didn’t even get a chance to finish his sentence as the lycan stormed hisway and grabbed his throat, throwing him against the wall. He could hear the sound of a few bonescrushing at impact, but it wasn’t even nearly enough.

Three girls. He planned to have s*x with three girls tonight just to hurt Savvy. Kyle never had a mate,and he couldn’t even imagine what kind of pain that was. However, he heard some things. Musclesbeing torn from the bones, skin peeled, thick needles pierced into each inch again and again… Thosewere just a few comparisons that came to his mind now. And he wanted Zack Morgan to experienceeach of those. He got one of the best mates possible, and this was what he was doing to her.Unbelievable!

The rage went through every cell of the lycan’s body.

The girls hectically tried to gather their things and leave. They were all werewolves. Probably maids orsomeone of lower ranks. There was no way a lycaness would participate in something like this with amere werewolf like Zack. Not thinking twice, Kyle closed the distance between the two of them and,lifting Zack up by his hair, started punching him again and again until his fist was properly bloodied.

The pathetic being tried to block a few punches and then tried kicking Kyle in the chest, probably topush him away. But the lycan only chuckled when he grabbed the prick’s fist and

twisted it to ensure it was broken too. Zack’s painful groan sounded like music to his ears.

Another punch – and his lip was split, blood gathering in the corners of his mouth, One more – and theeye was so swollen. He probably couldn’t see with it anymore.

Kyle didn’t wish to stop. In fact, he wanted to continue until this man was erased from the face of theplanet

It should have been Savvy’s kill, but something went wrong today and she didn’t finish him off.However, Kyle did not intend to let continue her suffering. She would forgive him sooner or later. Shealways did. But that piece of trash would be dead and wouldn’t be able to hurt her anymore

“Stop!” he heard a voice, and someone’s hand grabbed his. Yet Kyle didn’t plan to stop, so he justsnapped his head to that person and snarled at… her.

Petra’s mentor, Evelynn, didn’t even flinch. Out of everyone in this castle, she was the last person heexpected to see.

“Go away,” Kyle growled loudly, his wolf barely holding back. They both wanted Zack’s blood. All of it

Evelynn’s grip on him became tighter, and he felt her claws elongating, digging into his skin until it bledtoo. Surprisingly, that brought him back to his senses, and this time he furrowed his brows at her.

“Trust me, he deserves this!” The lycan clenched his lips.

“I have no doubt,” the she-wolf in front of him released him and fixed her perfect hairdo, her chocolatehair shining in the light of the candles in the room.

Candles! The asshole lit up candles for his fours*me!

One of the girls was ready to leave, but Evelynn turned to her and commanded, “Stay right there!Everyone!”

Surprisingly, all three she-wolves froze on the spot.

“Just pretend you didn’t see anything.” Kyle told her and turned back to Zack, ready to connect with hisnose again. It still wasn’t broken, and this just wouldn’t do.

“if you kill him, your girl will be eliminated!” Evelynn said calmly and went to close the now crookeddoor. “If that’s what you want, then be my guest.”

Kyle wanted to crush the basterd’s skull; however, he knew very well that he couldn’t make suchdecisions on behalf of Savvy. She did not want to be eliminated. That was for sure.

His eyes locked with Zack and the werewolf smirked at him, “See, you can’t do anything, boy!”

This earned him yet another punch. Not a fatal one, but enough to knock a few teeth out of his mouthand send him to the floor where he belonged.

Kyle was breathing heavily, not knowing what to do now and how to calm his nerves. Luckily for him,Evelynn placed her delicate hand on his shoulder and gestured to the exit.

“Let’s go,” she said calmly, and he followed her. But the woman stopped at the door and turned to lookat the three girls in the room. “No word of this to anyone. If you say anything, it will be your wordagainst mine. And trust me, the King, the Princess and literally everyone else will believe me over you.That includes you too, Alpha. You are a stranger in the North. A stranger who


no one likes. I have a backup of at least four Northern Alphas behind my back. Don’t test me.”

“Not planning to,” Zack spat blood on the floor and wiped his mouth angrily. He could barely stand onhis feet

“Let’s go,” Evelynn grabbed Kyle and pulled him out of the room.

She was walking firmly, and for a while, he wasn’t sure where she was taking him. Until she pushedone of the doors, and they found themselves inside cosy chambers in green and beige tones. Thespace was much bigger than what was offered to him, Zara and Savannah.

“Is this your room?” Kyle wondered, and she nodded affirmatively, getting fresh towels out of thewardrobe.

“To the bathroom,” she ordered curtly, and now he was intrigued. “What is this, foreplay?” he chuckledas he followed her order.

“In your dreams!” She rolled her eyes and placed the towels on the sink. “Strip and get into theshower.”

Now he looked at her with a smirk, “I am getting some really mixed signals here, Lynn.”

“It’s Evelynn to you,” she corrected him with a sneer. “Hand me your clothes and wash off the blood.Clean the shower after yourself too, as I am not doing it. And don’t think for a moment my help to you isfree of charge.”

“Oh?” he cocked his brow and unbuttoned his shirt quickly. “So, you want something from me then?”

“Of course, I do.” She didn’t even flinch when he got rid of the shirt entirely and started unbuckling hispants. “Otherwise, I’d push you off that hypothetical cliff now and call Princess Elene myself. Thenwatch you and your girl burn in her wrath while sipping my wine.”

“How cruel!” Kyle lost his pants and stood before her, waiting for a reaction, but only heard a laugh asEvelynn turned on her heels.

“Get it done fast! You are going to get Petra out of today’s mess before you leave my room,” shewarned him, walking away.

“Seriously?” he scoffed, following the woman with his gaze and finding her incredibly attractive in thisboss mode of hers. “You think Petra still has a chance to marry Kai?”

“She doesn’t,” Evelynn shook her head and turned to glare at him. “Neither do I want her to. She wasnever a candidate. But believe it or not, her performance here will impact her whole life. If she doesn’tmeet her mate, and not everyone is so lucky, she would have the best Northern Alphas asking for herhand. If she fails, she will be a laughingstock. I can’t afford that.”

“You really love her, don’t you?” Kyle leaned against the doorframe with his hands folded on his chest.Still bare to her gaze.

“She is all I have,” Evelynn confessed unexpectedly and then erased emotions from her face in lessthan a second. “So, chop-chop! You have a lot of work to do!”


Savannah wiped her eyes again to make sure it wasn’t some kind of illusion.

“Now?” she giggled and looked at Kai’s excited face. “I am a little underdressed, don’t you think?”“Don’t tempt me, woman,” he growled, and while she expected him to push her back on the



en in


bed and have his way with her, she saw him taking off his jacket, only to wrap it around her shoulders.The King then went to the wardrobe to find something she did not anticipate. Good hiking boots

“Really?” Savvy arched her brow at him as he knelt in front of her to help put them on, clearly in ahurry, lacing the shoes up.

“Really,” he confirmed with a grin as he took her hand and pulled her after him. He was wearing a greywool sweater and jeans; somehow, she liked it more than the suits he had to put on for the officialevents. It suited him more.

As he led her out of the castle, the night sky was dusted with the stars. It seemed that not a soul wasaround except for the guards on their usual posts.

“Where are we going exactly?” she wondered and saw the corners of his lips curling into a smug smile.

“It’s a surprise!” he said as he brought her to a huge car next to the gates. This was already not whatshe expected at all.

Kai took the driver’s seat, and she was right next to him when they drove off. He was taking her to themountains surrounding the castle. She always wondered what was up there.

Well, now she had a chance to see for herself.

The narrow icy serpentine roads made Savvy remember a few old prayers to the Moon Goddess, butthe view of the castle, the small towns down below with their glimmering lights and the northern woodsthat stretched for miles and miles made up for pretty much everything. However, mostly it was thanks

to the fact that he just came back from a battle and went straight to see her and take her to… MoonGoddess knows where. This was the most romantic thing that anyone had ever done for her,

Unless he was going to push her off that mountain, of course, but the pure excitement on his face toldher it was nothing of the sort.

“Is it really safe for us to go outside alone again?” she asked and bit her lip at once, knowing that it wasa sensitive topic for him.

“No worries,” he assured her with a chuckle, “every inch around the castle is heavily protected. Mywarriors are everywhere here. You will not see them, but they are close.”

“Nice to know,” she mumbled and looked at him apologetically. However, the Lycan King only placedhis hand on top of hers and gave it a light squeeze. This little gesture of reassurance brought peace toher at once.

Soon the car stopped at a place Savvy would never have predicted it could stop. She looked out of thewindow again and realised that only two feet from the door of her car was a steep hill descending intothe white mist. She couldn’t even see the ground behind the fog.

“Come this way,” Kai offered her a hand and helped her to get out through the driver’s seat, which shegladly accepted as she wasn’t a big fan of heights.

Savannah noticed that he took her into what looked like a cave. He had an old camping lantern in hisarm, which he switched on almost immediately to illuminate their way.

Savvy gasped when she saw the cave’s walls covered with carvings. Intricate patterns revealed thepictures of wolves and people, lycans and bears, each chisel mark crisp and

well-formed. She quickly realised that they weren’t just images. They were stories and she had neverseen anything like it.

But Kai ignored all that and kept walking, tugging her after himself. “Wait,” she tried to stop him. “Whatis this place? Is that… Fenrir?”

She pointed at an image of a huge wolf who was carved and then painted black all over. Next to himstood a woman in a beautiful dress, with a crescent in her hair.

“And is that the Moon Goddess?”

“That’s just some maiden,” the King stopped for a moment and then pointed at a picture of a womanwith a crescent crown and on a throne, wearing armour and with a sword in her hand, “That is theMoon Goddess.”

“Huh,” Savvy stopped. “We paint her differently in the West.”

“Yeah, I know,” Kai snorted, finally making a stop and letting her admire the ancient art. “You paint herin pretty dresses.”

“You are saying that as if there is something wrong with that!” Savvy looked at him with a challenge,waiting for his answer.

“It’s just … she is the most powerful woman and goddess. We see her as a warrior deity. That’s all.”

“So?” Savannah let out a little laugh. “Do you think a pretty dress will suddenly make her less powerfulor less of a warrior?”

“I feel like it’s a trick question and choose not to reply to that!” The Northern King made a wise choiceand grasped the Princess’ hand again. “Come on! I don’t want us to miss it!”

They walked through a tunnel with carvings until Savvy saw a round opening in one of the walls. Thisone also went straight to the cliff, and she hoped that this wasn’t their final destination

The flicker of hope, however, was soon extinguished by Kai, who threw a blanket on the ground rightnext to the edge and placed the lantern nearby, gesturing for her to join him.

“Come, Savvy, it almost started.”

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