The Legendary Man

Chapter 993
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The Legendary Man Chapter 993

The Legendary Man Chapter 993- Separation

Jonathan was using his escape skill at max capacity, going through the underground as fast as hecould.novelbin

Ten meters… Twenty meters… Thirty meters…

He could feel great pressure coming in from all directions. Jonathan then spread his spiritual sense andremembered everything that was in a hundred-meter radius around him.

He took Killian and Layla and charged straight to the back of a gigantic boulder.

Back on the surface, Jason and Zachary landed next to Sean. Jason looked at Sean and said smilingly,“Where’s your master? What happened here? What’s with the crazy vita fluctuation?” He patted Sean’shead.

Right after that pat, Sean lost all strength and fell to the ground like a petrified statue. Jason’s handhung in midair, and he stared at Sean. His body was lying down at a weird angle.

Zachary quickly rushed over, crouched beside Sean, and checked the latter’s pulse. “He’s dead.”

Zachary whipped out his blade. “Something’s wrong. Find Mr. Goldstein.”

“Ah, he’ll be fine.” Jason frowned. “But something does feel off here. I felt a wave of vita, but there’snothing to show for it.”

Zachary looked around, wondering the same question as well. “Yeah, that’s why we came. To checkout what happened, but…”

The sentence was never finished. A loud bang echoed in the air, and a second bang followed, then athird. The men quickly got on guard.

A moment later, they felt the ground getting lifted, and they were taken into the air. Quickly, they tried tocast a spirit shield, but before they could even make the seals, the impact sent them flying into thedistance.

The impact from the Pryncyp divine artifacts’ explosion was enough to upend the ground within a three-hundred-meter radius. Debris and rocks flew into the air like a wave of dust. It felt like a small volcanohad just erupted, covering almost the whole of the resort.

Howls of pain filled the air as the rocks hit the soldiers standing guard. Fortunately, it wasn’t fatal.Jonathan managed to toss all the Pryncyp divine artifacts deep underground. The impact was stilldangerous, but at least the debris caused by it would not kill anyone.

“What the h*ll were you doing, Zachary?”

A few dozen silhouettes quickly made their way to ground zero to check out things, and Hades andKane were in the lead.

Kane shouted and cursed Zachary when he saw the crater in the ground.

Asura’s Office was in the middle of a critical moment. Jonathan even told them to speed up the movingprocess. Everyone was trying their hardest to finish this task as soon as possible, yet Zachary seemedto cause an explosion loud enough to alarm everyone in the mountain resort. Everyone would be angryat that.

“What the f*ck are you screaming for?” A bloodied Zachary rose from a flowerbed a few dozen yardsaway. “You think I did that? Hey, I was trying to figure out who’s the culprit. Someone f*cking bombedthis place without permission! If I find out who did that, I’m going to rip them apart limb from limb.”

The ground behind Zachary was trembling and undulating like it was a puddle of water, then Jonathanemerged from the ground with Killian and Layla in his arms.

He put his hand on Zachary’s shoulder and coolly said, “You want to tear me limb from limb?”

Zachary froze in terror and looked to his colleagues for help, but Hades turned his attention elsewhere.

“Um, I have a meeting to attend.”

“Yeah, there are a few agendas we still have to discuss.”

Kane took the chance and excused himself along with Hades.

Zachary looked at Jason. “Hey, Jason, we came together, so…”

“What do you mean we came together? I was just passing by. I have no idea what you’re talkingabout.” Jason tucked his scalpel away and clasped his fist. “Do what you need, Mr. Goldstein. Don’t letme hold you back.”

Jonathan nodded and tightened his grip on Zachary’s shoulder. “Someone’s getting bolder.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Goldstein…” Zachary wanted to cry. He was just babbling out of rage. He never thoughtJonathan would hear that. “I didn’t mean it, Mr. Goldstein…”

Jonathan harrumphed and spread his spiritual sense again, seeing everything in a hundred-meterradius, but there was no sign of Sean’s corpse.

“Zachary, I want everyone to evacuate Edenic Heights in twenty-four hours, get it?”

“Um, yes, sir.” Zachary thought Jonathan would whoop his a**, but he got a weird order instead.

Jonathan looked around him and heaved a sigh. “The real reason I ordered the move is to preventRemdik’s retaliation. Remdik isn’t the only enemy we have to face. There are loads of countries whomight send their forces to Chanaea soon.”

A solemn look appeared on Zachary’s face. “Mr. Goldstein, are you sure you want to cut all ties withAsura’s Office?”

“Yes.” Jonathan nodded. “I’m a living, walking signpost. If I’m around, the office might be more united,but at the same time, my enemies will target everyone as well. With how I am now, I am no longer fit tobe the symbol of Asura’s Office. The next symbol will be one of you guys, so work for it.”

“Yes, sir!” Zachary answered solemnly, his eyes dimming.

Jonathan didn’t count himself as a part of the moving task. Once they were done moving Asura’sOffice, not even Jonathan would know of their new location.

On top of that, he had destroyed his communication device. It would be a long time before they couldmeet again.

With Jonathan’s Pryncyp destroyed, his cultivation level was regressing. With how many enemies hehad out there, this might be the last time they saw each other.

“Mr. Goldstein.” Zachary looked at Jonathan and forced a smile. “Guardian Army will always be loyal toyou. No matter where you are, call us, and we’ll come running. No questions asked.”

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