The Legendary Man

Chapter 565
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Chapter 565

Chapter 565 Meeting Their Match

Zachary then engaged the middle-aged cultivator in combat after ordering his men to retreat.Meanwhile, inside the courtyard of No. 1 Villa, the short-haired girl grabbed one of the soldiers and heldhim in front of her like a shield.

“Go on, open fire! Let’s see if your bullets are faster than me!” Despite being surrounded by dozens ofguns pointing at her, the girl showed no sign of fear nor panic. If anything, there was even a glint ofmanic excitement in her eyes.

The soldiers had their fingers on the trigger, but none of them dared open fire. The girl was standing infront of the Smith mansion, so their bullets could also hit the Smith family members inside.

On top of that, they knew full well that they would only end up killing her hostage if they shot at her.Given her terrifying speed, she could definitely dodge their bullets with ease.

However, they couldn’t just stand by and watch her enter the mansion either. Unsure of what to do inthat difficult situation, the soldiers were all in a dilemma.

The tense moment was interrupted when a clear voice rang out from above the mansion.

“I’m curious, are you here to kill or kidnap?”

The girl looked up and saw Yasmin sitting on the roof of the mansion.

She had her left leg propped up and her two-meter-long sniper rifle resting on her left knee. The barrelwas pointed at the girl below.

My instincts are telling me that this woman is the one who shot Hansel!

With that in mind, the girl’s pupils constricted as she asked, “Were you the one who fired those twoshots earlier?”

Yasmin let out a chuckle. “Yes, that was me. Also, you haven’t answered my question. Are you here tokill or kidnap?”

“Does it make a difference?”

“It does. If you’re here to kill, then you’ll be fired upon indiscriminately once you do so. I doubt even aGrandmaster would be able to make it out alive! If you’re here to kidnap them, things would be a lotmore interesting. We don’t want you killing them, and you don’t want us accidentally hurting thehostages either. That would up the stakes significantly.”

The girl’s eyes lit up after hearing that. She then took a closer look at Yasmin, only to shake her head indisappointment shortly after.

“You’re an interesting one. Unfortunately, you’re not a martial artist, so you don’t have what it takes totry and stop me. You may be great with guns, but you’re too close to me right now. I could kill you in theblink of an eye if I wanted to.”

“What if I want to give it a try anyway?” Yasmin asked as she set her sniper rifle aside and jumpeddown the roof.

The girl let out a chuckle when she saw Yasmin standing next to her.

“You’ll die if you fight me like this!”novelbin

“I’ve always been setting up assassinations, so I have never really fought a martial artist before. I’d liketo give it a shot!”

Yasmin flashed her a smile and waved her arms slightly, causing two silver handguns to come slidingout of her sleeves.


Without warning, Yasmin began firing while her arms danced about wildly.

The look on the girl’s face changed instantly when she realized what was going on.

The first shot from Yasmin was aimed at the girl’s head, while the second went right through thehostage’s body and was headed straight for her heart.

The rest of the shots looked like they were fired in completely random directions, but the girl knew theywere meant to cut off all her escape routes.

She would get hit by the other bullets if she tried to dodge the first two.

T-This is a death trap made out of bullets! I can’t believe I got careless! It’s too late for me to control herwith my spiritual energy now! Only someone from the God Realm would have spiritual energy powerfulenough to change the trajectory of the bullets, so that’s not an option for me either. She’s just a normalhuman being, so how is this possible?

Despite having a calm and collected expression, Yasmin was actually incredibly nervous.

Analytical Shooting was the greatest trump card she had at her disposal.

By observing the enemies’ movements, she could predict their possible reactions when faced withdanger and fire preemptively in those directions to cut off all escape routes.

That was the concept behind Analytical Shooting. However, when going against a Grandmaster, eventhe slightest miscalculation could result in her own death.

As the sounds of gunfire raged on outside, Jason and the other doctors were seated in the living roomof No. 2 Villa and staring calmly at the data on the screen.

A young boy wearing a suit munched on some snacks as he said with a frown, “The patient’s conditionhas been fairly stable throughout the past few days, so lasting another twelve to thirteen days shouldn’tbe a problem. Say, Jason, what’s going on out there? Why is it so noisy?”

Jason flashed the boy a smile when he heard that.

“Oh, this is nothing compared to when Asura’s Office was just established. Firefights would break outall the time. We’d be performing surgeries while bombs exploded right outside the building!”

Their conversation was interrupted when a young man kicked the front door of the mansion open. Hisbody was covered in blood, and he had a long sword in his hand.

“Hi, I came to visit Sophia. Is she here?” he asked.

The doctors were so scared that they simply stared at the young man in silence. Jason, on the otherhand, calmly sipped on his coffee as he replied, “The patient is still in critical condition. Visiting is notallowed at the moment.”

“And what if I insist on seeing her, huh?” the young man asked with a chuckle as he made his waytoward Jason.

Jason slowly stood up and brandished a scalpel in his right hand.

“Do you not understand what I just said? It looks like you need some treatment yourself!”

Those words had barely left Jason’s mouth when he lunged forward, instantly closing the five-metergap between him and the young man.


A clear sound echoed through the room as the scalpel clashed with the long sword.

Having been caught off guard, the young man was sent flying backward and crashed into the frontdoor.

As he lowered his gaze, he noticed a tiny chunk of his long sword had been chipped off.

A look of greed flickered in the young man’s eyes as he looked up at Jason’s scalpel.

My sword was forged through a very special technique. It’s no magical item, but it’s extremely sharpand can cut through most metal with ease. However, that scalpel was able to damage my sword in onehit, so it must be a magical item!

“That’s a very nice blade you’ve got there. Too bad it’s a little small, though.”

“No, it’s big enough to perform surgery on you,” Jason replied as he gently placed his glasses on thetable next to him.

He then loosened up his necktie a little before charging toward the young man at lightning speed.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

The sounds of those blades clashing against each other continued as they fought on.

As they were fighting at a narrow porch, the young man didn’t have enough room to fully utilize his longsword. Jason was able to get a few cuts in after clashing dozens of times.

Because Jason’s attacks were highly precise and aimed at joints and arteries, even a slight mistakecould result in death.

After dodging some of his attacks, the young man was able to slip into the courtyard.

The look on his face turned gloomy when he saw the blood on his clothes.

No. 2 Villa was supposed to be a much easier target than No. 1 Villa, but he was unlucky enough to runinto a freak like Jason.

Looks like I’ll have to up my game, or I won’t be able to accomplish my mission!

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