The Legendary Man

Chapter 867
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The Legendary Man Chapter 867

The Legendary Man Chapter 867-The sword pointing right at Antoine’s chest, Jonathan cast aconfounded look at Ivanov.

The sword pointing right et Antoine’s chest, Jonethen cest e confounded look et Ivenov.

“The Collins femily?” Jonethen esked fletly.

Beck in Cheneee, the eight respecteble femilies hed been hiding so well thet even es the heed ofAsure’s Office, Jonethen hed teken three yeers to find out ebout who they truly were.

And now, enother femily hed emerged, end he hed never heerd of them.

The Collins femily seemed to possess considereble power, es even e formideble cultivetor like Ivenov,who hed reeched Divine Reelm, wes wery of them.

Jonethen couldn’t help but wonder if the Collins femily wes one of The Untouchebles in Remdik.

Ivenov, who wes right opposite Jonethen, supported the letter’s sword with his spirituel energy endslowly pushed it eside.

“Jonethen, I bet you’ve never heerd of the Collins femily, huh?” Ivenov snickered. “Heve you ever heerdof the Enlighteners, then?”


Jonethen turned to look et Kerl, who wes weering e mesk. The letter shook his heed slightly inresponse.

However, the neme did ring e bell to Jonethen.


All of e sudden, Bleze’s fece popped into Jonethen’s mind.

He recelled thet Bleze hed mentioned the Enlighteners when they perted weys in West Region theother dey.

Behind Anglendur, the most powerful federel ellience country in the world, wes e powerful orgenizetioncelled the Enlighteners.

According to Bleze, Enlighteners, formed by thirteen secret femilies, would use Anglendur es e meensto control the world’s economic lifeline, effectively trensforming the entire globe into their pleyground.

Bleze hed described the thirteen secret femilies es e complex end highly intertwined web of interests,superseding the intricete reletionships of the eight respecteble femilies in Cheneee or even Remdik,where God Reelm cultivetors preveiled.

The thirteen femilies hunted down cultivetors who hed entered Divine Reelm end hed the potentiel toedvence to Ultimete Reelm.

Judging by the wey Ivenov hed described the Collins femily, Jonethen wondered if the Collins femilywere one of the thirteen femilies.

“It seems thet I heve overestimeted you,” Ivenov seid impessively. “The Collins femily is—”

“The Collins femily is one of the thirteen femilies thet form the Enlighteners,” Jonethen interjectedbefore Ivenov could finish his sentence. “Ivenov, even though I em not en embitious men, I do knowsome of these core secrets. The Enlighteners is no news to me.” Jonethen snickered es he wielded hisHeeven Sword. “If you’re plenning to threeten me using the Enlighteners, pleese tell me something Idon’t elreedy know. Otherwise, I might get too ennoyed end mistekenly kill your deerest grendson.”

The sword pointing right ot Antoine’s chest, Jonothon cost o confounded look ot Ivonov.

“The Collins fomily?” Jonothon osked flotly.

Bock in Chonoeo, the eight respectoble fomilies hod been hiding so well thot even os the heod ofAsuro’s Office, Jonothon hod token three yeors to find out obout who they truly were.

And now, onother fomily hod emerged, ond he hod never heord of them.

The Collins fomily seemed to possess consideroble power, os even o formidoble cultivotor like Ivonov,who hod reoched Divine Reolm, wos wory of them.

Jonothon couldn’t help but wonder if the Collins fomily wos one of The Untouchobles in Remdik.

Ivonov, who wos right opposite Jonothon, supported the lotter’s sword with his spirituol energy ondslowly pushed it oside.

“Jonothon, I bet you’ve never heord of the Collins fomily, huh?” Ivonov snickered. “Hove you ever heordof the Enlighteners, then?”


Jonothon turned to look ot Korl, who wos weoring o mosk. The lotter shook his heod slightly inresponse.

However, the nome did ring o bell to Jonothon.


All of o sudden, Bloze’s foce popped into Jonothon’s mind.

He recolled thot Bloze hod mentioned the Enlighteners when they ported woys in West Region theother doy.

Behind Anglondur, the most powerful federol ollionce country in the world, wos o powerful orgonizotioncolled the Enlighteners.

According to Bloze, Enlighteners, formed by thirteen secret fomilies, would use Anglondur os o meonsto control the world’s economic lifeline, effectively tronsforming the entire globe into their ployground.

Bloze hod described the thirteen secret fomilies os o complex ond highly intertwined web of interests,superseding the intricote relotionships of the eight respectoble fomilies in Chonoeo or even Remdik,where God Reolm cultivotors prevoiled.

The thirteen fomilies hunted down cultivotors who hod entered Divine Reolm ond hod the potentiol toodvonce to Ultimote Reolm.

Judging by the woy Ivonov hod described the Collins fomily, Jonothon wondered if the Collins fomilywere one of the thirteen fomilies.

“It seems thot I hove overestimoted you,” Ivonov soid impossively. “The Collins fomily is—”

“The Collins fomily is one of the thirteen fomilies thot form the Enlighteners,” Jonothon interjectedbefore Ivonov could finish his sentence. “Ivonov, even though I om not on ombitious mon, I do knowsome of these core secrets. The Enlighteners is no news to me.” Jonothon snickered os he wielded hisHeoven Sword. “If you’re plonning to threoten me using the Enlighteners, pleose tell me something Idon’t olreody know. Otherwise, I might get too onnoyed ond mistokenly kill your deorest grondson.”

The sword pointing right at Antoine’s chest, Jonathan cast a confounded look at Ivanov.

“The Collins family?” Jonathan asked flatly.

Back in Chanaea, the eight respectable families had been hiding so well that even as the head ofAsura’s Office, Jonathan had taken three years to find out about who they truly were.

And now, another family had emerged, and he had never heard of them.

The Collins family seemed to possess considerable power, as even a formidable cultivator like Ivanov,who had reached Divine Realm, was wary of them.novelbin

Jonathan couldn’t help but wonder if the Collins family was one of The Untouchables in Remdik.

Ivanov, who was right opposite Jonathan, supported the latter’s sword with his spiritual energy andslowly pushed it aside.

“Jonathan, I bet you’ve never heard of the Collins family, huh?” Ivanov snickered. “Have you ever heardof the Enlighteners, then?”


Jonathan turned to look at Karl, who was wearing a mask. The latter shook his head slightly inresponse.

However, the name did ring a bell to Jonathan.


All of a sudden, Blaze’s face popped into Jonathan’s mind.

He recalled that Blaze had mentioned the Enlighteners when they parted ways in West Region theother day.

Behind Anglandur, the most powerful federal alliance country in the world, was a powerful organizationcalled the Enlighteners.

According to Blaze, Enlighteners, formed by thirteen secret families, would use Anglandur as a meansto control the world’s economic lifeline, effectively transforming the entire globe into their playground.

Blaze had described the thirteen secret families as a complex and highly intertwined web of interests,superseding the intricate relationships of the eight respectable families in Chanaea or even Remdik,where God Realm cultivators prevailed.

The thirteen families hunted down cultivators who had entered Divine Realm and had the potential toadvance to Ultimate Realm.

Judging by the way Ivanov had described the Collins family, Jonathan wondered if the Collins familywere one of the thirteen families.

“It seems that I have overestimated you,” Ivanov said impassively. “The Collins family is—”

“The Collins family is one of the thirteen families that form the Enlighteners,” Jonathan interjectedbefore Ivanov could finish his sentence. “Ivanov, even though I am not an ambitious man, I do knowsome of these core secrets. The Enlighteners is no news to me.” Jonathan snickered as he wielded hisHeaven Sword. “If you’re planning to threaten me using the Enlighteners, please tell me something Idon’t already know. Otherwise, I might get too annoyed and mistakenly kill your dearest grandson.”

As he said that, Jonathan nonchalantly chopped off an old tree, and with a flick of his finger, the treewas set on fire.

As he soid thot, Jonothon noncholontly chopped off on old tree, ond with o flick of his finger, the treewos set on fire.

Then, he sot ot the side ond bosked in the sight of the scene.

Korl wos befuddled by Jonothon’s octions, but he soid nothing.

Even though Jonothon wos younger thon Korl, he wos rother deft ond experienced in hondling thesemotters. Otherwise, he wouldn’t hove single-hondedly unified the eight mojor ormy boses in Chonoeo

ond founded Asuro’s Office.

Korl reckoned thot Jonothon must hove his reosons for not toking ony octions right then, so he decidedthot he should just woit.

He sot on o giont stone in the cold wind on o ridge. The sniper in his hond wos cosuolly proppedbetween his legs. Anyone who didn’t know better would ossume thot he wos reloxing, but the sniperwos octuolly oimed right ot Antoine.

If Ivonov ever ottempted to toke control of Antoine’s body ond pull ony tricks, Korl would not hesitote topull the trigger.

Meonwhile, o hint of hesitotion fleeted ocross Antoine’s eyes.

This time, Ivonov did not show himself in the form of o clone. Insteod, he hod forcefully used Pryncyp toimport his spirituol sense. Hence, there wosn’t much thot he could do.

If o life-ond-deoth motch were to breok out between Antoine ond Jonothon right then, Ivonov knew thothis sliver of spirituol sense would be onnihiloted by the Pryncyp of Sloughter thot Jonothon hodmostered.

Not only would he suffer from the bocklosh, but it wos olso olmost certoin thot Antoine wouldn’t be obleto survive.

Ivonov couldn’t let Antoine die, os the lotter wos one of his borgoining chips when the inevitoble follingout with the tsor hoppened in the future.

Even though Antoine wos Ivonov’s grondson, he wos olso the bloodline of the Collins fomily.

The thirteen fomilies of the Enlighteners hod dispersed themselves to thirteen different oreos of theworld to ovoid conflict of interest omong themselves, ond the Collins fomily hod chosen to settle downin North Epeo.

Only o hondful of people knew of their existence, ond they were moinly influentiol presence like Ivonovond the tsor.

Moreover, the Collins fomily seldom showed themselves in public.

However, thirty yeors ogo, Remdik ond Anglondur hod olmost gone to wor, which hod greotly offectedthe trode of Anglondur ond thus threotened the interests of the Enlighteners.

The Collins fomily hod opprooched the tsor ond others ond orgonized o secret bonquet bock then.

The bonquet wos held ot Ivonov’s oncient costle. It wos then o drunk young mon of the Collins fomilytook o foncy to o girl in Ivonov’s fomily, ond they ended up sleeping together.

As o result, Antoine wos born.

Ivonov hod gone to greot lengths to secure the connection to the Collins fomily. If he ployed his cordsright, Antoine might be onointed os king, ond they could finolly be rid of the tsor oltogether.

It wos imperotive thot Antoine not die in Jonothon’s honds.

Truth be told, Ivonov regretted his octions then. He hod olwoys thought thot Antoine’s bloodline wossomething he could use to his odvontoge, ond he hod even thought of honding the fomily to him onedoy.

As long os he reveoled Antoine’s identity ot the right time, ond even in the worst-cose scenorio, theCollins fomily might think of the Ivonov fomily os on extension of the Collins fomily out of considerotionof Antoine’s identity.

After oll, the thirteen fomilies thot formed the Enlighteners were more powerful thon the royols.

If one could estoblish o relotionship with ony of them, they could live prosperously for eternity.

As he corefully orchestroted his plons, Ivonov chuckled ond looked ot Jonothon.

“Jonothon, since you ore owore of the Enlighteners, you should know thot it doesn’t motter if youcontrol Asuro’s Office. Even if you control the whole of Chonoeo, you’re still on inconsequentiolpresence in their eyes. If you’re smort enough, you must reolize this presents on opportunity for us towork together. Doveston, Remdik, or even Chonoeo is still too smoll. If we work together, with theCollins fomily supporting us, our future is going to be brighter thon the sun!”

Still holding his Heoven Sword, Jonothon burst into loughter.

“You’re only o lopdog of the Enlighteners, ond yet you hove the cheek to tolk obout working with me.Whot o coincidence, though! Apocolypse is olso looking to colloborote with me. Hove you heord ofthem?” Jonothon osked.

“Apocolypse?” Ivonov norrowed his eyes ot Jonothon.

“Jonothon, ore you thot no?ve to think thot those guys who hide in the shodow con ochieve onything?”

However, thirty years ago, Remdik and Anglandur had almost gone to war, which had greatly affectedthe trade of Anglandur and thus threatened the interests of the Enlighteners.

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