The Legendary Man

Chapter 839
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The Legendary Man Chapter 839

The Legendary Man Chapter 839-Naturally, Harvey wasn’t a fool, so he understood what Graeme wastrying to say.

Naturally, Harvey wasn’t a fool, so he understood what Graeme was trying to say.

Dad said we would need Jonathan’s help in the future. He probably means we’ll need him to heal ourDivine Realm cultivator. A cultivator’s spiritual sense is no longer confined to his mind after reachingDivine Realm. His spiritual sense will turn into vita during Divine Tribulation, which is pretty much that“life force” thing that Dad was talking about. It’s just like with Aetomoye, who was able to remain in themortal world for a brief period of time even after losing his physical body. To achieve divinity bybecoming one with spiritual sense. That is the true meaning of Divine Realm. As such, injuriessustained by Divine Realm cultivators would affect both their physical bodies as well as their spiritualsense. That isn’t necessarily a con of reaching Divine Realm, though. Only those of a similar or highercultivation level are capable of hurting Divine Realm cultivators, so their attacks must involve Pryncyp.Such attacks target the cultivator’s life force, so regular medical practitioners can’t possibly treat thoseinjuries. The power of life force that Jonathan possesses stems from the Pryncyp of Life. By havingenough of it, he could potentially reconstruct a person’s Kore even if it is destroyed.

That was when Harvey realized why Jonathan was so important to them.

However, he also knew that Jonathan could easily turn all eight families against each other if they wereto ask him for help.

“Dad, we might be put in a disadvantageous position if Jonathan uses this against us. Our family hasthe greatest amount of cultivation resources in Chanaea. Can’t we have the powerful cultivators fromthose hidden sects heal our Divine Realm cultivator instead?”

Graeme shook his head in response. “Harvey, do you remember how the Carrick family wasannihilated eight years ago?”

Harvey flashed him a confused look. “The Carrick family?”

“Yes, the Carrick family. It’s the last family in all of Chanaea that practices both medicine and martialarts. The Osborne family and the Salladay family discovered them during the third year of fighting theWhitley family. However, even they were unable to treat the injuries inflicted by Pryncyp. The twofamilies then slaughtered everyone in the Carrick family as they feared the Carrick family would helptreat the other six families. Right now, all eight of the families are secretly keeping an eye out for themedical field. We may be the first to know about Jonathan’s ability, but we’re definitely not the onlyones. We want to bring down the cultivators, and Jonathan wants to build an army of cultivators. In thatcase, we shall lend him a hand! Give the order to gather all the scrapped and broken spirit stones inour entire family. Since Jonathan wants them so badly, we’ll let him have five thousand tons of it!”Graeme said with a gloomy frown on his face.

Five thousand tons?

Harvey nearly jumped in shock when he heard that.

Scrapped spirit stones were spirit stones that had been used but still had some spiritual energy left inthem.

Broken spirit stones were those that shattered during the mining process. They were not used becausethey were too light in comparison to the normal ones.

Both of those were similar to batteries with a little bit of juice left in them. They were not good enoughto serve their original purpose, but it would be a waste to just throw them out.

That was especially the case for the Blackwood family, which monopolized twenty percent of the spiritstones in Chanaea.

While those scrapped and broken spirit stones were nothing more than a child’s toy to the Blackwoodfamily, they were an extremely useful resource for rogue cultivators and the other respectable families.

Rogue cultivators could only derive faint spiritual energy from the air around them, so it wasn’t exactly alot.

The respectable families, on the other hand, needed spirit stones with faint spiritual energy so theycould bury them underneath their ancestral grounds and place them inside the house.

Doing so would increase the spiritual energy of the ancestral grounds by a little and create a decentenvironment for the future generations of the family.

Since they didn’t monopolize the spiritual ley line mines like the Blackwood family, this was all theycould manage.

However, the Blackwood family refused to sell the scrapped and broken spirit stones to anyone, for fearthat these seemingly useless defective goods would end up becoming the factor that caused people tosurpass them. If that happened, it would be extremely devastating for the Blackwood family.

As a result, they had accumulated an insanely huge amount of scrapped and broken spirit stones overthousands of years. It was getting to a point where the Blackwood family was running out of storagerings to store them.

Harvey was shocked to hear that Graeme wanted to give Jonathan five thousand tons of it for free.

This is no different from presenting an enemy with a weapon that could be used against us!

“Please think twice about this, Dad. Jonathan has always been looking for an opportunity to wipe outthe respectable families. You’re basically helping him get strong enough to do so!” he exclaimedanxiously.

Graeme let out a chuckle as he replied, “Oh, Harvey… You may have been researching the eightrespectable families for a long time, but you still lack the vision to observe the situation. Right now,we’re like fishes in the ocean. If we are to drain the ocean and kill all the other fishes, we must first getashore.novelbin

Yes, it’s true that we are providing Jonathan and his subordinates with five thousand tons of scrappedand broken spirit stones to help with their cultivation. However, that’s not all we’re doing. Do you thinkthose people would be willing to go back to deriving spiritual energy from the air after that? Theircultivation speed will slow down significantly when they use up the spirit stones, and Jonathan will haveto come beg us for more. You need to always keep in mind that our family’s strongest weapon is theresources we have available. If depleting our resources will ensure our survival, then it is worth it.”

Meanwhile, Jonathan was watching Sean practice the sword techniques that Jason had taught him.

Thanks to his self-forming spirit embryo, Sean’s cultivation level has increased a lot in less than twoweeks, which is considered terrifyingly fast progress. Maybe he will be the one to inherit Asura’s Officein the future…

Jonathan was snapped out of his train of thought when a short figure dressed in a suit came up to him.

“Mr. Goldstein, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

Jonathan turned around and saw that the person was none other than Donald of the Special MedicalTeam.

Donald was Jason’s secret apprentice and had acquired all of his skills despite being under fourteenyears old.

“Donald? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be working on clinical trials with your master rightnow?” Jonathan asked.

“Master is dissecting a female cultivator’s corpse right now. He told me to step outside because hedidn’t want me to get traumatized and end up losing interest in women,” Donald replied as he sat downbeside Jonathan and munched on a banana.

Jonathan frowned when he saw that Donald didn’t even peel the banana before eating it.

Donald’s gaze had been fixated on Sean the entire time, and he looked rather distracted as though hehad something on his mind.

“What did you want to talk to me about, Donald?” Jonathan asked.

“Would you like some Grade A intelligence, Mr. Goldstein?”

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