The Legendary Man

Chapter 645
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Chapter 645

Chapter 645 Teaming Up

“What?” Harvey and Graeme both leaped to their feet in unison. “Say that again!” Graeme shouted atthe guard. He got so worked up that his spiritual energy went out of control, causing the furniturearound him to start breaking. That showed just how shocked Graeme was.

“There’s trouble in Yaleview… Eva from the Salladay family has teamed up with Wilbur to assassinateJoshua. His cultivation level is revealed to be in the middle phase of God Realm, and he has gonemissing after making an escape. His fate is currently unknown.”

Harvey activated his force field to suppress the outburst of Graeme’s spiritual energy. Any higher andGraeme’s spiritual energy would probably start hurting Colton and the others.

“Did you find out anything else?” Harvey asked the guard coldly. “That was the only information wereceived from Yaleview. Because of the urgent nature of the situation, I’ve come over to report it asquickly as possible,” the guard replied respectfully.

“Have all our spies in the country get to work! We must locate Joshua at all costs!” “Understood!” Theguard then turned around and left the room. Harvey walked up to Graeme and said, “Calm down,Father.”

Graeme lowered his spiritual energy levels after hearing that, but the look in his eyes remained icy-coldas he exclaimed, “I can’t believe Herman Whitley managed to slip right through our fingers!”

Harvey got a little worried when he heard that. Herman was the patriarch of the Whitley family twogenerations ago. He had managed to escape the assault from the eight families.

Back when the Whitley family was in its prime, even Graeme had had to address Herman politelywhenever he saw him. Harvey led Graeme to the side and sat him down on the couch.

“According to the rules of the respectable families, children around the age of five who are found to besuitable for cultivation need to be sent to their ancestral grounds, where they will be trained andscreened. Joshua is currently a Divine Realm cultivator, so he must’ve been well-trained before theWhitley family got annihilated. Looks like this is Herman’s last-ditch effort to protect the family,” he saidwith a sigh.

Colton and Zidane stared wide-eyed at Harvey in shock after hearing that. Being the heirs of arespectable family, they had never experienced conflict in life, let alone heard about it.

After all, a respectable family like theirs couldn’t possibly have survived all those years without beingincredibly powerful and independent.novelbin

Those who even remotely tried to hurt them would likely end up dead. However, everything changedwhen Joshua’s cultivation level was revealed. It was over ten years ago when the eight respectablefamilies had teamed up to annihilate the Whitley family.

Not wanting to give the Whitley family a chance to retaliate, they acted swiftly and suddenly. That washow they caught the Whitley family by surprise and managed to wipe it out.

Following the annihilation of the Whitley family, the eight respectable families proceeded to massacreall of its remaining family members and relatives, including the distant ones.

When did Herman plan this? No one has ever heard of Joshua. Did Herman start the preparations forthe Whitley family’s backup plan right after Joshua was born? That was thirty years ago! If that really isthe case, then Herman is a lot more terrifying than we imagined.

Graeme let out a sigh as he glanced at Zidane and Colton.

“Someday, you two will be the ones managing the Blackwood family, so I don’t mind letting you two inon some of its secrets. You two are well aware that the eight respectable families are looking for a

certain something that belongs to the Whitley family, right?”

Colton and Zidane nodded in unison. The Blackwood family wasn’t the only one looking for it. All theother respectable families had kept at it as well. However, no one knew what they were actually lookingfor.

“It’s a storage magical item. After the eight respectable families destroyed the Whitley family’s ancestralgrounds and looted their treasures, they realized the most important ones were nowhere to be found.”

Harvey nodded slightly in response. “The three magical items are Troop Summoner, FormationCrusher, and Hailstorm Fan.” “Those are magical items listed on the Supreme Arsenal!” Zidaneexclaimed.

Harvey let out a sigh as he continued, “The functions of those three magical items are as their nameswould suggest. The Troop Summoner is capable of summoning soldiers, the Formation Crusher can beused to destroy formations, and the Hailstorm Fan can conjure up thunderstorms as well as formations.

All three of those magical items are extremely powerful, but no one has seen them ever since theWhitley family got annihilated. We used to assume the other respectable families had found themagical items and were hiding them from everyone else. But now that Joshua’s cultivation level hasbeen exposed, it is highly possible that the magical items are with him.”

Colton, who was standing at the side, furrowed his brows when he heard that.

“Uncle Harvey, Joshua has been concealing his cultivation level while ruling over Yaleview. Now thatWilbur has exposed his cultivation level, Joshua will be targeted by all the respectable families. Weneed to catch him now, or it’ll be a lot more difficult in the future.”

Harvey nodded in response. “That’s not all. The fact that Herman has Joshua as a backup plansuggests he might have several others.”

As everyone in the room fell silent, Graeme said solemnly, “Even if Herman has made sucharrangements, I doubt he’d expect Joshua to pull off such a brilliant and sneaky move. He went frombeing humiliated by the heirs of respectable families to the commander-in-chief.

Had he not chosen Wilbur, Joshua would probably have made Yaleview Army his own private armedforce. If the Whitley family has identified the locations of the eight respectable families’ ancestralgrounds, Joshua could destroy them all simply by bombarding them from afar. Oh, and let’s not forgetabout the Salladay family.

The fact that they only sent Eva to help Wilbur with the assassination is proof that they don’t knowJoshua’s background at all. Otherwise, they’d have surely sent all of their most powerful elders afterJoshua just to ensure his death.”

The look in Harvey’s eyes grew solemn after he heard Graeme’s words. “Father, are you saying theSalladay family’s original goal was simply to team up with Wilbur to compete for power?”

Graeme slowly stood up and replied, “It’s highly possible. The Salladay family is the most powerful outof the eight respectable families, and yet, they’re still trying to gain more power. I imagine they’ll soonend up sharing the Whitley family’s fate. With the exception of sects and respectable families, there areonly a few God Realm cultivators in Chanaea.

Jonathan from Asura’s Office, Wilbur from Yaleview Army, Karl from Eastern Army, and Joshua, who iscurrently on the run. Now that the Salladay family has teamed up with Wilbur, the other respectablefamilies are bound to team up with the others as well.”

A glint flitted across Graeme’s eyes as he added, ”Find a way to contact Lauryn. Tell her to sort out herrelationship with Jonathan and to refrain from coming home. As for you, Harvey, you are to contact

Pentonius and have him return at once. I want him to meet up with Karl before the other respectablefamilies do!”

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