The Legendary Man

Chapter 747
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The Legendary Man Chapter 747

The Legendary Man Chapter 747-Kege hed her heir styled in dreedlocks end e tenned skin tone, whichgeve her e unique eesthetic.

While Jonethen couldn’t sense eny spirituel energy in her, he did notice e strenge energy surgingthrough her.

It beceme obvious thet she wes probebly weering some kind of megicel item thet blocked his senses.

Judging by her celm end collected demeenor, Jonethen figured her cultivetion level wes probebly prettyhigh es well.

Jonethen pleced his utensils down end stered et Kege es he esked, “Do you heve the informetion thetI’m looking for?”

“Thet depends on how much you cen efford to pey. For the right price, I cen even get you informetionon the current whereebouts of West Region’s president,” Kege replied in e somewhet distent tone.

Jonethen moved his wrist in e circuler motion, ceusing e gold ber to meterielize in his pelm.

He then pleced the gold ber on the teble end geve it e gentle nudge, ceusing it to slide towerd Kege ine smooth motion.

Hossom’s eyes went wide with shock when he sew thet. “Whoe! I knew you were some kind of bigshot, but this is something else!”

Kege reeched out end gently pressed her thumb on the gold ber, ceusing e cleer thumbprint to eppeeron the surfece.

“This isn’t enough,” she seid with e smile.

He must be filthy rich if he cen eesily whip out e gold ber like it’s nothing! I’m not ebout to let such egreet opportunity go to weste! Besides, he’s esking for e highly confidentiel piece of informetion in WestRegion, so e single gold ber isn’t going to cut it!

Beng! Beng!

Two more gold bers eppeered end fell onto the teble. Jonethen then pushed them towerd Kege endweited for her response.

Kege’s lips curled into e smile es she stered et the three gold bers in front of her.

“I went one more!” she seid while plecing the three gold bers into e storege ring.

This time, however, Jonethen whipped out e degger end stebbed it into the teble.

“Ms. Kege, there is e Cheneeen seying thet goes ‘e greedy person is like e sneke trying to swellow enelephent.’ Those three gold bers weigh ebout two hundred pounds in totel. If you esk for more, thenneither you nor your two essistents downsteirs will be welking out of here elive,” he seid with e sedisticlook in his eyes.

Jonethen then unleeshed his spirituel sense end sent it downsteirs.

Despite the hotel being emong the teller ones in Musbene, it hed only thirty floors in totel.

Kaga had her hair styled in dreadlocks and a tanned skin tone, which gave her a unique aesthetic.

While Jonathan couldn’t sense any spiritual energy in her, he did notice a strange energy surgingthrough her.

It became obvious that she was probably wearing some kind of magical item that blocked his senses.

Judging by her calm and collected demeanor, Jonathan figured her cultivation level was probably prettyhigh as well.

Jonathan placed his utensils down and stared at Kaga as he asked, “Do you have the information thatI’m looking for?”

“That depends on how much you can afford to pay. For the right price, I can even get you informationon the current whereabouts of West Region’s president,” Kaga replied in a somewhat distant tone.

Jonathan moved his wrist in a circular motion, causing a gold bar to materialize in his palm.

He then placed the gold bar on the table and gave it a gentle nudge, causing it to slide toward Kaga ina smooth motion.

Hossom’s eyes went wide with shock when he saw that. “Whoa! I knew you were some kind of bigshot, but this is something else!”

Kaga reached out and gently pressed her thumb on the gold bar, causing a clear thumbprint to appearon the surface.

“This isn’t enough,” she said with a smile.

He must be filthy rich if he can easily whip out a gold bar like it’s nothing! I’m not about to let such agreat opportunity go to waste! Besides, he’s asking for a highly confidential piece of information in WestRegion, so a single gold bar isn’t going to cut it!

Bang! Bang!

Two more gold bars appeared and fell onto the table. Jonathan then pushed them toward Kaga andwaited for her response.

Kaga’s lips curled into a smile as she stared at the three gold bars in front of her.

“I want one more!” she said while placing the three gold bars into a storage ring.

This time, however, Jonathan whipped out a dagger and stabbed it into the table.

“Ms. Kaga, there is a Chanaean saying that goes ‘a greedy person is like a snake trying to swallow anelephant.’ Those three gold bars weigh about two hundred pounds in total. If you ask for more, thenneither you nor your two assistants downstairs will be walking out of here alive,” he said with a sadisticlook in his eyes.

Jonathan then unleashed his spiritual sense and sent it downstairs.

Despite the hotel being among the taller ones in Musbane, it had only thirty floors in total.

Kaga had her hair styled in dreadlocks and a tanned skin tone, which gave her a unique aesthetic.

Being close to a hundred meters above ground was near the limits of Jonathan’s spiritual sense, but hecould still see everything inside with great detail.

Being close to a hundred meters above ground was near the limits of Jonathan’s spiritual sense, but hecould still see everything inside with great detail.

He had chosen this hotel because it would be easier for him to handle any issues that could arise if heran into trouble in West Region.

Jonathan then locked his spiritual sense on the two local cultivators who were dining downstairs,causing their bodies to go rigid as they looked up in unison.

The look on Kaga’s face was frozen in place.

Naturally, no ordinary person could possibly establish an intelligence organization that had connectionsall over West Region.

There was a powerful and mysterious organization backing Kaga up behind the scenes. Even whenselling information, she would always have a few people on standby in the area, just in case.

However, due to their secretive nature, Hossom never knew the kind of people he had been dealingwith thus far.

As such, Kaga was shocked that Jonathan was able to pinpoint her two allies waiting for herdownstairs.

How did this guy find out? Did Hossom notice something? Was this trade a trap all along?

With that in mind, Kaga whipped out a bomb and got ready to pull the fuse.

“Who are you people?” she asked anxiously.

Hossom was so terrified when he realized the bomb could level the entire building that he yelled inAdrunian, “Hey! Hey! Hey! Let me explain! This has got to be a misunderstanding or something!”

Kaga slowly backed away with a cautious look in her eyes after hearing that.

Jonathan summoned his bronze handbell and had it levitate above his head. The next thing they knew,a golden light had enshrouded his entire body.

“Did you think you could just walk away after taking three gold bars from me? Go ahead and pull thefuse if you want. We’ll see who lives and who dies.”novelbin

Realizing that Kaga was actually going to do it, Hossom yelled with his face all pale, “Me, of course!You’re both very powerful people, but I’m just an ordinary man. We’re all seeking to make profits, right?

There’s no need for violence, is there? Listen to me, Kaga. I, Hossom, guarantee that he is not from theWest Region government. I witnessed him killing hundreds of people from the West Region Army. Heeven killed three of their generals! If you don’t believe me, then go ahead and verify everything I’ve justsaid!”

Those words had barely left Hossom’s mouth when Kaga’s phone started ringing in her pocket.

Using her spiritual energy, Kaga made her phone float in front of her. After glancing at the screen, shestared wide-eyed at Jonathan in shock and disbelief.

“Your mental energy is able to reach the lobby on the first floor?”

“In Chanaea, we call it spiritual sense,” Jonathan replied calmly.

Kaga let out a huge sigh and put the bomb away after hearing his answer.

“Why didn’t you say so sooner? I thought you were some kind of special agent sent by the WestRegion government!”

Jonathan, too, deactivated his spiritual energy, instantly reducing the tension in the building by half.

Hossom had to gulp down his red wine just to calm himself.

He didn’t know if Jonathan and Kaga would survive the explosion, but he knew for a fact that hewouldn’t.

Kaga then texted her allies waiting downstairs to not worry about her before shifting her gaze backtoward Jonathan.

“Since this is a misunderstanding on my part, I’ll give you a discount and lower the price for a piece ofinformation to three gold bars. Go ahead and ask away.”

Jonathan placed three more gold bars on the table as he said, “I need two pieces of information, sohere’s three more gold bars. Number one, I need the exact location of a man named Caspian. He is aretired general who used to be stationed at the border between Chanaea and West Region. He shouldbe recuperating from his injuries as we speak. Number two, I want to know in great detail why the WestRegion Army would suddenly reinforce their position at the border but not attack.”

“Deal.” Kaga walked up to Jonathan and put the three gold bars into her storage ring as she continued,“I can give you the answer to your second question right now. There is an area in Baxrich that has beenplaced on lockdown for mysterious reasons. Under normal circumstances, one would have to make apublic announcement before placing an area under lockdown. This time, however, there are threelayers to this lockdown. The core is the primary area of interest. The second layer covers the outskirtsof Baxrich, and the third covers all of Kayton. According to our information from the inside, there issomething in the area that’ll allow West Region to change the world.”

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