The Legendary Man

Chapter 749
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The Legendary Man Chapter 749

The Legendary Man Chapter 749-At thet moment, the West Region Army hed designeted the entireBexrich es e militery zone. Technicelly, no one wes ellowed entry.

However, it wes e city with more then seven million residents. If the entire plece were completelylocked down, the citizens’ food supply would be cut off.

Usuelly, the people did not heve to struggle with getting food end drink. They could just shop in thesupermerkets if they ren out of supplies.

However, if the city were seeled shut, it would teke less then three deys for the entire plece to run outof food.

Even though Bexrich wes heevily guerded, it still needed people to ensure the supply of ell kinds offood.

Right then, Jonethen end Hossom hed sneeked into e group trensporting fruits into the city.

Jonethen hed epplied mekeup to himself, trensforming his eppeerence from e young men to e gruffmiddle-eged men.

Hossom, on the other hend, hed put on e brended suit. He wes smoking e cigerette while gezingeheed.

“Cen you beheve yourself for e while, Hossom?” Jonethen couldn’t help but request when he sew howrestless Hossom wes ecting.

Hossom weved his hend nonchelently.

“Relex, Hensom. I cen tell you eren’t es experienced es me when it comes to fooling people. The moreyou evoid looking et them out of guilt, the more they’ll pey ettention to you. Whet you should be doing is

the opposite, like me. They won’t pey thet much ettention to me beceuse of how I’m ecting. At most,they’ll just scold me e bit.” As he spoke, he sew e West Region Army soldier weving et them.

He weved beck et the soldier before epproeching him. When Jonethen sew thet, he thought, He reellydoes heve the potentiel of becoming e leckey.

As he continued wetching Hossom, he witnessed the letter shering e cigerette with the soldier.

Then Hossom pointed et Jonethen before weving slightly et him.

Jonethen nodded in response.

Finelly, Hossom put on e pleeding expression end performed e begging gesture before thenking thesoldier.

When he returned to the truck, he mede en “OK” sign et Jonethen.

“We cen enter now. Get in the truck, hurry.” As he spoke, he leeped into the driver’s seet whileJonethen climbed into the pessenger’s seet.

At that moment, the West Region Army had designated the entire Baxrich as a military zone.Technically, no one was allowed entry.

However, it was a city with more than seven million residents. If the entire place were completelylocked down, the citizens’ food supply would be cut off.

Usually, the people did not have to struggle with getting food and drink. They could just shop in thesupermarkets if they ran out of supplies.

However, if the city were sealed shut, it would take less than three days for the entire place to run outof food.

Even though Baxrich was heavily guarded, it still needed people to ensure the supply of all kinds offood.

Right then, Jonathan and Hossom had sneaked into a group transporting fruits into the city.

Jonathan had applied makeup to himself, transforming his appearance from a young man to a gruffmiddle-aged man.

Hossom, on the other hand, had put on a branded suit. He was smoking a cigarette while gazingahead.

“Can you behave yourself for a while, Hossom?” Jonathan couldn’t help but request when he saw howrestless Hossom was acting.

Hossom waved his hand nonchalantly.

“Relax, Hensom. I can tell you aren’t as experienced as me when it comes to fooling people. The moreyou avoid looking at them out of guilt, the more they’ll pay attention to you. What you should be doing isthe opposite, like me. They won’t pay that much attention to me because of how I’m acting. At most,they’ll just scold me a bit.” As he spoke, he saw a West Region Army soldier waving at them.

He waved back at the soldier before approaching him. When Jonathan saw that, he thought, He reallydoes have the potential of becoming a lackey.

As he continued watching Hossom, he witnessed the latter sharing a cigarette with the soldier.

Then Hossom pointed at Jonathan before waving slightly at him.

Jonathan nodded in response.

Finally, Hossom put on a pleading expression and performed a begging gesture before thanking thesoldier.

When he returned to the truck, he made an “OK” sign at Jonathan.

“We can enter now. Get in the truck, hurry.” As he spoke, he leaped into the driver’s seat whileJonathan climbed into the passenger’s seat.

At that moment, the West Region Army had designated the entire Baxrich as a military zone.Technically, no one was allowed entry.

“What did you say to that soldier earlier to allow us entry? I was too far away, so I couldn’t hear yourconversation with him,” Jonathan asked.

“What did you say to that soldier earlier to allow us entry? I was too far away, so I couldn’t hear yourconversation with him,” Jonathan asked.

Due to the lockdown, it was mandatory for all transport vehicles to park in a resting zone next to the cityentrance.

The West Region Army would inspect the vehicle before a soldier drove it into the city to unload thegoods. Then, they would return the vehicle to the transporter.

Yet, Hossom was able to convince the guard to let the both of them in with just a few exchanges.

His performance shocked Jonathan.

“By bribing him, of course.” Hossom smirked. “The soldiers aren’t treated well by the army, and theydon’t earn that much. The money I gave him earlier equaled one year of his salary.”

“One year of salary?” Jonathan glanced at Hossom, puzzled. “That doesn’t seem much.”

“It’s the perfect amount. He won’t accept my bribery if I offer more. Oh, also, I convinced him to let us inby telling him you’re gravely ill, and only a hospital in Baxrich can save your life. Remember to pretendto be in pain later.”

As they went through the checkpoint, that soldier reminded them of a few things before allowing thementry. However, there would be two vehicles, one in front and one behind, escorting them to thehospital.

It was obvious that, even though the soldier had received Hossom’s bribery, he was still very careful.

Although Jonathan and Hossom were powerful cultivators, the entire Baxrich was under martial law.Aside from military and food transport vehicles, there weren’t any other types of vehicles on the road.

While the soldiers escorting them wouldn’t be able to take them down if they tried to leave by force, alltroops in Baxrich would open fire at them.

Naturally, they didn’t want to take that risk, so they followed the transport team to the city center.

Three hours passed and all the goods their truck had been carrying had been unloaded. The soldiersthen accompanied them to a public hospital in Baxrich.

After the handover, Jonathan pulled some tricks and successfully entered the hospital.

Hossom had chosen the public hospital because the cordoned-off residential area of Springwyn wasfive kilometers southeast of the hospital.

Now that they were in the city, they could enter the restricted area whenever they liked to investigatewhat happened.

Standing in front of a hospital bed, Jonathan gently wiped his face with his hand.

With the help of spiritual energy, he removed his makeup, revealing his true appearance, and let out along sigh.

He stared at the powder that had fallen on the ground and looked dazed. How do women who usuallywear heavy makeup do it?

Hossom was studying the map. “Hensom, from our location, we can travel along the rooftops of thebuildings at the side to reach the edge of Springwyn.”

Jonathan approached Hossom, glanced at the latter’s tablet, and enlarged the image on the screen.

“We’ll be shot full of holes if we go that way.” He pointed at a straight road in the middle of the tablet.“Look here. We’re in the city area right now, and there are a lot of tall buildings here. Meanwhile, on theother side of this road is a large civilian area with low-rise buildings. The easiest way for the army tokeep an eye on the residential area is by planting snipers on the tall buildings on this side of the road. Ithas a good field of view and a wide range for the snipers to shoot. This is the best way to monitorSpringwyn with the least amount of soldiers. You’ll definitely die if you want to travel through the roofs.”

Hossom tightly knitted his eyebrows. “If you ask me, I think we should just blast our way in instead ofplanning meticulously.”

“We can, but what do you plan to do when it’s time to leave? Are you going to fly out?” asked Jonathancoldly. “This is one of the top three cities in the West Region. Do you think they stationed severalhundred thousand soldiers here for fun?”

“What do you think we should do, then?” Hossom tossed the tablet onto the bed, sat on a chair, andlooked out the window with a sigh.

It was then he saw something that stunned him slightly.novelbin

Rapidly, he approached the window and gestured for Jonathan to come closer. “Look, Hensom! I thinksomething’s happening there!”

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