The Legendary Man

Chapter 715
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The Legendary Man Chapter 715

The Legendary Man Chapter 715-“Ahh!”

An agonized howl tore through the air.

At the same time that Jonathan exerted his force, Karl’s cry rang out.

“I’ll die!” he yelled, unleashing his spiritual energy.

His voice surged toward the heavens, spreading around him like thunder rolling out in waves.

It was so powerful that among over a hundred thousand soldiers in the Eastern Army, more than half ofthem lifted their heads to look at the sky.

Blood was dripping steadily down Dominick’s cheeks and neck. The moment Jonathan loosened thegrip of his right hand, the former instantly fell to the ground, twitching in pain.

“You shouted just in time. It looks like he’s still alive. You may get someone to save him.”

With that, Jonathan shook his hand, and the blood on his blood-stained fingers flew into the air,transforming into drops of blood before falling to the ground.

Karl immediately ordered the guards to carry Dominick away. After that, he stabbed his saber into theground.

“Mr. Goldstein, I know I deserve to die. If you want, you may kill me with this saber right now. However,please listen to my last words.”

Jonathan lifted his right hand slightly, and the saber that was stuck in the ground flew straight into hishand.

“I will allow you five seconds to deliver your last words. For the sake of our previous comradeship, I willsatisfy your requests as long as they are within my capabilities. You may start now!”

As Jonathan spoke, his spiritual energy instantly condensed, binding Karl to his spot.

At the same time, Karl withdrew his force field as well, allowing Jonathan to restrain him.


“Mr. Goldstein, right now, the Hendersons, Mallorys, and Leesons have formed an alliance. It is onlywith the support of the Eastern Army, which is under my command, that their power is in balance withthe other respectable families.”


“The Eastern Army is a high-tech, postmodern troop. Throughout the past years, I have deployed themall over Doveston numerous times.”


“In various locations at Horbah, Terrandya, and Baridoki, I have deployed a large amount of hiddenfirepower that is enough to wipe out the entire eastern globe.”


“Even if I were to hand these over, there is no one at Asura’s Office who is able to take over thesematters within a short period of time. No one is capable of coordinating all the leaders of the EasternArmy and keeping the respectable families in check.”


“If you kill me now, the entire Eastern Army will probably break out into mutiny, and Doveston will returnto the warlord era of three years ago overnight. It will result in at least tens of thousands of victims.”

“Die!” Jonathan roared as he extended the saber in his hand.

“Assign someone to me and let me train him to be the next Prince of Diyouli. After that, I will end myown life in front of Northern Crimson Prison!”

As Karl finished yelling the last of his words, Jonathan’s hand finally halted.

At that moment, the tip of the blade had already pierced into Karl’s abdomen.

If it had gone even just a fraction deeper, Karl’s God Realm cultivation level would have been utterlydestroyed.

Karl looked at Jonathan with bloodshot eyes.

“Mr. Goldstein, I can die, but the Eastern Army must not fall apart. We will need the firepower of theEastern Army not only in the battle among the respectable families but while facing external threats aswell. Just give me some time. In a few months, I will be able to complete my handover and help Asura’sOffice get familiar with the equipment of the Eastern Army. I’m not afraid of death, but before I die,please let me do something for Asura’s Office.”


The saber fell to the ground.

Jonathan turned and headed toward the exit.

“I will let Hayes come to Eastern Army to become your second-in-command. In three months, you willtrain him to be the next Prince of Diyouli. Once you’ve done that, you will go to Northern Crimson

Prison and end your own life.”

Karl raised his right fist to his left shoulder and answered in a deep voice, “I will comply with the Decreeof Asura.”

After leaving the Eastern Army’s camp, Jonathan headed straight toward the nearest airport ofKransbay.

He had indeed experienced much more than he had expected on this trip to Doveston.

Initially, he merely wanted to reconstruct the intelligence network of Horbah, Terrandya, and Baridokiand claim Karl’s life.

Never had he imagined that he would unintentionally uncover the deal between Team Oracle and theRemdikian army as well.

Ever since Asura’s Office was established and the Eight Kings of War were appointed to defendChanaea, the movements of Remdik, the West Region, and Jetroina had reduced significantly.

Lately, however, these three regions had launched large-scale attacks against Chanaea one afteranother.

It was definitely not a good sign.

Further, because of Karl’s strategies, the tension among the eight respectable families, who had alwaysbeen wary of each other, had heightened as well.

Although the alliance among the Hendersons, Mallorys, and Leesons was a helpless act of self-preservation after the Salladays and Wilbur combined forces, Xavion’s analysis was not unjustified.

The alliance formed by the three respectable families was bound to promote a combination of forcesamong the Welshes, Blackwoods, and Grays.

Meanwhile, the two major forces, Asura’s Office and Yaleview Army, were under the control of theSalladays and the Osbornes respectively.

Aside from these obvious divisions of powers, there were countless other deals that were being carriedout in the dark.

On the private plane that was arranged for him by Geoffrey, Jonathan massaged his templesceaselessly.

Asura’s Office overthrowing the respectable families should just be a matter of the warlords fighting therich people. How did it somehow turn into this mess?

Turning to the attendant beside him, Jonathan ordered, “Please help me to contact the MysonnaArmy’s command center. The password is QUI6H67.”

With a nod, the female attendant began typing rapidly on the computer in the seat beside his.

“Mr. Goldstein, the password is wrong,” uttered the woman softly as she turned to look at Jonathan.

“It’s wrong?” Jonathan gazed at the woman, slightly taken aback. “Give me the computer.”

Taking over the computer, Jonathan typed in the familiar command password swiftly, but a huge redcross appeared on the screen.

He tried the command passwords of Mysonna Army, Zaidham Army, Northern Army, and YalegardLegion, one after another, but the same red cross appeared on the computer screen every time.

Seeing that all the passwords failed, Jonathan took in a deep breath and switched to the operatormode of Asura’s Office’s webpage.

He keyed in the command password again, and three large digits—502—appeared on the screen.

Seeing that, Jonathan breathed out in relief and leaned back in his seat.

Looks like Hades has executed my command.

Previously, he had been threatened by the Osborne family and had agreed to work with them.

However, at the same time, he had also instructed Hades to take over the crucial elements of Asura’sOffice and remove his access to the backend.

Now, Jonathan was deprived of his backend privileges.

If his guess was correct, Asura’s Office’s headquarters had already been moved, including the mostimportant archives and the intelligence network’s base.

That was nothing less than a major operation that involved over a hundred thousand people.

Good work!

Gazing at the white clouds outside the plane’s window, Jonathan curved his lips into a faint smile.

Since Asura’s Office was capable of removing his backend privileges, it showed that they were indeedbeginning to resemble a fully operating machine.

They were no longer a makeshift organization that could not manage themselves during his absenceand required his orders before making every move.

“Do I continue contacting them, Mr. Goldstein?” the female attendant beside him asked.

“No need.” Jonathan chuckled lightly. “By the way, please have Geoffrey deliver a message to Asura’sOffice for me. The message is this—Dorian, how much f*cking longer are you going to feignincompetence on the hospital bed? Get up quickly and have Tiger go and look for Karl at the EasternArmy at once.”

“All right. Mr. Goldstein, do you want me to include the curse word as well?” asked the female attendantmildly.

“Yes, please forward the message verbatim.”

“Sure, Mr. Goldstein,” the female attendant answered with a smile. “If there’s nothing else, please getsome rest. We will arrive at Summerbank Airport in two hours’ time.”

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