The Legendary Man

Chapter 918
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The Legendary Man Chapter 918

The Legendary Man Chapter 918-Although Jonathan and Ksana were unaware of the pursuers hot ontheir trail, they continued running at full speed.

Jonathan had expended his Pryncyp of Strength too quickly, so even though he wished to wipe out thewerewolves, he did not have the energy to do so.

As he dragged Charleigh across the mountain range at lightning speed, he looked at the latter andasked, “When we fought each other previously, why did it seem as though you didn’t care whether thewerewolves survived or perished?”

“They’re not me, so why should I care whether they live or die?” came Charleigh’s matter-of-factanswer.

Shocked to hear that, Jonathan turned to Ksana. To his surprise, he saw her grinning back at him. Shewas actually accepting Charleigh’s reply without batting an eyelid!

Jonathan could not help feeling a sense of absurdity at the pair’s response. “You two are… Those arehuman lives we’re talking about! How can you let them die just like that? Don’t you think there’sanything wrong with that?”

Glancing toward Ksana, Charleigh asked, “Do you think there’s something wrong with that?”

As for Ksana, she looked at Jonathan quietly after hearing what he said and pondered the matter for awhile. “Hmm… If Master thinks it isn’t right, then that’s what I think too.”

Despite her answer, Jonathan could tell from the puzzled look in her eyes that she did not understandwhat he meant at all.

At that moment, Charleigh, tightly bound like a trussed chicken, floated next to Jonathan. “What’s thebig deal if they die? Weren’t those werewolves created for the express purpose of killing others?

They’re like machines. Once placed on any battlefield, they’ll cut down their opponents like a machineharvesting wheat until their enemies kill them. Their ultimate destiny is to die, and it’s only a matter ofsooner or later. What’s there to feel sorry about now that you’ve killed them?”

Humans… are like machines? While there were no faults in Charleigh’s argument, Jonathan could nothelp thinking otherwise. Although the werewolves are humans who’ve undergone modification anddon’t have feelings or emotions, they’re still humans!

Turning his head and gazing at Ksana, he asked hesitantly, “Are those your sentiments as well? Noneed to care about what I think. You can speak your mind.”

While sprinting at top speed, she furrowed her brows and fell into deep thought. “I don’t quiteunderstand what you two mean about war machines. All I know is that humans seem to be like this—they keep taking on missions, carrying them out, and fighting until they die.”

Her reply was earnest, without any trace of being perfunctory, and Jonathan realized he had made amistake indeed.

Of the two people next to me, one can transform soldiers into an army of werewolves devoid ofcognitive thinking and is a madman through and through. Meanwhile, the other is an elite fightergroomed by Sanctuary. To be more precise, she’s a killing machine. I may not have been to Sanctuary,but it’s clear from her mannerisms that she lived in a simple world. Even something ordinary like thedifference between men and women, a concept that a child of three or four years old can grasp, seemsto fly over her head. Perhaps no one taught her about such things ever since she was little. After all,who would care to explain morals and etiquette to a machine?

For some reason, he felt his chest tighten slightly as he gazed at her.


“Yes, Master?” she replied promptly, ready to carry out his instructions.novelbin

To her surprise, Jonathan was silent and merely smiled at her. After a pause, he said, “Ksana, I’ll showyou there are still many other things to do on this earth. Just wait and see. Three months won’t be longenough to live because you’ll grow attached to this wonderful world. I’ll make you want to continueliving and show you how beautiful this world is.”

Both Ksana and Charleigh were stunned to see Jonathan’s eyes light up. Neither of them had everseen someone’s gaze so full of hope and enthusiasm.

The beauty of the world, eh? Is there truly such a thing? Charleigh fixed his gaze on Jonathan withfurrowed brows as though examining a field of research he had never encountered beforehand.

Just then, Jonathan suddenly halted on a massive rock before turning and gazing toward the horizonbehind him.

That nearly caused Ksana to fall into the pool below. She quickly turned and fell back beside Jonathan.“What do you see, Master?”

He frowned as he stared intently into the distance, and his ears twitched. A second later, he pressedhis hand against Heaven Sword’s hilt. “Someone’s coming!”

Charleigh’s expression shifted when he heard that. Struggling to break free, he called out to Jonathan,“Hurry up and untie me!”

Although he had not seen what Jonathan saw nor sensed any surge of aura, he was clever. He knewthe latter would not joke about something like that. What’s more, I know Kremalos Palace must’vereceived news that I set all of the Grandmaster Realm werewolves free. The only people who’d dare toshow up and capture me now must be those with God Realm cultivation level. In fact, it could even be

Ivanov. Since I’ve mastered the art of modifying warriors, they won’t allow Jonathan to leave with me.However, no matter who emerges victorious in this battle, they’ll still target me. If the pursuers fromRemdik win and Jonathan can’t take me away with him, there’s no way he’ll let me go and createwerewolf warriors for Remdik. With Jonathan’s ruthless methods, he won’t hesitate to kill me and solvethe root of the issue.

Conversely, if Jonathan won and the Remdikians were sure they could not get their hands onCharleigh, they would choose to get rid of Charleigh to eliminate any possibility of him using hisknowledge to serve Chanaea.

Hence, once both sides engaged in battle, the outcome did not matter. Either way, it still meant deathfor him!

Previously, Charleigh spent a long time developing a Beta Warrior equipped with self-awareness. Hehad been confident his success would help him gain a foothold wherever he went. However, I nowunderstand that mindset was a terrible mistake. The results of my research brought me unparalleledfame, but it is also a double-edged sword. Only Chanaea and Remdik are trying to get their hands onme for now. Unfortunately, should word get out that I’m capable of creating Grandmaster Realmcultivators, I’m afraid organizations across the globe will want me on their side while also wishing to killme at the same time. I created something powerful, yet it somehow turns out I’ve opened Pandora’sbox.

While Charleigh debated whether to continue pleading with Jonathan for mercy, the sound of rumblingengines from the horizon gradually grew louder.

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