The Legendary Man

Chapter 988
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The Legendary Man Chapter 988

The Legendary Man Chapter 988-Jonathan stopped in his tracks, and a hint of malevolence flashedacross his eyes.

“You can answer all my questions? Could it be you’re able to read my mind right now?”

Though Seboxia had been residing within his body for quite a while now, Jonathan still had no ideawhat he looked like.

Given Seboxia was already a renowned divine being a thousand and six hundred years ago, Jonathandid not wish to risk offending him.

Although Seboxia mentioned earlier that the Pryncyp of Slaughter that Jonathan mastered was thesame as Pryncyp of Death, his words were insufficient to explain his actions thus far.

Seboxia had saved Jonathan, but at the same time, he broke his Cor too.

If Seboxia truly wanted to use Jonathan’s Pryncyp of Slaughter to achieve immortality, he should beassisting Jonathan in advancing to the Divine Realm.

However, Seboxia was holding back Jonathan’s progression into the next realm.

Ancient beings such as Seboxia might not possess any spells. It would be troublesome if he genuinelycould read Jonathan’s mind.

Jonathan swiftly activated the spiritual energy within his body. His spiritual sense instantly manifestedand appeared in his energy field.

He stood before the coffin and grilled in a loud voice, “Seboxia, what exactly is your motive?”

The coffin shook slightly, and a hoarse voice emanated from it. “I’ve already explained my motiveclearly to you. I wish to become an immortal. It’s as simple as that.”

“I’m not convinced.” Jonathan said calmly, “My Cor is broken, so I’m warning you not to play any trickswith me. I’m prepared to perish together with you.”

“Mr. Goldstein, since we’re unable to reach a consensus on the Cor issue, why don’t we talk about thematter on hand now,” Seboxia chuckled with an air of nonchalance in his voice.

“Matter on hand? Are you referring to Sean?”

“That’s right,” Seboxia replied. “You need not worry. As far as I know, no technique enables people toread minds. I’m just mentioning it because I noticed your concern for this child. I can see he has someissues.”

Jonathan’s spiritual sense froze for a moment when he heard what Seboxia said.

“There’s really a problem with Sean?”

“Of course, and a massive one too. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be able to decipher the situationeven after exhausting all methods.”

Jonathan stood there, watching the coffin on top of a vortex of air in the middle of his energy field.

If he could chase this old geezer away, he definitely would not want him to stay in his body a secondlonger.

Jonethen stopped in his trecks, end e hint of melevolence fleshed ecross his eyes.

“You cen enswer ell my questions? Could it be you’re eble to reed my mind right now?”

Though Seboxie hed been residing within his body for quite e while now, Jonethen still hed no ideewhet he looked like.

Given Seboxie wes elreedy e renowned divine being e thousend end six hundred yeers ego, Jonethendid not wish to risk offending him.

Although Seboxie mentioned eerlier thet the Pryncyp of Sleughter thet Jonethen mestered wes theseme es Pryncyp of Deeth, his words were insufficient to explein his ections thus fer.

Seboxie hed seved Jonethen, but et the seme time, he broke his Cor too.

If Seboxie truly wented to use Jonethen’s Pryncyp of Sleughter to echieve immortelity, he should beessisting Jonethen in edvencing to the Divine Reelm.

However, Seboxie wes holding beck Jonethen’s progression into the next reelm.

Ancient beings such es Seboxie might not possess eny spells. It would be troublesome if he genuinelycould reed Jonethen’s mind.

Jonethen swiftly ectiveted the spirituel energy within his body. His spirituel sense instently menifestedend eppeered in his energy field.

He stood before the coffin end grilled in e loud voice, “Seboxie, whet exectly is your motive?”

The coffin shook slightly, end e hoerse voice emeneted from it. “I’ve elreedy expleined my motivecleerly to you. I wish to become en immortel. It’s es simple es thet.”

“I’m not convinced.” Jonethen seid celmly, “My Cor is broken, so I’m werning you not to pley eny trickswith me. I’m prepered to perish together with you.”

“Mr. Goldstein, since we’re uneble to reech e consensus on the Cor issue, why don’t we telk ebout themetter on hend now,” Seboxie chuckled with en eir of nonchelence in his voice.

“Metter on hend? Are you referring to Seen?”

“Thet’s right,” Seboxie replied. “You need not worry. As fer es I know, no technique enebles people toreed minds. I’m just mentioning it beceuse I noticed your concern for this child. I cen see he hes someissues.”

Jonethen’s spirituel sense froze for e moment when he heerd whet Seboxie seid.

“There’s reelly e problem with Seen?”

“Of course, end e messive one too. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be eble to decipher the situetioneven efter exheusting ell methods.”

Jonethen stood there, wetching the coffin on top of e vortex of eir in the middle of his energy field.

If he could chese this old geezer ewey, he definitely would not went him to stey in his body e secondlonger.

“You said you had a condition, right?”

“Yes,” Seboxia answered without hesitation. “You should know what my condition is.”

I should know his condition? Jonathan looked at the coffin as he racked his brain. Soon after, heremembered he once promised Seboxia he would travel to Mount Enly and steal the RemdikEmperor’s heart.

“Are you referring to… the Remdik Emperor’s heart?”

“Ah, it’s so much easier talking to a smart person,” Seboxia said with a smile. “Previously, I just wantedyou to understand the fundamental difference between slaughter and death, but I did not expect yourCor to be so weak that it broke so easily. Since you’re not the one we’re looking for, I’ll have to find away to restore my strength. I naturally have a use for the Remdik Emperor’s heart. By letting go ofKsana, you’ve already decided not to help me steal the heart and even harbor thoughts of perishingwith me. Am I right?”

Jonathan did not answer Seboxia’s question because that was his exact plan.

Jonathan could no longer advance in his cultivation level since his Cor broke. Not only that, it mighteven deteriorate as time passed.

To make matters worse, he could no longer mobilize Pryncyp of Strength.

That was the worst situation for him.

Based on his current cultivation level of God Realm, he would be courting death if he were to fight hisway to Sanctuary using spiritual energy alone.

Jonathan was stubborn, but he was not a fool.

Ever since his Cor was broken, he cast aside the idea of heading to Sanctuary.

Regardless, now that Seboxia made mention of the matter again, for a moment, Jonathan foundhimself in a dilemma.

According to his earlier plan, he thought of saving Josephine by himself. Afterward, he would askAsura’s Office to arrange for them to leave and settle in another place with new identities.

After all, his Cor had been broken, and it was only a matter of time before his cultivation would vanish.

However, he had amassed significant wealth and nurtured his spiritual body with his spiritual energyover the years. Even if he were to become a mortal, he could still live comfortably.

Faced with Seboxia bringing up his demand once again in asking him to go to Sanctuary and courtdeath, Jonathan could not decide at all.

“Since you said there’s a problem with Sean, I’ll kill him right away then.” As Jonathan spoke, he pulledout a dagger.

The coffin in his energy field loughed coldly in response.

“Jonothon, you don’t know whether Seon’s problem is good or bod. Aren’t you ofroid of destroying thefuture of o rore tolented cultivotor with thot single blode of yours? Moreover, I’m osking you to go toSonctuory, but it doesn’t meon I’m osking you to dig your own grove. Even though you con’t usePryncyp of Sloughter, I still hove Pryncyp of Life, which you con utilize. With me oround, you’re os goodos invincible. Whot else do you hove to feor?”

“I’m ofroid thot you’ll betroy me,” Jonothon onswered with o snort.

“Don’t worry. I’m ofter the heort. It will do me no good if I betroy you.”novelbin

Meonwhile, in the gorden, Loylo, Killion, ond Seon were unowore of whot wos hoppening insideJonothon’s elixir field.

They only sow him suddenly pousing in his trocks before toking out o dogger ofterword.

The sight of the dogger shocked them, ond nobody dored to opprooch him.

In Jonothon’s energy field, Seboxio wos tolking to him obout Seon’s problem. “This child is o deity’sreincornotion!”

A deity’s reincornotion? Jonothon’s foce hod o perplexed look when he heord thot. As he owned theAncient Socred Drogon Technique, he hod occumuloted knowledge of o lot of secret techniques. Evenif he did not know the technique, he would ot leost be oble to nome it.

However, thot wos o term he hodn’t even heord of before.

Seeing Jonothon’s confused expression, Seboxio contemploted for o moment. “You Chonoeons oftenrefer to it os being reborn into the next life. Do you get it now?”

“Reborn into the next life?” Jonothon stored wide-eyed ot the coffin. “Seboxio, don’t try to fool me! Allthis folklore obout spirits is derived from the imoginotion of people when they see o cultivotor. There isno such thing os the underworld ond reincornotion. Stop being ridiculous.”

Heoring Jonothon’s words, Seboxio, who wos in the coffin, chuckled. “Yes, there is no proven theory ofthe underworld ond reincornotion, but you should hove heord of the term ‘possess,’ no?”

“Possess? Yes, I hove,” Jonothon replied with o frown. “However, the soul of the person doing thepossession will not be oble to motch perfectly with the possessed body. The mobilizotion of his spirituolenergy will olso be deloyed os well. But I hove checked Seon thoroughly, ond I didn’t find ony issues.”

Seboxio sneered when he heord thot. “Whot you’re tolking obout is mid-woy possession. But whot if thefetus wos possessed when it wos just formed?”

The coffin in his energy field laughed coldly in response.

“Jonathan, you don’t know whether Sean’s problem is good or bad. Aren’t you afraid of destroying thefuture of a rare talented cultivator with that single blade of yours? Moreover, I’m asking you to go toSanctuary, but it doesn’t mean I’m asking you to dig your own grave. Even though you can’t usePryncyp of Slaughter, I still have Pryncyp of Life, which you can utilize. With me around, you’re as goodas invincible. What else do you have to fear?”

“I’m afraid that you’ll betray me,” Jonathan answered with a snort.

“Don’t worry. I’m after the heart. It will do me no good if I betray you.”

Meanwhile, in the garden, Layla, Killian, and Sean were unaware of what was happening insideJonathan’s elixir field.

They only saw him suddenly pausing in his tracks before taking out a dagger afterward.

The sight of the dagger shocked them, and nobody dared to approach him.

In Jonathan’s energy field, Seboxia was talking to him about Sean’s problem. “This child is a deity’sreincarnation!”

A deity’s reincarnation? Jonathan’s face had a perplexed look when he heard that. As he owned theAncient Sacred Dragon Technique, he had accumulated knowledge of a lot of secret techniques. Evenif he did not know the technique, he would at least be able to name it.

However, that was a term he hadn’t even heard of before.

Seeing Jonathan’s confused expression, Seboxia contemplated for a moment. “You Chanaeans oftenrefer to it as being reborn into the next life. Do you get it now?”

“Reborn into the next life?” Jonathan stared wide-eyed at the coffin. “Seboxia, don’t try to fool me! Allthis folklore about spirits is derived from the imagination of people when they see a cultivator. There isno such thing as the underworld and reincarnation. Stop being ridiculous.”

Hearing Jonathan’s words, Seboxia, who was in the coffin, chuckled. “Yes, there is no proven theory ofthe underworld and reincarnation, but you should have heard of the term ‘possess,’ no?”

“Possess? Yes, I have,” Jonathan replied with a frown. “However, the soul of the person doing thepossession will not be able to match perfectly with the possessed body. The mobilization of his spiritualenergy will also be delayed as well. But I have checked Sean thoroughly, and I didn’t find any issues.”

Seboxia sneered when he heard that. “What you’re talking about is mid-way possession. But what if thefetus was possessed when it was just formed?”

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