The Legendary Man

Chapter 959
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The Legendary Man Chapter 959

The Legendary Man Chapter 959-Following a loud roar, Karl turned into an afterimage and sprintedtoward the strong middle-aged man, Petrov.


The axe and sword clashed, giving off a surprisingly dull thud. A three-inch crack had crawled acrossKarl’s sword upon impact.

At the sight, Karl swiftly dodged his attacker with his palm resting on the tip of his blade before slashingPetrov in the neck.

“Your time is up!” he pronounced.

In response to the attack, Petrov let go of his axe and extended his left arm to turn his bracelet into aspiritual shield that blocked Karl’s sword, catapulting it away when the two weapons clashed.


The sword slit Karl’s palm, and blood gushed forth, but Karl summoned his blood into a projectilemotion and smeared the enemy’s shield, blocking Petrov’s field of vision.

At the same time, the ground cracked beneath them in an explosion, but Karl was not deterred. Heappeared behind his enemy in a swift movement and plunged his broken blade into Petrov’s heart.

Yet, the other Remdikian cultivator with a long sword appeared out of nowhere and knocked off Karl’sblade.

Karl quickly grabbed the sword and summoned his spiritual energy, creating clouds of energy that rosefrom his palms to form armor.

Still holding on tight to his rival’s sword, Karl jerked it backward in a strong tug and booted the man inhis groin.

“Take this!” he exclaimed as his right foot lodged between the man’s thighs.

Two of them bounced back at the force of the contact, but Karl managed to land on all fours andimmediately pounced forward again like a beast.

Then, Petrov took aim at Karl’s head and swung his axe at it.

“He’s lost it! He’s just trying to stall us!” Petrov cried out, swaying his axe repeatedly in the air tocounteract Karl’s continuous attacks.

Frustrated as he was, Petrov knew it was not time for him to get carried away by his impulses, so helooked at his two partners and ordered, “Our mission is to kill Charleigh. There’s no point wasting ourenergy on this psycho. Go kill them!”

Now that Petrov had exposed Karl’s plan, his two allies took a final glance at Karl and turned to chaseafter Charleigh and Ksana, who were utterly defenseless since one had been stripped of his cultivationand the other was plagued with injuries.

They would not be able to survive the attacks of two God Realm cultivators and could only accept theirfate.

Although the shield was planted in the ground before them and was still in protection mode, no onewas there to control it.

Under such circumstances, the spirit shield wouldn’t be able to last for long.

With all odds in their favor, the cultivator with a sword landed before Charleigh and Ksana with a smirkand flung his sword at the shield.


Charleigh and Ksana were stunned when they saw the spirit shield shake slightly, but fortunately, it didnot break.

Following the first attempt to break the shield, the other cultivator raised his fist and dealt a full-fledgepunch at it, but the shield managed to stabilize after a glowing flicker.

“How can this be? The spiritual shield shouldn’t still possess such power without support from spiritualenergy!” exclaimed the Remdikian cultivators with a frown.


Just as the two cultivators were confused, Petrov’s voice suddenly rang out behind them.

Following his voice, the two cultivators sensed the fluctuations of spiritual energy behind them, andtheir faces turned pale.

The instant they dodged to the side, Karl was already beside the shield, holding on to it with his twoarms. His raging spiritual energy was so intense it was as if he was on the verge of losing control.

It was then that the three Remdikian cultivators realized something was amiss. The spiritual energyfrom Karl’s body did not rise to the sky but instead seeped deep into the ground.

To learn what was going on, they maneuvered their spiritual sense and dove underneath Karl’s feet.

Their expressions changed when they realized Karl’s spiritual energy was forming something like a silkbelt attached to the shield embedded in the ground.

It dawned upon them that Karl had been continuously channeling his spiritual energy to the shield,although he appeared to have lost his mind and had given up on protecting Charleigh and Ksana.

They thought Karl must have gone berserk since he completely ignored the blood flowing fromunderneath his mask and continued transferring his energy to the shield.

Although such energy transmission was doable as long as it fell within the scope of ability of acultivator, it would drain the person massively since a stable transmission required at least three timesthe spiritual energy taken by the weapon itself.

Moreover, the biggest drawback of doing so was that one’s spiritual energy would need to beconstantly connected to the weapon in order to control it.

The cultivator would experience the first-hand impact through their meridians in the case of an attackagainst the weapon.

Hence, the two attacks launched by the Remdik cultivators on the shield just now had indirectly inflictedharm upon Karl, disrupting the spiritual energy within his body.

Not only would that cause him severe injury, but it could also wreck his energy field entirely, leaving himdisabled for the rest of his life, but all this meant nothing to Karl, who no longer cared about his life. Hewas ready to face his demise.

After the deaths of the cultivators from the Dark Special Forces, the guilt and grief that Karl wasexperiencing had turned into desolation and murderous intent that dominated his whole consciousnessfield.

Right at that point, Karl’s consciousness was in the combined state of sheer rage and lucidness. It wasa strange phenomenon.

His sensitivity to his surroundings was heightened, just like what happened to Ksana after she guzzleddown a whole bottle of Holy Blood.

Now that he was in a state where he had complete control of every minute element of his spiritualenergy, blood, muscle, and bones, Karl retrieved a few Spirit Rejuvenating Pills and threw them into hismouth.

As a God Realm cultivator, a single pill was enough to replenish half his spiritual energy, let alone fourto five pills.

Swallowing five Spirit Rejuvenating Pills in one go was tantamount to courting death. Apart fromJonathan, only someone like Karl—someone who had lost the will to live—would be bold enough to dothat.

The truth was, Karl had no choice because the shield behind him felt like a bottomless pit that wassucking away every ounce of spiritual energy that he released.

He desperately needed more spiritual energy to face his foes.novelbin

At that point, his body was no longer just blood and flesh but purely a transmitter of spiritual energy.

Taking note of Karl’s relentlessness, an ominous feeling inundated the trio. This lunatic doesn’t careabout his life at all. If we don’t end him right now, he might really be able to stall for time untilreinforcements from Chanaea arrive.

“We need to end things now! Kill every single one of them!” Petrov roared as he lifted his axe as highas he could, charging toward the shield behind Karl.

Comprehending his intention, Petrov’s two comrades launched separate attacks to break the spiritshield.

It was intended to serve as a tool to safeguard Charleigh, but it was also a weakness that could costKarl his life.

A coordinated counteroffensive might not terminate Karl in this situation, but it would be enough toempty him of all his abilities.

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