The Luna Trials

Chapter 29
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Chapter 29

29. No Second Chances

Savannah came back to the main hall and found Celia giving her interview. The girl seemed cheerfuland giggled a lot, but at the same time, her knee was twitching, signalling how nervous she was. Celiawasn’t handling the pressure well Too bad for a Luna of The North candidate. Although she wasn’t areal contender, was she?

Elene sat on a high golden chair behind the cameras and made some notes in a little notebook fromtime to time. Chloe and Claude were doing the same. Sadly, Savvy realised that they would be theones giving them points for their performance today. What was worse, with Kai gone, no one would behere to help her out

Then again, was it really a problem? Considering they had already chosen each other.

It was probably stupid, but Savvy believed him. She believed everything he said, and only when shefelt a heavy gaze on her, she lifted her eyes and shivered, seeing Zack. Bad memories flooded hermind at once.

She already believed a man blindly once.

The princess turned on her heels and walked away without sparing him an extra glance. She couldn’tdeal with him now, so it was best that they did not meet each other.

She came back to the table with snacks and beverages and saw Evelyn still working on wrappingPetra’s tulle cape around her to imitate a skirt. Kyle was right next to them, having the time of his life,judging by the cheesy grin plastered across his face.

“Give it to me!” Evelyn pointed at his black tie, and he started to untie it with a curious expression. Sheyanked it out of his hands and wrapped it around Petra’s waist.

“Do I look bad?” The pink-haired girl was on the verge of crying. “Trust me,” Kyle smirked, “not a singleman in the room thinks that.”

“Thanks!” Petra beamed at him, suddenly happy and cheerful again. “And thanks for your help!”

“Some help that was!” Evelyn gritted her teeth, and her eyes flashed purple when she glanced at Kyleangrily.

“Always at your service!” he saluted them and was about to leave when Evelyn stood in his way. Withhands crossed on her chest, she lifted her chin to give the guy a look of disdain.

“Mess with my girl one more time, and you will regret it!” She warned him, and now Kyle looked trulyinterested.

“Me?” he gasped, grasping his heart. “Mess with Petra? Never! You can rest assured…”

The next moment the graceful woman gripped the lapels of his blazer, pulling him closer by force.However, it looked like she was simply fixing the jacket. Savvy was impressed with her. Not manywould dare do this to a lycan. Then again, the North was different. And lycans here were different too.

“I don’t like to repeat myself,” she whispered on the verge of hissing, luckily everyone was watchingCelia’s interview. “Do it again, and your little secret will come out! You love the truth,

don’t you?

Kyle’s smirk faded at once, and Savvy herself almost gasped, hearing these words. Did Evelynmanage to find out that Kyle was the Truthteller? That was fast! Not to mention that this could causepotential problems for them.

“Who doesn’t like the truth?” The lycan ran his hand through his hair, still playing his role of thecareless young man. “Especially when the truth can be so useful. Don’t you think so?” He winked at the

she-wolf in front of him, and Evelyn pursed her lips together and nodded curtly. After which, she wavedhim off, dismissing him as if he was a nobody, and then returned to check on Petra as it was almost herturn to go.

Kyle stood there for a while with his mouth open, hands in his pockets until he met Savvy’s glance andgave her a can you believe this look. But a mischievous glint in his eyes did not escape his friend. Hewas having fun!

Happy that at least someone was enjoying himself during all this, Savvy looked around and met thegaze of her mate again. She couldn’t wait for the official part to be over so she could leave.

“Salome, it’s your turn,” Elene gestures for the witch to take the seat in front of the sibling hosts. Thewoman looked stunning tonight in sparkling black, and Savannah remembered the videos from thismorning. Familiar unpleasant darkness spread over her chest. Ugly, sticky and painful, it was a horriblefeeling and she didn’t like it one bit. However, Kai’s words about Salome wanting only an alliance weregiving her hope that she would indeed leave tonight.

In the meantime, the hosts and the guest had already exchanged pleasantries.

“So the first question I want to ask,” Chloe tilted her head just the way she did before an attack, but thewitch raised her hand, gesturing for her to stop.

“I have to apologise,” Salome flashed a sincere smile. “only came here today not to be rude, but I amnot going to give an interview.”

“Are you sure?” Claude chuckled. “This would mean you don’t get any points for this, and after a verysuccessful date with the King, you would be back to square one.”

“Yes, I am aware,” the woman admitted and played with the shimmering sequins of her gown. “Butthat’s the thing, after getting to know Kai better, we both realised that there aren’t any sparks. What

kind of union would it be without any attraction between the two of us? So, I have made a choice toleave the Luna Trials immediately.”

“And throw a chance like that away?” Chloe arched her brow and pursed her lips. She was clearlydisappointed not to be able to go on with her initial plan, but there wasn’t anything she could do

“I am not throwing away anything,” the corners of Salome’s lips curved. “We are parting as friends.How many people can call the Northern Lycan King a friend? Can you?”

Savvy had to give it to the witch. She had the best way out. There was no chance in hell of her winning,and she was leaving without the humiljation of being eliminated by someone. It was her own decision.

She stood in the crowd along with everyone and felt the strong scent of mint coating her. Athena wasuncomfortable because the mate bond forced her to feel attracted to the man standing right behindthem. It was almost unbearable.

However, it got worse and escalated quickly when his hand brushed up and down hers, waves andwaves of tingles rippling through her.

At this rate, she’d start hating tingles soon, loathing the sensation ….

Zack was using the fact that she couldn’t leave without making a fuss about it, his fingers were drawingsmall circles on her skin. For a moment there, Savannah had to close her eyes not to let the mate bondcloud her judgement. She remembered their one and only night together, but then she recalled how hechased her through the woods with his warriors. And she was pretty sure he would have killed her if hehad a chance. She was just lucky to escape.

Yes, that memory helped her a lot, and Savannah came back to her senses, choosing to move forward,closer to the stage. Anything to escape him!

Autumn, the fox from the South was getting properly red for some reason. Savvy didn’t know what thetwins asked her, and she didn’t care. Instead, she pivoted and strode to the main door to try and getsome air. The Western Princess walked out and decided to hide in the corridor where she and Kai hadso much fun just recently, hoping no one would follow her. Sighing, the princess touched the wall shewas leaning on just under two hours ago as if she could get more strength by doing so.

She heard the steps first, the minty scent followed soon, making her growl in anger. How dared he beso brazen? After hiding from her for months, her annoying mate couldn’t leave her alone.

“How long are you going to keep ignoring me?!” Zack demanded as if he had a right to do so and shefelt that this audacity of his had no limits.

“Ignore you?” A cruel laugh rocked her chest as she turned to face him. “Oh, Zack, I am not planning toignore you at all.”

“I know you are trying to scare me now, Savvy,” her mate placed his hands in his pockets and leanedagainst the wall, dangerously close to her. He was so close that if she simply stretched her hand, shecould … probably strangle him in a minute or so. Maybe even break his neck if the angle was right.

“Oh, Zack, I am not even trying,” she scoffed, her laughter echoing through the passages. “But I betyou are scared nonetheless. Is that why you were hiding for so long?”

They were staring at each other as if it was a real battle.

“I wasn’t hiding,” the man said after a while, still not taking his eyes off her. It seemed like he couldn’tget enough of this closeness. Even if it was just an illusion. Right now, they couldn’t have been furtherapart. “I was thinking of how to fix everything!”

“You are a traitor, Zack!” she took a huffish stance. “I am afraid everything is beyond fixing for you!”

“Savvy, don’t say that!” he tried to take a step towards her, but she flashed her canines at him andgrowled a warning. “Whatever happened in the past, however foolish I have been, nothing will changethe fact that we are mates!”

She let out another laugh. This was too good!

“Wow, Zack,” she pushed herself off the wall and stalked towards him slowly, noticing how he gulped atthe sight of her, “I always knew that you were a sick basterd who can’t keep his word and has no heart,but I had no idea that you are also delusional!”


“No heart?” He looked at her sheepishly and chuckled bitterly. “Is that what you think of


“Uh-huh,” she confirmed his suspicions with a nod and a sneer.novelbin

“Savvy, what happened between us was what broke my heart. I love you so much. my beautiful mate! Icouldn’t…”

“Stop!” she gritted her teeth, angry that he was throwing big words like that into play. “Don’t you dare gothere!”

“Why not?” His hazel eyes glowed. “Because for someone who claims to love me, you did everything tohurt me the most!”

He clenched his lips, looking for words. This definitely wasn’t going according to his plan, especiallysince he knew what was at stake here

“And you had your revenge.” His voice sounded dry and full of pain. “It happened here in this hallway,right? This place still smells of the two of you! Did you let the King touch you to get back at me?”

“You must be thinking too highly of yourself,” Savvy couldn’t help but snort. “Nothing I do has anythingto do with you! You were dead to me the moment I heard you plotting to kill my brother and using meas a breeder for your perfect heirs.”

“So, you heard my conversation with Castiel?” He looked away just for a moment but quickly returnedhis gaze to her face. “And what if I tell you that you misunderstood me? Have you ever thought ofthat?”

“I have,” she chuckled, even enjoying this conversation a bit. At least it wasn’t boring. “But then I cameto the conclusion that nope, you weren’t misunderstood. You are just an as*hole who thinks of himselfonly.”

“I wanted to gain Castiel’s trust to help your brother. I had to tell him what he wanted to hear,” hestarted speaking, and she rolled her eyes.

“Was that why your people tried to catch me whatever it cost them? I saw it in their eyes. They wereready to kill me in their wolf forms.”

For a few seconds, there was only silence between the two of them. “They didn’t get my order right…..”

“Of course, they didn’t! This is probably why you ran away afterwards with them and all the useful intelyou got from that fox. To be honest, I am surprised you honoured the Northern King with yourpresence!”

“Savvy, I‘ve made many mistakes,” he interrupted her, probably realising they were not going anywherelike this. “But I am ready to forget the past and to move on to the future. With you.”

“Cause that’s happening!” Each word was laced with sarcasm. This was way less dramatic than sheimagined their next meeting to be. The stupid mate bond! She would never have fallen for a guy likehim if not for it.

“We are mates, Savannah.” Zack insisted, and she had to give it to him – he had some balls. “Fatedmates chosen by the Moon Goddess. We were made for each other, and we can make each

other happy. If you only gave me another chance ….”

“You know what, maybe I would have done it,” she lied to make a new blow. “But

unfortunately, since you managed to have lovers left and right while you were away, knowing what kindof physical pain it would cause me, there is nothing to talk about anymore. You are simply not worthy ofmy time, Zack.”

Do you think it was easy for me?” He snapped as if everything was her fault, so much pain in his eyesshe almost bought it. Almost. “My wolf was dying from the pain of separation from you, and I had to act.I was thinking about you while I was doing this, imagining you, pretending it was my beautiful perfectmate.”

“Zackie!” she tilted her head and pouted her lips. “Poor you! How did you get through all this? It musthave been so hard for you?!”

Her brows furrowed as she looked at him, and at least he wasn’t that stupid because the Alpha beforeher knew at once she was mocking him.


“Cut the cr*p!” The princess demanded, changing her tone and demeanour at once. “I was thinkingabout you too when you did this, you know. I was writhing in pain each time, trying to claw my own skin

and heart out while you were screwing someone and imagining me. I was imagining things too! Myfavourite fantasy was ripping your head off and being done with it quickly. It’s still the best for me!”

“Savannah ….” He repeated her name again, trying to reach her as if it could make any difference. Itcouldn’t.

“But I am willing to go with my second favourite,” the girl sneered, letting her claws grow long andtracing the one on her index finger over her lower lip. “You’d better take that chance while I still give itto you.”

“If you are talking about rejection, then forget about it!” Zack grunted. “I will never agree to lose you!”

“To lose me, you have to have me!” she exhaled heavily. “And you don’t.” “Savvy, I love you! All I ask isa new chance!”

Something inside of her was calling her to agree to this. She could still feel the pull even though shewas a royal lycaness.

Savannah breathed in deeply and smelled Kai’s scent. It was still strong in this place where he held herjust a few hours ago. The thought alone of him made her anger ease off a bit.

There was no chance of her forgiving Zack. Not now, not ever. “I, Savannah Stormhold,” she startedthe standard rejection line.

“No!” Zack growled loudly and balled his fists, heaving. “Don’t even try this. I would never agree!”

“… reject you, Alpha Zack Morgan of The Emerald Mountain pack as my true mate!” She lifted her chinhigh and let Athena give her eyes the royal golden glow. “Accept it, and I will spare your life today! Untilwe meet on a battlefield, you’ll be safe.”

“Never!” he snarled, and in one sharp moment, she was next to him, grasping his neck in her palm andshoving him against the wall, denting it by the impact.

“Say the words!” She bared her teeth. “Mark me, Savannah!” He completely misunderstood herreaction. “You know you want

“In your dreams!” she hissed, tightening her grip and lifting him on the wall. Just a bit more pressure –and she could crack the bones. Zack would be dead, and everything would be over

mWhat is going on here?!” She heard Elene’s voice behind her back, knowing that this was the worstthing that could happen now...

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