The Legendary Man

Chapter 835
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The Legendary Man Chapter 835

The Legendary Man Chapter 835-Ten thousand Superior Realm cultivators? Hades was shocked byJonathan’s plan. Now, Asura’s Office is training a bunch of cultivators discreetly. However, thesecultivators are rogue cultivators from all over the world, and they all have their own heritage. Most ofthem are Precelestial Realm cultivators, and the vitality they possess is a few times more than anordinary person. These cultivators have been grouped into a special warfare brigade for emergencyoperations. Including the members in our military department, we have less than three hundredSuperior Realm cultivators. Furthermore, these cultivators have been cultivating for over a decade.According to Mr. Goldstein, he wants to train ten thousand Superior Realm cultivators in a year. That’simpossible.

Ten thousand Superior Realm cultivators? Hades was shocked by Jonathan’s plan. Now, Asura’s Officeis training a bunch of cultivators discreetly. However, these cultivators are rogue cultivators from allover the world, and they all have their own heritage. Most of them are Precelestial Realm cultivators,and the vitality they possess is a few times more than an ordinary person. These cultivators have beengrouped into a special warfare brigade for emergency operations. Including the members in our militarydepartment, we have less than three hundred Superior Realm cultivators. Furthermore, thesecultivators have been cultivating for over a decade. According to Mr. Goldstein, he wants to train tenthousand Superior Realm cultivators in a year. That’s impossible.

Feeling troubled, Hades said, “Mr. Goldstein, you’re a highly skilled cultivator, and you’re now able todefeat a God Realm cultivator. However, you know the fact that not everyone is like you. You managedto reach such a terrifying cultivation level within three years, but that doesn’t mean the others can aswell. Mr. Goldstein, I don’t think we can even nurture one thousand Superior Realm cultivators in threeto five years’ time, let alone one year.”

Jonathan patted Hades’ shoulder and said, “Hades, you’ve been by my side the longest. Have you everseen me doing something I don’t have confidence in?”

Jonathan let out a chuckle and added, “What cultivation method do you think I’ve given out? That’s thesimplified version of my cultivation method!”

Hades was dumbfounded when he heard those words. He immediately opened his storage ring andwhipped out the cultivation method that was categorized into three stages. Upon checking, he noticedthat it was actually the Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique.novelbin

After Jonathan got his hands on the Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique, he never kept it to himself.Instead, he shared the cultivation method with the Eight Kings of War.

Karl was one of the beneficiaries. Before the Eight Kings of War met Jonathan, they were allcultivators, so they all had their own cultivation methods.

Since they couldn’t give up on their cultivation levels and start all over again, they could use theAncient Sacred Dragon Technique as a reference.

After receiving the cultivation method from Jonathan, they quickly understood how Jonathan got towhere he was.

At the same time, they acknowledged the fact that Jonathan was the only person who could cultivate atsuch an incredible speed with that cultivation method.

According to the cultivation method in the Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique, one would need afrightening amount of spiritual energy.

In fact, the amount of spiritual energy needed for every advancement was five times more than theusual cultivation methods.

That was only the case if one wished to achieve a minor realm. In achieving major realms, however,the amount needed was unimaginable.

Now, Jonathan had altered the method and combined it with other cultivation methods. In essence, hehad used ordinary cultivation methods as a foundation and the Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique as away to speed up the process.

As a Grandmaster Realm cultivator, Hades was well aware of such a cultivation method. He instantlyspotted a problem after taking a glance at it. “Uh… Mr. Goldstein, something’s wrong with thiscultivation method!”

Hades went through the cultivation method Jonathan had compiled and said, “All cultivation methodsare made up of two elements, namely absorb and retain. When a cultivator absorbs spiritual energy,he’ll need to activate his technique rapidly to form rotations. After that, he needs to retain the spiritualenergy he absorbed by using his energy field. A proper cultivation method needs a balance betweenabsorbing and retaining so that the cultivator can look after and nourish his meridian and energy field.Meanwhile, your cultivation method focuses on absorption more than retainment. In the long run, thiscultivation method will surely cause irreversible damage to the cultivator’s meridian!”

While talking, Hades looked up and saw Jonathan smiling back at him.

“Go on…” Jonathan uttered with a chuckle.

Hades was stunned for a few seconds. After that, he nodded and said, “I understand it now! You’redoing it on purpose!”

“That’s right.” Jonathan looked at Hades. “One can definitely absorb at an incredible rate by using thecultivation method of the Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique. However, one could easily take a decadeto achieve Superior Realm by using the retaining method in the Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique. Wedon’t have that much time, so we have to combine it with other retaining methods. Obviously, one ofthe flaws of this method is causing injury to a cultivator’s meridian. Besides, the process of channelingmight also get hindered. However, it allows cultivators to reach Superior Realm faster.”

“So… how about their cultivation in the future?” Hades asked hesitantly.

After all, Jonathan’s cultivation method wasn’t a proper way of cultivating. If someone were to use thatcultivation method, it would be a death sentence to that person.

In other words, those cultivators’ cultivation journey would end there and then.

“Will they even be cultivating after that?” Jonathan asked Hades in a deep voice. “Hades, you were theone who told me there’s no such thing as mercy in the military! I know you feel bad for those cultivatorswho won’t achieve more in their future journey as a cultivator. However, don’t you know that without us,they wouldn’t even have the chance to cultivate?”

“I get what you mean, Mr. Goldstein…” Hades replied in a deep voice.

The people Jonathan was going to nurture would mostly only reach Superior Realm.

In the eyes of ordinary soldiers, Superior Realm cultivators were incredible beings.

In the eyes of adept cultivators, however, they were nothing but cannon fodder.

Hades knew that was their best option going forward.

Jonathan couldn’t help but let out a sigh when he saw Hades keeping mum. “Hades, not only do weneed to focus on cultivation, but we also need to start finding talents for forging weapons and producingpills. Once we have an army of cultivators, we’ll need huge reserves of magical items and magicalherbs. Now, we need to get ready for battle as soon as we can. I have a feeling that not only Chanaea,but the whole world is going to go through drastic changes. In order to have control over the new world,we need to stay ahead of everyone else!”

Upon leaving Harfush, Jonathan went straight to Edenic Heights.

Somehow, Jonathan had unknowingly regarded Edenic Heights as his home.

Nevertheless, he didn’t dare to return to No. 1 Villa because Josephine was still imprisoned by theOsborne family. Regardless of how Margaret had treated him back then, he couldn’t find the courage toface his parents-in-law because of his failure to protect Josephine.

In No. 8 Villa, Zachary and the others were seen sitting around Jonathan.

With blood splattered all over his clothes, Jason threw his disposable gloves onto the table and lit acigarette. “Mr. Goldstein, what’s the matter? I still have two surgeries lined up for me.”

Jonathan turned toward Jason and asked, “Did you mean human experimentation?”

“Human?” Jason stood up awkwardly. “Zach, did you hear that? He’s slandering me! Mr. Goldstein isslandering me!”

Amused, Zachary massaged his temples and turned toward Jonathan. “Mr. Goldstein, Jason is doingexperiments on the respectable families’ spies I caught in Edenic Heights. They’re worth nothing, and Ican neither let them free nor provide for them.”

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