The Legendary Man

Chapter 674
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Chapter 674

Chapter 674 Ambitious

After completing the arrangements made for Asura’s Office, Jonathan opened the website skillfully.Jonathan stared at the simple login interface before him. Finally, he keyed in a password after thinkingfor a long moment.

As the chat boxes popped up one after another, Jonathan deftly tapped on the keyboard. Followingthat, he connected the phone to the computer and called a number. Beep, beep, beep…

The phone rang thrice before the sound of the call connecting sounded. “Hello? Who’s this?” A slightlyraspy and weary voice sounded from the other end of the phone line.

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Jonathan was silent for a moment before casually speaking. “Thelogistics supply in Horbah has been cut off. Karl is facing off against Medved Army at the moment andhe simply cannot spare the manpower to rebuild the supply network. I know you’ve been waiting for myphone call. You should make your move now.”

Inside a mansion in Zedfield, Yaleview, Wilbur glanced at the document before him. An old modelNokia phone was placed beside him.

Apart from receiving phone calls, the old phone did not have other functions. Even if someone wantedto eavesdrop on the conversations, there was no way to hack.

Wilbur chuckled as he glanced at the document in hand. “Jonathan, the Eastern Army’s backup supplyline was destroyed. That matter is the concern of Asura’s Office. Perhaps you dialed the wrong numberwhen you called Yaleview Army?”

Jonathan snickered when he heard the voice on the phone. “Wilbur, we both know the reaction ofYaleview Army if I really send people to support Doveston. Let’s cut to the chase. Didn’t you keep your

phone precisely for this day? Although Terrandya and Baridoki can muster up some supplies, it’s simplynot enough to provide for the consumption of one hundred and sixty thousand people.”

Jonathan fell silent after he spoke and stared at the phone in his hand.

“Karl and Eastern Army betrayed Asura’s Office. This cannot be helped,” Wilbur ventured slowly.“Jonathan, when we were at the Valley of Elites, you could not bear to cripple the elite warriors whofought against us. You even said something about them being crippled for life if you did that. Truly, I donot understand why you cannot rid yourself of this softhearted behavior. Can’t you just kill Karl directlyand take back Eastern Army?”

Upon hearing that, Jonathan let out a sigh. “I know. Although you pursue power, you will not watchEastern Army being defeated. Just state your conditions.”

“Hehe…” Wilbur’s chuckle sounded from the phone. “Jonathan, you’re the same as always. Youhaven’t changed at all. Since you let me state the condition, I will tell you. Otherwise, you will beworried.”

Wilbur paused for a moment. “Jonathan, your goal was always to overthrow the monopoly of the eightrespectable families and to return peace and prosperity to Chanaea. The path you seek is for a greatcause. I am just an ordinary man and not a noble person like you. What I seek has always been powerand status. After we join forces for the plan, I will help you destroy the eight respectable families. Afterthat, you will disband Asura’s Office and never get involved in anything else. How does that sound?”

Disband Asura’s Office…

Jonathan stared at the phone without any expression. Even his breathing seemed to have sloweddown.

He was aware that Wilbur was not just after the disbandment of Asura’s Office. The latter planned todevour Chanaea’s military power in order to strengthen his position and complete the unification.novelbin

“Wilbur, do you intend to help me slay the dragon, only to become the dragon yourself?”

“Jonathan Goldstein!” Through the phone, Wilbur’s voice suddenly rose. “Do you really think you’re thesavior? Or do you think that tumors like respectable families can be completely eradicated after youclean them up? Dream on! As long as humans exist, they will eternally be driven by desires andinterests. There will always be a hierarchy in society.”

Wilbur continued, “Those respectable families have been passed down for hundreds and thousands ofyears. Even if you destroy them, someone else will take their place. The Goldstein family is one of theprominent families. If it wasn’t for the suppression of respectable families, do you think the Goldsteinswould have been satisfied to just remain an ordinary family? Or perhaps, Asura’s Office in your graspright now isn’t reigning above society? There will always be someone standing at the top. Why can’tthat person be me? I understand you and likewise, you also understand where I am coming from.

“At the very least, if I stood at the top, I will not be as rotten and broken as the current respectablefamilies. I’ve prepared supplies for Eastern Army that are sufficient for ten days. I’ve also notified thearmy of two hundred thousand to enter Level 1 battle formation. As long as you agree to my terms,they will follow the railway line and move into Horbah within half a day. Of course, it doesn’t mattereven if you don’t agree with my condition. I will clean up Doveston after Eastern Army is taken care of.”

Wilbur’s blunt words pierced through Jonathan’s heart.

It was not only in Chanaea but everywhere else in the world. Those respectable families were parasitesand roaches that could not be killed or exterminated.

It was as Wilbur said—even if he was not the one, someone else was bound to stand on top of society.

“I agree to your condition.” Without further ado, Jonathan agreed. “However, I have one last questionfor you.”

“Shoot.” Wilbur laughed as he spoke.

“What is the real reason you’re working with the Salladay family?” Jonathan inquired. He did not beataround the bush. Wilbur was not only ambitious, but he was also a strategist. Otherwise, he would notbe able to command an army of six hundred thousand.

Someone like Wilbur would not overlook the repercussions of joining hands with a respectable family.He must have his own plans.

Wilbur’s reply was blunt. “Jonathan, everything I do is for the purpose of climbing up. Thoserespectable families are nothing but stepping stones for me to achieve a partnership with you. Themore chaotic Chanaea becomes, the greater my chances are.”

“Understood.” Upon hearing Wilbur’s reply, Jonathan finally felt relieved.

Wilbur intended to drag the eight respectable families and Chanaea’s three great military forces down.However, as long as it was not in pursuit of power as an underling of respectable families, it did notmatter.

The scheme was bound to be revealed someday. Jonathan only hoped that the day would not be toofar away.

“Wilbur, send your troops. I will keep my promise.”

“I knew you’d agree to it. The transport plane has left for Doveston when I received your call. It hasalready entered Terrandya’s territory.” Wilbur chuckled. “By the way, although the two hundred

thousand troops I’ve transferred are to assist the defense of Doveston along with Eastern Army, I’veordered them to only listen to your order, not Karl’s.”

“Do you trust me so much?” Jonathan laughed. “Aren’t you afraid that your troops will become cannonfodder that I’ll throw into River Onxy? Can you bear with that?”

Wilbur chuckled again. “If you’re truly so fearsome, Yaleview Army would have been absorbed intoAsura’s Office.”

“Then, why not Karl?” Jonathan continued to pry. “He’s good at leading troops. His leadership abilitiesare certainly no weaker than mine.”

Wilbur sneered. “He’s the same as me. We’re both ambitious!”

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