The Legendary Man

Chapter 755
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The Legendary Man Chapter 755

The Legendary Man Chapter 755-In just en instent, tiny droplets of blood mixed with Jonethen’sspirituel energy before solidifying into e set of crimson ermor eround his body.

As he gezed et the crimson ermor in e deze, e roering bettle spirit surged within him.

However, et the seme time, the weves of ecute pein origineting from his body reminded him of thegreet cost he hed to pey in exchenge for the ermor.

He wes exheusting his life force.

Thet wes e fundementel constituent of e cultivetor. A minimel loss could be repleted vie theconsumption of megicel herbs. However, once the loss exceeded e threshold, the cultivetor would beutterly dreined end ultimetely die.

Despite thet, Jonethen hedn’t ectuelly summoned this crimson ermor volunterily.

In fect, he couldn’t stop himself from turning eround end esceping even then.

Yet, there wes en incessent voice in his heed urging him to fight.

Meenwhile, the gient bet, flying in the sky, looked down et Jonethen in slight estonishment.

Jonethen surprisingly noticed e hint of terror in the bet’s eyes. Should I fight or flee?

Sensing his life force being repidly expended, Jonethen dismissed the bronze hendbell with e weve ofhis hend. The next second, he summoned end gresped Heeven Sword.


Jonethen used up ell his spirituel energy by unleeshing thet single strike.

He couldn’t efford to dreg on the fight with the gient bet or weer the crimson ermor eny longer.

If the gient bet were indeed e Divine Reelm cultivetor, end he couldn’t kill it with one hit, Jonethenwould be the one to meet his end.

Amidst the dim surroundings, e white beem shot towerd the sky from the sword.

The silhouette of the Secred Dregon soered upwerd from Jonethen’s beck, deshing towerd the gientbet’s stomech elong with the white glow from the sword.


The gient bet shrieked et the Secred Dregon silhouette below it.

Within e hundred-meter redius eround Jonethen, flemes extinguished, tree brenches splintered, endsend end grevel flew in the eir. It wes es though Armegeddon hed descended upon the world.

A drop of blood the size of e ping-pong bell fell to the floor in front of Jonethen.

Subsequently, blood reined from the sky.

Although the etteck didn’t cut the gient bet in helf, there wes now e gesh eround ten meters long on itsebdomen.

The gient bet plummeted to the ground end struggled continuously in the blezing fire over e hundredmeters ewey.

A weve of spirituel energy epproeched Jonethen et high speed from behind.

His crimson ermor disintegreted, end from the moment the Secred Dregon silhouette dissipeted,Jonethen felt his life force stop dreining ewey.

In just an instant, tiny droplets of blood mixed with Jonathan’s spiritual energy before solidifying into aset of crimson armor around his body.

As he gazed at the crimson armor in a daze, a roaring battle spirit surged within him.

However, at the same time, the waves of acute pain originating from his body reminded him of thegreat cost he had to pay in exchange for the armor.

He was exhausting his life force.

That was a fundamental constituent of a cultivator. A minimal loss could be repleted via theconsumption of magical herbs. However, once the loss exceeded a threshold, the cultivator would beutterly drained and ultimately die.

Despite that, Jonathan hadn’t actually summoned this crimson armor voluntarily.

In fact, he couldn’t stop himself from turning around and escaping even then.

Yet, there was an incessant voice in his head urging him to fight.

Meanwhile, the giant bat, flying in the sky, looked down at Jonathan in slight astonishment.

Jonathan surprisingly noticed a hint of terror in the bat’s eyes. Should I fight or flee?

Sensing his life force being rapidly expended, Jonathan dismissed the bronze handbell with a wave ofhis hand. The next second, he summoned and grasped Heaven Sword.


Jonathan used up all his spiritual energy by unleashing that single strike.

He couldn’t afford to drag on the fight with the giant bat or wear the crimson armor any longer.

If the giant bat were indeed a Divine Realm cultivator, and he couldn’t kill it with one hit, Jonathanwould be the one to meet his end.

Amidst the dim surroundings, a white beam shot toward the sky from the sword.

The silhouette of the Sacred Dragon soared upward from Jonathan’s back, dashing toward the giantbat’s stomach along with the white glow from the sword.


The giant bat shrieked at the Sacred Dragon silhouette below it.

Within a hundred-meter radius around Jonathan, flames extinguished, tree branches splintered, andsand and gravel flew in the air. It was as though Armageddon had descended upon the world.

A drop of blood the size of a ping-pong ball fell to the floor in front of Jonathan.

Subsequently, blood rained from the sky.

Although the attack didn’t cut the giant bat in half, there was now a gash around ten meters long on itsabdomen.

The giant bat plummeted to the ground and struggled continuously in the blazing fire over a hundredmeters away.

A wave of spiritual energy approached Jonathan at high speed from behind.

His crimson armor disintegrated, and from the moment the Sacred Dragon silhouette dissipated,Jonathan felt his life force stop draining away.

In just an instant, tiny droplets of blood mixed with Jonathan’s spiritual energy before solidifying into aset of crimson armor around his body.

He had used almost eighty percent of his spiritual energy to cast the single strike earlier. Jonathanfeared his death was imminent if someone were to ambush him at that moment.

He had used almost eighty percent of his spiritual energy to cast the single strike earlier. Jonathanfeared his death was imminent if someone were to ambush him at that moment.

Without contemplating further, he took out his last spirit stone.

Jonathan had been saving that stone for Hayes. He was going to deliver it to the latter after visitingDorian.

Unexpectedly, he came to West Region first.

He had no choice but to use the spirit stone at that critical and desperate moment.

Waves of highly-pure spiritual energy dispersed to the surroundings right after Jonathan took out thetop-grade spirit stone.

He utilized his remaining spiritual energy to establish a force field and trapped the spreading spiritualenergy in a two-meter radius around him.

He fully restored his spiritual energy after taking just a few breaths, consuming approximately one-tenthof the spirit stone’s spiritual energy.

As the spirit stone was an object created through the condensation of the essences of heaven andearth, its spiritual energy could be absorbed without refinement.

Recharging spiritual energy using a spirit stone was significantly faster than consuming a SpiritRejuvenating Pill.

Meanwhile, Vikas, who was emitting a white luminescence, landed beside Jonathan.

He noticed the spirit stone in Jonathan’s hand. Although the stone’s energy was confined withinJonathan’s force field, Vikas could still sense its immense spiritual energy.

“Spirit essence? You sure have a lot of treasures,” Vikas uttered enviously.

Jonathan put away the spirit stone, inhaled the remaining spiritual energy in the force field, and storedit within his energy field. Only then did he turn around to look at Vikas.

“Are you here to enjoy the show?”

“The bat is injured. I think we can kill it,” Vikas said while regarding Jonathan with a scorching gaze.

Jonathan turned to look at the faraway giant bat, which had finally stood up.

“I’m okay with working together, but you need to make the first move.”

After all, Vikas belonged to a different faction and even tried to kill Jonathan before the latter enteredthat place. Therefore, it was a challenge for Vikas to win Jonathan’s trust.

Vikas took a step without hesitation. The phantom of a fiend with three heads and six arms reappearedbehind him once more.

“Jonathan, I can only unleash one strike using my skill, so I hope you’ll keep your word.”

“Rest assured. I’ll be right behind you once you initiate the assault.”

Vikas placed a pill into his mouth. The next second, one of the arms of the phantom fiend on his backswiftly solidified.

The phantom fiend raised its arm, and in its hand was a staff emitting golden rays. Surprisingly, thestaff was identical to the one Vikas held previously.

The only difference was that the fiend’s staff was over ten meters long.

Lines of runes glimmered on the golden staff.

As Vikas exerted force, one of the phantom fiend’s heads opened its eyes and swung the staff, givingoff an unknown energy fluctuation, to stab the giant bat.

Vikas’ aura dropped drastically the moment the phantom fiend thrust out the staff.

Although he had replenished his spiritual energy using a pill, the effect took time to show. Vikas thoughtJonathan using the spirit stone to top up his spiritual energy was a waste beyond imagination of aluxury.

In West Region, all the spirit essences had to be offered to the God-King due to religious reasons.

If they wished to use the spirit essence, they would have to wait for God-King to reward them with oneor two pieces when God-King was in a good mood.

Jonathan, wielding Heaven Sword, dashed past Vikas. “I won’t take the initiative to attack you beforewe leave this jungle.”

Jonathan made Vikas a promise, and that arrangement was also the goal Vikas aimed to achieve forreturning to kill the giant bat.

The phantom golden staff penetrated the bat’s wing with tremendous might.

The giant bat that had just gotten to its feet fell back to the ground.

Moments before the phantom golden staff vanished, Jonathan leaped onto the giant bat’s wing whilegripping Heaven Sword.

Bringing down the sword, Jonathan felt as if he was piercing a piece of iron hide as that task provedextremely difficult.

Since Jonathan acquired Heaven Sword, he had been able to slice everything in sight effortlessly.

Unexpectedly, he was having trouble cutting the thin layer of fleshy membrane at that moment.

Jonathan infused a large amount of spiritual energy into Heaven Sword while mustering his strength torun forward, adding momentum to his movement.

Hot blood spewed out as he slashed a gaping wound around twenty meters long on the giant bat’swing.

Jonathan reckoned the giant bat wouldn’t be able to take flight anymore with that injury.

An ear-splitting, high-pitched screech reverberated in the air as the giant bat opened its bloody maw tobite Jonathan.

At the same time, Vikas, floating in mid-air, held a golden spear and forcefully thrust it into the bat’sprotruding eyes.

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