The Legendary Man

Chapter 961
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The Legendary Man Chapter 961

The Legendary Man Chapter 961-Meanwhile, in Kremalos Palace, Saspiuburg, the tsar stared blanklyat the scene unfolding before him, his expression devoid of emotion.

Seated on either side of the tsar were Remdik’s military advisor, Ivanov, and Savannah, the head of theintelligence department for the western region.

“What are Geraldo and his men doing? How could they lose when there are three of them againsttwo?” Savannah stood up; her teeth clenched as she stared at the large screen, her tone full ofdisapproval.

Her family had always had a tense relationship with Ivanov’s family, which was the main reason thetsar appointed her to work for him and oversee affairs in the western warzone.

The goal was to create a balance between the two families, but Savannah felt utterly humiliated as thetroops of the western warzone suffered frequent defeats in front of the tsar and Ivanov.

She would have ended Geraldo’s and his men’s lives out of sheer vexation had they not beenseparated by thousands of miles.

Meanwhile, Ivanov, sitting on the left side of the tsar, was carefully gauging the tsar’s reaction.

As Savannah reached for her communication device with the intention to issue new orders to Geraldoand his men, Ivanov, who thought that it was almost time, intervened.

“Forget it, Savannah. They’re no match for them,” he said, his tone measured.

“What do you mean, no match?” Savannah paused and sneered. “You’re not here to enjoy mymisfortune, are you, Ivanov? Don’t forget that if Charleigh and Jonathan are taken away, and Asura’sOffice mass-produces cultivators of the Grandmaster Realm, the eastern warzone will be the first to be

affected. Not even your four big regiments will be able to withstand the attack if war breaks out at RiverOnxy.”

Ivanov glanced at the tsar, who had yet to state his standpoint, and immediately understood the latter’sthoughts.novelbin

He got up from his seat and flashed a smile at Savannah.

“You’ve misunderstood me. What I meant was, no matter how hard you try to pressure Geraldo, giventhe current situation, he and his men are no match for those two cultivators from Chanaea.”

“That’s impossible.”

Savannah wanted to argue on behalf of her subordinates, but Ivanov’s next words silenced hercompletely.

“Savannah, do you know what that illusory spirit animal is? It’s called a soul weapon. It’s a techniquethat involves imprisoning demon beasts who have turned sentient or the souls of cultivators andrefining them into spiritual weapons. This technique has been lost throughout the ages. Only TheUntouchables possess such an ancient weapon now. All I can say is that The Untouchables fromChanaea have started to get involved, and they are very strong. Geraldo and his men might have had achance if they were at their peak, but they’ve exhausted most of their mental energy after two rounds ofbattle. They’re no match now.”

Savannah stared at the wretched state of Geraldo and his men on the large screen.

“Untouchables my ass. They’re just cowards hiding in a corner…” she said through gritted teeth,seething with frustration.

As Savannah spoke, a hint of mockery flickered in Ivanov’s eyes.

“Savannah, your position in Remdik has been secure since your birth. Given your sheltered life, it’sunderstandable that you’re not aware of certain things. Do you know why Chanaea, despite beingsurrounded by the West Region, Remdik, and Jetroina, has managed to expand its territory so greatly?The military of Chanaea was a disorganized mess before Asura’s Office took control. If our nationswere to go to war, do you not think that Remdik could have easily taken over Chanaea? Why do youthink we, the Remdikians, have worked so hard to keep Merania as a buffer zone and avoid conflictwith Chanaea at all costs?”

Savannah wanted to refute, but was at a loss for words.

“The hidden sects and The Untouchables of Chanaea should not be underestimated. How do you thinkthey have managed to defend such a vast territory with just a few God Realm cultivators? You are stillyoung and inexperienced, Savannah.”


Savannah was livid when Ivanov sneered contemptuously, but before she could say anything in retort,the tsar rose from his seat.

“Have Geraldo and his team follow Charleigh, mark their location, and inform the Divine Wind Army tolaunch an attack,” ordered the tsar before leaving the room.

Savannah didn’t dare utter a word.

It was clear that the tsar intended to use Geraldo and his team as a target for heavy artillery, wiping outeveryone within the target range.

As the tsar left the room, Ivanov grinned at Savannah.

“Issue the command, Savannah. If this drags on, those three might not even be able to provide theircoordinates.”

With that, Ivanov left the room. At that moment, Charleigh’s fate rested in Savannah’s hands, andIvanov wanted no part of it, regardless of the outcome.

Standing alone in the vast room, Savannah stared at the enormous screen in front of her, letting out adeep breath after a few seconds.

Then, she issued two orders.

The first was directed at Geraldo and his team, instructing them to engage the enemy, keep Charleighin sight, and await backup.

The second order was for the Divine Wind Army, gathered in Merania, to launch a short-range missileattack at Geraldo’s coordinates, with the only requirement being to cause extensive damage anddestruction.

For Remdik, it was imperative that Charleigh be eliminated at all costs.

Meanwhile, in the vast grasslands of Ibiville, two hundred miles north of Kushburn, a massive army ofhundreds of thousands of soldiers had just gathered and was making its way down south.

When they received the order to stop, the young and inexperienced soldiers, armed to the teeth, lookedout of the canvas of their military trucks in bewilderment.

Jonathan, who was lying in the trunk, breathed a long sigh of relief.

The fact that the army had halted meant that they had reached their destination.

Although Jonathan had no idea about Charleigh and didn’t understand why Remdik had conductedsuch a massive mobilization of troops to Merania, he was relieved to know he was one step closer toChanaea now.

He would be able to evade Remdik’s pursuit as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

Moreover, it would be relatively easier for Asura’s Office to come to his aid since they were currently inMerania. The situation was advantageous for him.

Just as Jonathan was planning his escape route, the soldiers on his military truck began to disembarkas if they had received a mysterious order.

Peering through a crack in the trunk, he was stunned by what he saw.

A missile vehicle was slowly lowering its support structure to land on the ground about a hundredmeters away.

“Remdik’s short-range K11 missile…”

Jonathan stared in disbelief at the missile vehicle.

“What in the world are the Remdikians planning?”

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