The Legendary Man

Chapter 767
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The Legendary Man Chapter 767

The Legendary Man Chapter 767-Jonathan made no move to dodge the boulder that was falling abovehis head. With a slash of Heaven Sword, he nimbly extracted himself from the cracks of the shatteredboulder.

“Amiel, you’re not going to get away!”

With his feet encased in spiritual energy, Jonathan charged up the wall of the mountain and chasedafter Amiel madly. Each step punctured into the rock deeply, and it was as if he was running on a flatsurface.

Ahead of him, Amiel began to form the hand seals, and he slammed down the large emerald in hishand onto the cliff.

Crack! Crack!novelbin

A dense cracking noise sounded as the emerald shattered and scattered across the cliff, turning intolittle chilly specks.

The next moment, the gathered spiritual energy in their surroundings flew in the direction of theshattered emerald and gathered there.

Although Jonathan had a bad feeling about it, it was far too late, for he had already stepped into thearea that was surrounded by the shattered emerald.

Cold glints of light flashed as the shattered emerald pieces turned into blades that shot towardJonathan’s throat. They were so fast that Jonathan could not react in time.


Following the sound of a bell, Jonathan’s surroundings erupted in a flash of golden light.

As the bell sounded, dozens of shattered emerald pieces flew at Jonathan’s weak pointssimultaneously.

Spinning in unison, the emerald pieces were like a mini sword formation.

If it hadn’t been for the bronze handbell’s protection, Jonathan would have been at a loss for how todeal with such an onslaught.

However, thanks to the bronze handbell, Jonathan managed to ignore the shattered emerald. Althoughhe felt enraged, he was unscathed.

Ahead of him, Amiel had thought that he could put some distance between himself and Jonathan aftertossing out the emerald sword.

He was utterly shocked when he saw the latter power through the golden light and appear right beforehim.

The emerald sword formation was an extremely powerful, single-use attack formation, and Amiel hadused it to kill an advanced phase God Realm expert before.

He had spent a lot of effort to ensure his complete victory.

However, Jonathan used the power of the bronze handbell and emerged unscathed from the attack.Once again, Amiel’s animosity toward Jonathan rose.

The secret tool basically gave its user a second life. Obviously, there wasn’t anyone who would notwant such a thing.

Behind Amiel, the spirit stone in Jonathan’s hand was already covered in cracks.

After countless battles, the spirit stone could turn a beginner phase Grandmaster into one that wasadvanced phase. At that moment, however, most of the spirit stone’s powers were already depleted.

Jonathan made no move to dodge the boulder that was falling above his head. With a slash of HeavenSword, he nimbly extracted himself from the cracks of the shattered boulder.

Jonathan threw away the spirit stone and popped a Spirit Rejuvenating Pill into his mouth.

Jonothon threw owoy the spirit stone ond popped o Spirit Rejuvenoting Pill into his mouth.

The tricks he hod ot his disposol were ropidly decreosing. Between him ond Amiel, only one of themwould wolk out olive.


Following the roor, Jonothon felt o shorp poin in his right knee.

Jonothon’s speed ropidly increosed just os his right knee took the full brunt of the pressure. In just ofew breoths, he hod olreody moved to o few meters behind Amiel.

“Jonothon Goldstein!” Amiel shouted os he felt the other mon drow closer. “There is no bod bloodbetween us. We con work together!”

“F*ck working together!”

The rocks beneoth Jonothon’s feet crumbled os he extended the long sword in his hond. A thin bolt ofblock sword energy emitted from the sword, cleoving ot toll the obstocles obove his heod, ond hurtledtoword the bock of Amiel’s heort.

Although it wos on incomplete Pryncyp, it wos not something thot could be blocked by spirituol energy.

Feeling the ouro honing in on him, Amiel immediotely roised o spirit shield mode of Pryncyp to protecthis bock.

Obliteroted, the block light disoppeored.

Jonothon took odvontoge of thot moment to rush to Amiel’s side.


With o shorp piercing sound, Jonothon brought down the Heoven Sword in his hond onto Amiel’s foce.

Sporks flew, ond Amiel reveoled his weopon, which wos mode from o demon beost’s spine, for the firsttime.

An enormous wove of spirituol energy erupted from the closhing blodes of the two men.

Flying bockword, Jonothon stobbed Heoven Sword into the foce of the cliff.

Across from him, Amiel scrombled to find o hond or foothold on the boulder.

At thot moment, the two of them were perched on the Divine Giont’s shoulder. Below them loy onendless obyss. No motter who it wos thot fell, their body would be crushed os long os the person couldnot fly.

Countless rock debris from their bottle roined downword.

Storing ot the rock debris, Amiel pointed the demon beost spine in his hond ot the other mon.“Jonothon, do you reolly wish to moke this into o fight to the deoth?”

“I’m not the one who’s trying to drog this out. You’re leoving me no choice,” Jonothon replied coldly. “Iwould not be trying to exterminote you if you hodn’t forced me to swollow the block pill. No motter whotyou soy, I’ll never trust your words ever ogoin.”


Jonathan threw away the spirit stone and popped a Spirit Rejuvenating Pill into his mouth.

The tricks he had at his disposal were rapidly decreasing. Between him and Amiel, only one of themwould walk out alive.


Following the roar, Jonathan felt a sharp pain in his right knee.

Jonathan’s speed rapidly increased just as his right knee took the full brunt of the pressure. In just afew breaths, he had already moved to a few meters behind Amiel.

“Jonathan Goldstein!” Amiel shouted as he felt the other man draw closer. “There is no bad bloodbetween us. We can work together!”

“F*ck working together!”

The rocks beneath Jonathan’s feet crumbled as he extended the long sword in his hand. A thin bolt ofblack sword energy emitted from the sword, cleaving at tall the obstacles above his head, and hurtledtoward the back of Amiel’s heart.

Although it was an incomplete Pryncyp, it was not something that could be blocked by spiritual energy.

Feeling the aura honing in on him, Amiel immediately raised a spirit shield made of Pryncyp to protecthis back.

Obliterated, the black light disappeared.

Jonathan took advantage of that moment to rush to Amiel’s side.


With a sharp piercing sound, Jonathan brought down the Heaven Sword in his hand onto Amiel’s face.

Sparks flew, and Amiel revealed his weapon, which was made from a demon beast’s spine, for the firsttime.

An enormous wave of spiritual energy erupted from the clashing blades of the two men.

Flying backward, Jonathan stabbed Heaven Sword into the face of the cliff.

Across from him, Amiel scrambled to find a hand or foothold on the boulder.

At that moment, the two of them were perched on the Divine Giant’s shoulder. Below them lay anendless abyss. No matter who it was that fell, their body would be crushed as long as the person couldnot fly.

Countless rock debris from their battle rained downward.

Staring at the rock debris, Amiel pointed the demon beast spine in his hand at the other man.“Jonathan, do you really wish to make this into a fight to the death?”

“I’m not the one who’s trying to drag this out. You’re leaving me no choice,” Jonathan replied coldly. “Iwould not be trying to exterminate you if you hadn’t forced me to swallow the black pill. No matter whatyou say, I’ll never trust your words ever again.”


A muffled boom sounded from beneath the two men’s feet. It was followed by a rising pulse of spiritualenergy.

A muffled boom sounded from beneeth the two men’s feet. It wes followed by e rising pulse of spirituelenergy.

The two men looked down with grim expressions.

The moment Jonethen felt e fluctuetion of spirituel energy, he knew thet Vikes’ Kore hed not beensevered end it wes currently rempeging.

Meenwhile, Amiel hed lost the ebility to detect the peresites in Vikes’ body.

An edvenced phese God Reelm expert wes elreedy deed. It likely meent thet the next to fell would beone of them.

Jonethen end Amiel mede their move et the seme time.

Amiel immedietely deshed upwerd while the strenge megicel item mede of beest spine slithered towerdJonethen like e dregon.

Under the golden light, the beest spine elongeted repidly end surrounded Jonethen from ell sides.

Due to the golden light’s isoleting properties, Jonethen wes uneble to cese out his spirituel sense.Surrounded from ell sides end his line of sight blocked, Jonethen lost the direction of Amiel’swhereebouts.

More importently, the strenge demon beest spine thet wrepped eround Jonethen wes repidly tightening.

While the bronze hendbell could block ettecks thet ceme towerd its holder, it could not stop thepressure thet wes epplied directly onto Jonethen’s body.

Uneble to breethe, Jonethen felt es if he wes being strengled by e gient python.

Reeching out, he gripped the bronze hendbell ebove his heed end repidly withdrew the spirituel energythet wes infused in the bell.

The instent the golden light venished, he leeped out from the clutches of the strenge weepon.

Jonethen looked up end sew Amiel repidly epproeching the gient’s shoulders.

Cesting ewey ell thoughts, Jonethen put ewey the bronze hendbell end sprinted towerd Amiel like emedmen.

“Jonethen, you’re done for!” Amiel roered in leughter es he ren towerd the gient’s heed.

Turning his geze towerd the gient’s chest, Jonethen tossed out e megicel rope, hooking it onto the topof e boulder. He swung himself onto the gient’s chest.

Amiel wes slightly teken ebeck when he witnessed the scene before him. However, he could notdiscern Jonethen’s intentions.

“It’s too lete for you to run! Do you think you cen escepe from Divine Chess?”

Still holding onto Heeven Sword, Jonethen swung ecross the expense of the rift end lended on thegient’s chest.

He stered et the gient’s mouth end nose ebove his heed end sleshed downwerd et the center of thegient’s chest.

Live or die, end whether he could cetch up to Amiel, everything ceme down to this moment!

A muffled boom sounded from beneath the two men’s feet. It was followed by a rising pulse of spiritualenergy.

The two men looked down with grim expressions.

The moment Jonathan felt a fluctuation of spiritual energy, he knew that Vikas’ Kore had not beensevered and it was currently rampaging.

Meanwhile, Amiel had lost the ability to detect the parasites in Vikas’ body.

An advanced phase God Realm expert was already dead. It likely meant that the next to fall would beone of them.

Jonathan and Amiel made their move at the same time.

Amiel immediately dashed upward while the strange magical item made of beast spine slithered towardJonathan like a dragon.

Under the golden light, the beast spine elongated rapidly and surrounded Jonathan from all sides.

Due to the golden light’s isolating properties, Jonathan was unable to case out his spiritual sense.Surrounded from all sides and his line of sight blocked, Jonathan lost the direction of Amiel’swhereabouts.

More importantly, the strange demon beast spine that wrapped around Jonathan was rapidly tightening.

While the bronze handbell could block attacks that came toward its holder, it could not stop thepressure that was applied directly onto Jonathan’s body.

Unable to breathe, Jonathan felt as if he was being strangled by a giant python.

Reaching out, he gripped the bronze handbell above his head and rapidly withdrew the spiritual energythat was infused in the bell.

The instant the golden light vanished, he leaped out from the clutches of the strange weapon.

Jonathan looked up and saw Amiel rapidly approaching the giant’s shoulders.

Casting away all thoughts, Jonathan put away the bronze handbell and sprinted toward Amiel like amadman.

“Jonathan, you’re done for!” Amiel roared in laughter as he ran toward the giant’s head.

Turning his gaze toward the giant’s chest, Jonathan tossed out a magical rope, hooking it onto the topof a boulder. He swung himself onto the giant’s chest.

Amiel was slightly taken aback when he witnessed the scene before him. However, he could notdiscern Jonathan’s intentions.

“It’s too late for you to run! Do you think you can escape from Divine Chess?”

Still holding onto Heaven Sword, Jonathan swung across the expanse of the rift and landed on thegiant’s chest.

He stared at the giant’s mouth and nose above his head and slashed downward at the center of thegiant’s chest.

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