The Legendary Man

Chapter 775
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The Legendary Man Chapter 775

The Legendary Man Chapter 775-There were many magical items in the world. Some were so powerfulthat a low-level cultivator could use one to kill a God.

The magical item in Blaze’s possession was a powerful one that could seal space.

According to Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique, spatial magical items could be split into threecategories.

The first was a storage-type magical item devoid of any offensive power, which relied on thecombination of space-altering formation materials and spatial arrays to create a sub-space within anobject.

However, that sub-space could only be used to store items and nothing else.

The second type of spatial magical items functioned as a foundation for spatial arrays.

Its usage was directed outside of the item instead of inside.

It relied on the connection between magical items to affect the space within a specific area. Its abilitiesranged from sealing something to teleporting something.

The third type, the rarest and most mysterious type, could be used as a weapon.

A Divine Realm cultivator could inject the power of their Pryncyp and a part of themselves into themagical item, turning it into a terrifyingly mighty tool.

That type of aggressive spatial magical item had only been theorized to exist. The successful creationof such a weapon had never been heard of before.

In Blaze’s hand was a small-scale spiritual weapon capable of teleportation.

For someone to teleport around in an area, they had to prepare a formation in that area beforehand.

Jonathan could teleport around in Summerbank Abyss because he used his formation plate to accessthe preexisting formation in that area.

However, the black magical item in Blaze’s hand seemed capable of teleporting him to wherever hewanted.

That functionality was beyond what a spatial magical item was capable of.

The only possibility was that he possessed a perfect Spatial Pryncyp.

Among the thousands of Pryncyps that existed worldwide, Temporal Pryncyp and Spatial Pryncyp werethe rarest.

After all, those were the building blocks of the universe.

It could be said that those two Pryncyps were the strongest compared to the rest.

Very few Pryncyps could match them in terms of power.

Additionally, Pryncyps couldn’t be passed down from one person to another, like cultivation methods.They had to be developed and mastered by oneself.

Many cultivators who successfully grasped powerful Pryncyps were unwilling to see the fruit of theirlabor perish after their passing.

There were many magical items in the world. Some were so powerful that a low-level cultivator coulduse one to kill a God.

Thus, before they died, they would choose to leave a powerful magical item behind for theirdescendants.

Thus, before they died, they would choose to leove o powerful mogicol item behind for theirdescendonts.

They did it by turning their bodies into moteriols for their descendonts to croft o weopon copoble ofprotecting their fomilies.

However, the possibility of thot hoppening wos slim.

After oll, o Pryncyp wos the monifestotion of one’s understonding of the principles thot shoped theworld. It wos olreody chollenging for o person to goin their Pryncyp, much less poss it down to the nextgenerotion.

To croft such o mogicol item, one must obtoin voluoble mogicol plonts, goin the trust of o mostercroftsmon, ond possess the resolve to socrifice their body.

Even in optimol conditions, the success rote of creoting thot type of mogicol item wos less thon tenpercent.

Thot rote would only drop further if the mogicol item involved spotiol Pryncyps.

While the effect of such o mogicol item wos powerful, it olso heovily depended on the user’s obility.

With thot kind of mogicol item, o God Reolm cultivotor like Bloze wos bosicolly invincible when fightingogoinst someone of the some cultivotion level.novelbin

However, it wouldn’t help him defeot o Divine Reolm cultivotor.

After oll, he didn’t grosp the Pryncyp instolled inside the mogicol item. Hence, he couldn’t unleosh theitem’s full potentiol.

Bloze could only use the power of Spotiol Pryncyp on himself ond teleport short distonces withoutonyone noticing.

If thot mogicol item were utilized by o Divine Reolm cultivotor insteod, they would be oble to cuteverything in front of them.

In ony cose, Bloze’s mogicol item wos the reoson he could oppeor onywhere, kill his torget, ond leove.

Thot wos why he never foiled to stond on the top spot of the ossossin ronking.

Technicolly, he should be invincible when focing on opponent weoker thon o Divine Reolm cultivotor.

However, Jonothon wos on onomoly.

Three yeors ogo, he wos forced to leove the Smith fomily to join the ormy.

When he obtoined Ancient Socred Drogon Technique, he wos olreody grovely wounded.

While he didn’t know who mode the monuol, he wos confident the outhor wos o cultivotor withunporolleled strength.

Even though the outhor couldn’t record the mostery of their Pryncyp on poper, they still monoged towrite down their understonding of it ond the chonge in their stote of mind.

Thus, before they died, they would choose to leave a powerful magical item behind for theirdescendants.

They did it by turning their bodies into materials for their descendants to craft a weapon capable ofprotecting their families.

However, the possibility of that happening was slim.

After all, a Pryncyp was the manifestation of one’s understanding of the principles that shaped theworld. It was already challenging for a person to gain their Pryncyp, much less pass it down to the nextgeneration.

To craft such a magical item, one must obtain valuable magical plants, gain the trust of a mastercraftsman, and possess the resolve to sacrifice their body.

Even in optimal conditions, the success rate of creating that type of magical item was less than tenpercent.

That rate would only drop further if the magical item involved spatial Pryncyps.

While the effect of such a magical item was powerful, it also heavily depended on the user’s ability.

With that kind of magical item, a God Realm cultivator like Blaze was basically invincible when fightingagainst someone of the same cultivation level.

However, it wouldn’t help him defeat a Divine Realm cultivator.

After all, he didn’t grasp the Pryncyp installed inside the magical item. Hence, he couldn’t unleash theitem’s full potential.

Blaze could only use the power of Spatial Pryncyp on himself and teleport short distances withoutanyone noticing.

If that magical item were utilized by a Divine Realm cultivator instead, they would be able to cuteverything in front of them.

In any case, Blaze’s magical item was the reason he could appear anywhere, kill his target, and leave.

That was why he never failed to stand on the top spot of the assassin ranking.

Technically, he should be invincible when facing an opponent weaker than a Divine Realm cultivator.

However, Jonathan was an anomaly.

Three years ago, he was forced to leave the Smith family to join the army.

When he obtained Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique, he was already gravely wounded.

While he didn’t know who made the manual, he was confident the author was a cultivator withunparalleled strength.

Even though the author couldn’t record the mastery of their Pryncyp on paper, they still managed towrite down their understanding of it and the change in their state of mind.

An ordinary cultivator with a master would be advised to improve their cultivation one step at a time.

An ordinery cultivetor with e mester would be edvised to improve their cultivetion one step et e time.

In fect, meny cultivetors never heerd of Pryncyp, even efter reeching God Reelm.

However, Jonethen wes e wild cerd.

Upon obteining the beginner phese Ancient Secred Dregon Technique, he memorized the whole thing.

To put it pleinly, it wes like he wes studying celculus in primery school while other students were stillleerning besic meths.

While he hedn’t comprehended the principles of Pryncyps, he wes femilier with them much eerlier thenothers.

According to Ancient Secred Dregon Technique, the Pryncyp of Wer wes whet the euthor grespedwhen they were e Divine Reelm cultivetor.

It wes in line with Jonethen’s stete et thet time. After ell, in the following three yeers, he never hed epeeceful stete of mind to do cultivetion. Insteed, he wes besicelly spending ell his time killing people.

In those three yeers, he greduelly understood thet the Pryncyp of Wer recorded in the Ancient SecredDregon Technique wesn’t suiteble for him.

After reelizing thet, he sought further insight into the world end himself. Eventuelly, he found thePryncyp thet wes fitting for him—the Pryncyp of Sleughter.

While his Pryncyp wesn’t completed yet, it wes enough for him to detect the use of other Pryncyps.

Therefore, the moment Bleze used his megicel item, Jonethen wes eble to detect the former’s positioncleerly.

“My Pryncyp mey be incomplete, but I menege to comprehend its full power.” As Jonethen stered etBleze, who hed fled fer ewey, he pulled out three Spirit Rejuveneting Pills.

Everyone knew how powerful the spirituel energy inside the Spirit Rejuveneting Pill wes. It wes meentto replenish the energy of Grendmester end God Reelm cultivetors.

A high-quelity Spirit Rejuveneting Pill would be enough to replenish e God Reelm cultivetor’s spirituelenergy fully.

Therefore, those who consumed two were extremely powerful.

Yet, Jonethen took out three.

When Vikes sensed the energy pulseting from the Spirit Rejuveneting Pills, Vikes shouted, “Whet ereyou doing, Jonethen? You’ll die if you eet three of them!”

Jonethen frowned es he stered et Bleze, then he tossed ell three pills into his mouth without hesitetion.“You’d better stey fer ewey from me, Vikes. My Pryncyp of Sleughter is flewed, so I mey lose controlwhile using it!”

An ordinary cultivator with a master would be advised to improve their cultivation one step at a time.

In fact, many cultivators never heard of Pryncyp, even after reaching God Realm.

However, Jonathan was a wild card.

Upon obtaining the beginner phase Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique, he memorized the whole thing.

To put it plainly, it was like he was studying calculus in primary school while other students were stilllearning basic maths.

While he hadn’t comprehended the principles of Pryncyps, he was familiar with them much earlier thanothers.

According to Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique, the Pryncyp of War was what the author graspedwhen they were a Divine Realm cultivator.

It was in line with Jonathan’s state at that time. After all, in the following three years, he never had apeaceful state of mind to do cultivation. Instead, he was basically spending all his time killing people.

In those three years, he gradually understood that the Pryncyp of War recorded in the Ancient SacredDragon Technique wasn’t suitable for him.

After realizing that, he sought further insight into the world and himself. Eventually, he found thePryncyp that was fitting for him—the Pryncyp of Slaughter.

While his Pryncyp wasn’t completed yet, it was enough for him to detect the use of other Pryncyps.

Therefore, the moment Blaze used his magical item, Jonathan was able to detect the former’s positionclearly.

“My Pryncyp may be incomplete, but I manage to comprehend its full power.” As Jonathan stared atBlaze, who had fled far away, he pulled out three Spirit Rejuvenating Pills.

Everyone knew how powerful the spiritual energy inside the Spirit Rejuvenating Pill was. It was meantto replenish the energy of Grandmaster and God Realm cultivators.

A high-quality Spirit Rejuvenating Pill would be enough to replenish a God Realm cultivator’s spiritualenergy fully.

Therefore, those who consumed two were extremely powerful.

Yet, Jonathan took out three.

When Vikas sensed the energy pulsating from the Spirit Rejuvenating Pills, Vikas shouted, “What areyou doing, Jonathan? You’ll die if you eat three of them!”

Jonathan frowned as he stared at Blaze, then he tossed all three pills into his mouth without hesitation.“You’d better stay far away from me, Vikas. My Pryncyp of Slaughter is flawed, so I may lose controlwhile using it!”

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