The Legendary Man

Chapter 786
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The Legendary Man Chapter 786

The Legendary Man Chapter 786-Jonathan finally realized why Kaga was laughing when he noticedHossom’s stumped expression.

Hossom devised a plan to enter Bazar Temple. If Prima allowed him entry as a gesture of gratitude, hewould have the opportunity to expand his map and uncover the hidden secrets within the temple.However, he went overboard with his actions. Before he realized it, Prima wanted to marry him. He’snow at a dead end.

Hossom’s cheeks turned crimson red as they laughed at him.

“You guys decide. Tell me whether Prima is actually nuts. We’ve barely known each other for a week,but she’s already asking me to elope with her by bringing her away from the West Region. She said wecould go anywhere as long as we could be together and even offered to bear me a child!”

Kaga laughed so hard that she clutched her stomach and waved her hands, indicating her stomachwas aching from all the laughter.

“You’re a fool, Hossom. Despite crafting such an elaborate plan, you still ended up getting caught bythe divine messenger and suffering a serious injury. It’s almost comical how you overestimated yourown capabilities! Oh, this is funny…”

Kaga clutched her stomach and roared in laughter. Beside her, Jonathan took a deep breath to tampdown his laughter.novelbin

“Hossom, mistakes are a natural part of life. It’s important to handle both success and failure with thesame level of equanimity. Don’t be disheartened just because you experienced a setback. Can youdescribe the defenses of Bazar Temple and Prima’s capabilities?”

“Her capabilities?” Hossom scratched his head as a confused look crossed his face.

“The High Priestess is only in the beginner phase of the Grandmaster Realm. Otherwise, I wouldn’thave been able to save the damsel in distress. Bazar Temple, on the other hand, is heavily guarded byat least four God Realm cultivators.”

He trembled in fear as he recalled, “When I realized something was wrong and tried to make a breakfor it, I could’ve failed if it weren’t for Prima blocking the divine messengers.”

After hearing Hossom’s answer, Jonathan fell into deep thought. A solemn look appeared on his face.

Jonathan had already witnessed Hossom’s impressive capabilities—the latter’s cultivation was strange,enabling him to move swiftly. He was sure that Hossom was just as fast as he was, which meant thathis speed was truly terrifying.

To top it off, Jonathan was viewed as the most skilled of all the cultivators in the God Realm, andHossom was still in the Grandmaster Realm.

If Hossom were to use his skills after reaching the God Realm, Jonathan might not be able to catch upto him.

The divine messengers feared by Hossom should be as quick as me.

Jonathan made this trip to get medicine for Dorian. Even though the currently dead Caspian hadclaimed the High Priestess had no healing medicine to offer, Jonathan was unwilling to return empty-handed after all he had endured on the trip.

Besides, Dorian’s injuries could no longer be put off.

“Kaga, I need all the information regarding Bazar Temple,” Jonathan announced as he tossed out sixgold bars, which crushed the glass coffee table in front of them with their weight.

Kaga gradually stopped laughing as she stared at the gold bars. A long while later, she shook herhead.

“We love gold, but not just any gold,” she announced.

Standing up to tidy her clothes, she added, “A year ago, Hossom purchased the High Priestess’information from us. Since then, the consequences have been disastrous. Seboxiasm has beeninvestigating the matter for days now, and our business has become a target of suspicion. We may berelatively influential within the West Region, but that doesn’t mean we can challenge the power of thenational religion. It’s clear that Hossom is much more knowledgeable about the Bazar Temple than weare. Mr. Jonathan Goldstein, here is my business card. If you need my help regarding something else,please don’t hesitate to contact me.”

With that, she turned to leave without hesitation.

Jonathan glanced at the words that were gradually fading away on the card as his lips curled into asmile.

So this is a single-use card made of special material. It looks like the organization behind Kaga isextremely careful.

He memorized the contact details silently before gently rubbing the card between his palms. The blankcard disintegrated into ash instantly.

After Kaga’s departure, Jonathan noticed that Hossom was beaming.

“Hey, don’t look at me that way. I won’t return to Newcove with you! Those from Seboxiasm willdefinitely take my life!”

“You are good at disguising yourself with makeup. I’ll be with you, so there’s no need to be afraid,”Jonathan reassured him with a chuckle.

“You’re the reason that I’m afraid! What are you doing? Let me go! I’m a picky guy!”

Back on a mountain in Chanaea’s Harfush, Hades was reading an encrypted document on hiscomputer with his brows furrowed.

A few minutes after the special missile deployed by the West Region detonated, news of the eventspread across the globe. Major nations’ detectors also picked up the seismic shockwaves emanatingfrom the missile.

Countries around the globe immediately declared a state of emergency as they wondered whathappened in the West Region.

Hades was reading a report that had been prepared by Jonathan, who had witnessed the bombingfirsthand.

Hades was reading a report that had been prepared by Jonathan, who had witnessed the bombingfirsthand.

He couldn’t help but gasp in disbelief when he read about the appearance of hundreds of God Realmbeasts.

“No wonder the West Region had to deploy the special missile. If the demon beasts managed toescape, they could destroy the world,” he muttered.

He then continued reading Jonathan’s detailed report.

Reading about the Divine Chessboard, God Realm beasts, Apocalypse, and God-Kings of the WestRegion made his heart sink in worry.

Is the world going to achieve universal harmony just like the Blackwood family from Apocalypsepredicted?

“Arrange for a video conference with the seven King of Wars now. It’s urgent.”

“Yes!” a figure in the corner responded quickly before disappearing in a flash.

Hades lit a cigarette before heading outside.

If I’m right, Asura’s Office needs to come up with a plan in advance.

Back in the Osborne family’s ancestral land on Wasahurst Mountains in Quadfield, Drieso, Josephinewas strolling on the winding path in the village, paying extra attention to her baby bump.

She was accompanied by a young girl around fifteen years old with her hair tied into a bun.

The young girl hopped along the path, gathering some wildflowers in her hands.

A while later, she told Josephine, “Josephine, look how pretty they are. If I put them in your room, yourmood will definitely improve.”

Josephine glanced at her and sighed.

“Alicia, stop wasting time. How could I possibly be in a good mood when the Osborne family is holdingme against my will?”

“That won’t do!”

Alicia Osborne giggled and ran back to Josephine.

“Josephine, my grandpa told me to ensure that you’re happy here so you can have a healthypregnancy and deliver a healthy baby. That way, we can brainwash him and make him part of theOsborne family as a way to manipulate Jonathan. Your happiness is crucial to our plans,” she addedcheerfully.

While her voice had an angelic quality, the words that were spoken sent shivers down Josephine’sspine. Knowing the consequences of disobedience, Josephine dared not disregard the directive.

Alicia held the flowers and lowered her head, pressing her cheek to Josephine’s belly. Right then, aman who looked feminine made his way over to them.

Seeing him, Alicia quickly waved at him. “Broderick, fancy seeing you here! Are you free today?”

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