The Legendary Man

Chapter 527
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Chapter 527

Chapter 527 Tripartite Confrontation

After listening to Jonathan’s words, Andy fell silent. The Eight Kings of War, with Hades as the leader,wanted to support Jonathan and create a new order.

Meanwhile, Yaleview had always been the symbol of authority within Chanaea since it was the ancientcapital. No matter who held the authorities within Chanaea, they had to obtain Yaleview first.

This time, Jonathan ordered them to pull out all their informants in Yaleview, which also meant that hegave up on the plans they had for Yaleview.

Although this decision could stabilize the current state of affairs in Chanaea, implementing Jonathan’sorder would instantly change everything in the country.

Within Chanaea, three separate forces were restraining and keeping each other in check—respectablefamilies, the Office of Government Affairs, and Asura’s Office.

Among them, respectable families had a long-standing history and exceeded materialistic restraints.They did not have a fixed order and base and functioned as a huge and complex union formed throughmutual benefits.

After so much time had passed, these respectable families had a new tacit understanding. Theycontrolled the regime and did not intervene in the ruling process.

Placed at the top of the social class in the country, they controlled many aspects of Chanaea. Thisincluded the monopoly of base industries that involved clothing, food, and shelter, which wereessentials for people.

For these people, respectable families were invisible vampires who constantly took from thecommoners using reason and law.

End of the day, these respectable families were just very good business people. For many years, theserespectable families monopolized many industries in society.

Since the industrial revolution a hundred years ago, no new respected family was allowed to join thiscircle. Although there was competition among respectable families, these rivalries were kept at areasonable level.

They were big shots that loomed over society, yet they still had to rely on the public to survive.Ironically, they were the top predators and arrogant, but they somehow wanted society to developpeacefully for a long time.

Meanwhile, excluding the huge and complex benefit-based union formed by respectable families, theother two forces were Asura’s Office and the Office of Government Affairs.

Office of Government Affairs was Chanaea’s image and reputation, in charge of announcing all internaland external matters.

Although the Office of Government Affairs had many members of respectable families, and they wereloyal to those families, the Office of Government Affairs remained orthodox and an independent entitydue to its unique status.

Furthermore, the Office of Government Affairs gained more authority after Joshua began governingChanaea in recent years.

It was also the reason why Asura’s Office spent more than two years investing a great deal andplanting spies in Yaleview.

In the past, the Office of Government Affairs was controlled by respectable families, and governmentofficials became those families’ tools to manage Chanaea.

However, Joshua popped out of nowhere and began changing the Office of Government Affairs’objectives. He wasn’t even afraid of the members of respectable families. Someone like that was not asimpleton.

What worried Asura’s Office’s Eight Kings of War was Wilbur’s six-hundred-thousand-men army inYaleview.

Even the commander-in-chief from the Office of Government Affairs, who first suggested forming theYaleview Army, could not have expected this. The army conscription had rickrolled a whopping sixhundred thousand men.

At present, Wilbur’s troops and equipment were all lacking in comparison to the million soldiers underAsura’s Office.

However, Jonathan also said that everything had changed the moment Wilbur blocked and ordered theshot at Jonathan at Yaleview’s border.

A deterrence through military prowess was like a nuclear bomb that would destroy everything.

If one party had ten thousand bombs, and the other only had a hundred bombs, the difference ofninety-nine thousand nine hundred bombs was still useless because the results were the same—bothsides still had to suffer.

The decision to call back these spies seemed as if Jonathan was compromising to avoid confrontationwith Yaleview.

However, the truth was this was only the beginning of the opposition.

In the past, Asura’s Office had to be wary of Yaleview’s image despite its strength. Even if they obeyedmilitary orders but did not obey the summons, they were one level lower than Yaleview’s Office of

Government Affairs’ status on the surface.

However, these two were no longer in a superior-subordinate relationship from then on.

While looking at Jonathan, Andy understood that it would be war the next time they returned toYaleview after leaving now.

Jonathan’s retreat was to suppress the current conflict temporarily. However, this matter was like aspring. The harder the compression force, the stronger it would rebound.

War would arrive soon.

“Mr. Goldstein, we have some superficial informants in Yaleview other than the spies we planted. Howshould we deal with them?” Andy asked slowly after taking in a deep breath.

“Superficial informants? What exactly did Hades arrange in Yaleview?” Jonathan frowned and looked atAndy.

Andy recollected his memories and answered, “Mr. Goldstein, Yaleview is the Office of GovernmentAffairs’ territory and is protected by Yaleview Army. Two years ago, when Asura’s Office wasestablished, Hades was responsible for constructing the Intelligence Bureau. The first thing he did wasto send a large number of people to Yaleview.novelbin

They were divided into two groups. There were spies tasked with collecting key information,assassinations, and such, and superficial informants who collected low-grade information. Althoughsuperficial informants were required to hide their identities, too, the information protection level of theiridentities was only grade B. In other words, they are baits.”

When Jonathan heard the word “baits,” his expression turned solemn.

It was simple. These people simply existed as a smokescreen to cover for the spies so the latter couldwork better.

The personnel protection level was divided into five grades, S, A, B, C, and D.

Personnel in grade B was required to hide their identities but did not have a deep understanding oftheir organization. They also did not have direct contact with the organization.

This kind of personnel could be easily found out if the opposition party put all its effort into theinvestigation.

“How many baits like this were sent out? How many were sacrificed?” Jonathan asked in a low voice.

Andy answered, “There was a total of thirty thousand people. The mortality accumulated to roughly fourthousand five hundred. Mr. Goldstein, we could only adopt this method two years ago since Asura’sOffice was newly established, and we had no foundation in Yaleview—”

“You don’t have to explain. I understand.” Jonathan opened his mouth and interrupted Andy. “Passalong the order. Handle these superficial informants as if they had been exposed. Everyone has toreport to Yalegard Legion. You’ll be in charge of taking them in.”

“Huh? I have to take in all twenty thousand people?” Once Andy heard Jonathan’s orders, he wasslightly dazed.

“Not for you. Register them in the records and then divide them into eight groups for the Eight Kings ofWar to lead into your respective territories.” Jonathan sighed. “Send those who were willing to continueserving to the firefighting department. For those who want to retire, pay them two times thedecommission pay.”

Andy seemed to have understood something from Jonathan’s words and had a sad look in his eyes.“Mr. Goldstein, they’re carefully selected people.”

Jonathan flashed a smile at Andy. “I don’t doubt their excellence and loyalty, but these twenty thousandpeople had lived in Yaleview for two years. There must be some who had been bribed over. They werepeople who dedicated their lives to us, so I don’t want to investigate them in detail. The best choice isto give them a relatively peaceful life.”

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