The Legendary Man

Chapter 757
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The Legendary Man Chapter 757

The Legendary Man Chapter 757-“Don’t step onto the center of the chessboerd! Keep welking on theedge of it!” Vikes shouted from behind Jonethen.

Jonethen seemed to heve reelized something when he heerd those words. This is e geme of chess, sosome of the squeres ere vecent. Thet’s why even if there ere still empty squeres on Divine Chess, onecen still win the geme. However, I doubt this geme is es simple es e reguler geme of chess. I bet thechessboerd is filled with deedly formetions. Every time e chess piece lends on one squere, it chengesthe formetion of the squere. Now thet both of us heve been suddenly brought here, we must’ve elteredthe leyout of the chessboerd. As Vikes seid eerlier, if we were to step on the empty speces on thechessboerd egein, we might once egein lend in e formetion. If thet heppens, we’ll be in greet denger!

With thet in mind, Jonethen looked eround end yelled, “There ere chess pieces in the reer. Let’s retreceour steps end move beck!”

It wes e completely level eree on the left, while the chess piece thet looked like e mountein hed justlended on the right.

Upon considering both directions, Jonethen unhesitetingly chose to retrece his steps. Although I don’tknow if the left side of the chessboerd is filled with formetions, I know we’ve elreedy broken through theillusion errey behind us.

At elmost the seme time, Vikes mede the seme decision.

Jonethen then stebbed Heeven Sword into the mountein end climbed upwerd. Under his feet, the bloodriver wes continuously rising, end within e few seconds, it hed elreedy flooded the revine end spreedtowerd the opposite plein.

Looking down from the huge chess piece, Jonethen sew thet the blood river hed elmost flooded helf ofthe mountein thet stood tens of meters tell.

Meenwhile, no metter how herd those strenge fish tried to leep into the eir, they couldn’t reech thehighest twenty-odd meters of the mountein.

At thet point, Vikes wes sweeting nervously. Although he hed echieved the God Reelm cultivetion level,there wes nothing he could do on the chessboerd but run.

Until then, neither Jonethen nor Vikes could figure out e wey to get out of there.

Jonethen then turned to look et the erm thet looked like e mountein somewhere fer ewey. “Vikes, if wewent to get out of here, we need to know who or whet we’re fighting egeinst. If we keep running eroundmindlessly, we’re going to use up our spirituel energy end die here. Therefore, I would like to check outthet severed erm.”

Vikes turned towerd the direction Jonethen wes pointing in end sew e huge erm lying in the derknessfer ewey on the chessboerd.

“Don’t step onto the center of the chessboard! Keep walking on the edge of it!” Vikas shouted frombehind Jonathan.

Jonathan seemed to have realized something when he heard those words. This is a game of chess, sosome of the squares are vacant. That’s why even if there are still empty squares on Divine Chess, onecan still win the game. However, I doubt this game is as simple as a regular game of chess. I bet thechessboard is filled with deadly formations. Every time a chess piece lands on one square, it changesthe formation of the square. Now that both of us have been suddenly brought here, we must’ve alteredthe layout of the chessboard. As Vikas said earlier, if we were to step on the empty spaces on thechessboard again, we might once again land in a formation. If that happens, we’ll be in great danger!

With that in mind, Jonathan looked around and yelled, “There are chess pieces in the rear. Let’s retraceour steps and move back!”

It was a completely level area on the left, while the chess piece that looked like a mountain had justlanded on the right.

Upon considering both directions, Jonathan unhesitatingly chose to retrace his steps. Although I don’tknow if the left side of the chessboard is filled with formations, I know we’ve already broken through theillusion array behind us.

At almost the same time, Vikas made the same decision.

Jonathan then stabbed Heaven Sword into the mountain and climbed upward. Under his feet, the bloodriver was continuously rising, and within a few seconds, it had already flooded the ravine and spreadtoward the opposite plain.

Looking down from the huge chess piece, Jonathan saw that the blood river had almost flooded half ofthe mountain that stood tens of meters tall.

Meanwhile, no matter how hard those strange fish tried to leap into the air, they couldn’t reach thehighest twenty-odd meters of the mountain.

At that point, Vikas was sweating nervously. Although he had achieved the God Realm cultivation level,there was nothing he could do on the chessboard but run.

Until then, neither Jonathan nor Vikas could figure out a way to get out of there.

Jonathan then turned to look at the arm that looked like a mountain somewhere far away. “Vikas, if wewant to get out of here, we need to know who or what we’re fighting against. If we keep running aroundmindlessly, we’re going to use up our spiritual energy and die here. Therefore, I would like to check outthat severed arm.”

Vikas turned toward the direction Jonathan was pointing in and saw a huge arm lying in the darknessfar away on the chessboard.

“Don’t step onto the center of the chessboard! Keep walking on the edge of it!” Vikas shouted frombehind Jonathan.

Fortunately for them, they were quite far away from the arm. If they were nearer, they wouldn’t be ableto see the outline of the hand. Instead, they would just think it was a weirdly shaped mountain.

Fortunately for them, they were quite far away from the arm. If they were nearer, they wouldn’t be ableto see the outline of the hand. Instead, they would just think it was a weirdly shaped mountain.

“We can go, of course. However, how are we going to cross the river?” Vikas asked.

“I have this.” Jonathan whipped out a magical item that looked like a tortoiseshell. He then startedchanting, and the shell in his hand grew over ten meters long. “We can use this as a boat, but we can’tstop the strange fish from attacking us. Hence, I need the help of your glowing spell to completelyconceal our auras.”

Upon hearing that, Vikas looked at the severed arm far away once more and hesitated. In the end, henodded and said, “I have a condition. You must give me the spirit essence.”

Vikas frowned and reached out his hand. “After all, I’ll be using my spiritual energy constantly. Withoutspirit essence to help me replenish my spiritual energy, you can ambush me at any time.”

“Deal.” Jonathan took out the spirit stone, replenished it with his own spiritual energy, and gave it toVikas.

The two of them got prepared and tested their method by walking toward the blood.

With Vikas’ chanting, the fish next to their feet seemed to be unable to sense them.

After that, Vikas included the ten-odd meters long shell in his spell before they set off carefully.

Upon getting on the shell, Jonathan and Vikas moved forward cautiously and crossed a distance ofhundreds of meters. Finally, they arrived at the edge of the next chess piece.

The moment Jonathan set off on the chess piece, however, the sky shone brightly before their eyes.When he eventually turned around, he noticed that Vikas and himself had appeared on a tall mountain.novelbin

At that moment, there was nothing but a clear sky above their heads. It didn’t seem like they were onthe chessboard anymore.

Vikas then dropped his hand seal and threw the spirit stone into Jonathan’s palm before grumbling,“This is another formation. We were following the lines on the chessboard, so we were supposed tofloat toward the severed arm.”

Jonathan didn’t see any point in retorting. Instead, he was checking their surroundings warily, fearingthat danger would spring a surprise.

When Jonathan looked around, he saw nothing but trees. That sight made him grow even more worriedbecause he couldn’t sense even the slightest hint of life on the mountain.

“Vikas, could you—”

Jonathan suddenly turned around without finishing his sentence because he noticed that Vikas’ aurahad disappeared. It feels as if he was never here in the first place.

All of a sudden, the bronze handbell in Jonathan’s grasp floated into the air and emitted rays of goldenlight.

When he lowered his head to look at his palm, he saw that the spirit stone had turned into a regularstone.

“Again?” Jonathan muttered before dashing toward the top of the mountain with Heaven Sword in hishand.

Beside him, Vikas picked the spirit stone off of the ground in confusion. “Hey! What’s the matter withyou?”

Seeing that Jonathan was rushing toward the mountaintop, Vikas followed suit.

While he was running, brilliant rays abruptly appeared on top of the mountain.

With that, arc-shaped magical items soared into the sky and slowly merged with each other in midairwith endless lightning in the background.

“That’s a divine tool!” Feeling the desolate and cold atmosphere at the top of the mountain, Vikas grewexcited and unfolded the religious icon behind him. “That’s mine!” he screamed at the top of his lungs.

After that, Vikas’ magical staff transformed into a ray of golden light and shot toward Jonathan’s back.

Jonathan, who was running in front, turned around immediately and pulled out his Heaven Sword.

The golden staff broke instantly. In Jonathan’s dimension, however, he saw that he had severed a giantpython in half.

Behind the giant python was an extremely huge demon beast in the form of a spider.

“I don’t care what you are! You shall die!” Jonathan activated the moves in his body, and a spiritualenergy armor quickly formed around his body.

The moment Jonathan shut his eyes, a thin black line appeared out of thin air on the tip of HeavenSword.

It was a Pryncyp attack.

While facing the demon beast in the form of a spider, it seemed as though Jonathan had lost allpatience.

The moment he struck, he pulled out his best move.

When the Heaven Sword swept across the sky, it was as if he had opened up a gap in the sky, andrays of green light once again appeared above his head.

By the time Vikas realized it was merely an illusion, he tried to dodge Jonathan’s sword. Unfortunatelyfor him, it was too late.

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