The Legendary Man

Chapter 520
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Chapter 520

Chapter 520 Where Do You Want To Go

Following that glacial voice, Jonathan lightly flicked his fingers. The ceramic shards shot out like rays oflight, and along with that came screams of terror.

Those men in black suits around frantically escaped for their lives. But what ensued was hystericalcries for agony before they all collapsed to the ground one after another.

Within the force field that expanded to a radius of fifty meters, those cultivators who had yet reachedthe Grandmaster Realm were nothing but a bunch of weaklings to Jonathan.

Using the information relayed to him by the spiritual energy within the force field, Jonathan could easilytrack everyone’s movements and their next course of action.

Within a few seconds, dead bodies littered the ground of the massive garden. Before Jonathan, therewas only one last shard left.

Using his spiritual energy, he kept it spinning on his fingertip. With a grim laugh, Jonathan lifted thespiritual energy that was restraining the young man. “Sir, have mercy!”

The young man fell to his knees as soon as the force field was removed. Witnessing that scene,everyone felt their hearts sink.

Not too long ago, that young man was still acting high and mighty, trying to decide the fate of the vastmajority. Yet now, with Jonathan’s presence, the young man could only plead and beg for forgiveness.

“Where’s Sophia?” Jonathan placidly asked while staring at the trembling young man before his eyes.

“I-I… have no idea…”

Whoosh! As soon as the young man’s words fell, that ceramic chip flew out, leaving a deep streak ofblood on his cheek.

Under Jonathan’s control, that shard returned to his fingertip, but unlike earlier, it was now stained red.“That’s not the answer I want. Give me another answer,” Jonathan said.

“I-I…” The young man gulped. As he looked at the piece of shard before his eyes, his entire bodyshook involuntarily.

“Sir, I honestly have no idea. The Osborne family sent me to the Xydias residence to help train theircultivators. I’m here today also because I received the command to capture the members of theGoldstein family. That’s all that I’m aware of…”

Whoosh! A sharp sound split through the air. This time around, the shard pierced right through theyoung man’s elixir field.

With his elixir field crushed, he spewed a mouthful of blood, and his vitality withered to a critical point.

“Sir, I’ve been incapacitated. I-I beg of you. Please spare me…”

Knowing well that the odds of him winning against Jonathan were too low, that young man did not putup any resistance. Instead, he struggled to crawl over and began begging desperately.

Jonathan shot a look at the young man on the ground indifferently.

The shard that had stabbed through the young man’s lower abdomen had left a deep cut of about twofingers wide, and at that point, it was bleeding uncontrollably.

Had it been an ordinary being, he would have long lost the ability to move after sustaining such asevere injury. Nonetheless, the young man did not seem to be in a serious condition other than slightimpairment of his mobility.

“Do you really not know anything regarding Sophia?” A frown formed between Jonathan’s brows.

“I’m really clueless.” Kneeling on the ground, the young man sounded particularly earnest. “I’m from theOsborne family’s branch family which got ignored for many generations. I don’t even know where themain family is truly located, let alone their family affairs. To their direct blood descendants, people likeme are only their pawns. I’m no different from an outsider. I really don’t know what you’re saying. I begof you. Take me as nothing and let me off…”

Right then, a jet of crimson blood spurted out. The ceramic shard slit through the young man’s neckprecisely. Yet, Jonathan seemed unfazed, almost as though he had merely done something trivial as heturned around to look at the members of the Goldstein family.

The Goldstein family, led by Tommy, all broke free from the ropes and struggled to their feet at thatpoint. However, the gazes they threw toward Jonathan were far from being polite and friendly.

In the Goldstein family, Loretta was initially in the seat of authority, with Tommy and the others of thesame seniority holding a say over matters.

But after Jonathan created a commotion in Yaleview the other time, he had put Sophia to take the helmwhile leaving the rest of the members of the Goldstein family out.

It was thus no wonder why those people held such hostility toward Jonathan.

“Jonathan… That’s a member of the Osborne family. You’ve caused big trouble for the Goldsteinfamily!” Tommy looked at Jonathan and uttered in fear.

“Cause trouble?” Jonathan shot him a frosty glare. “Tommy, do you think they kidnapped you for the funof it?”

“Y-You…” All colors drained from Tommy’s face.

“Jonathan, if you didn’t insist on doing things your own way, the Goldstein family would still be aprominent family in Yaleview. We wouldn’t be in such a state today as well. But you’ve offended aprestigious family now. The Goldstein family can no longer secure our foothold in Yaleview. Tell me,what are we supposed to do now?”

Following Tommy’s barrage of questions, a ray of piercing light flashed across the air before coming toa halt before him.

“Tommy, do you think I don’t have the guts to kill you?” Murderous intent filled Jonathan’s gaze andtone. “Aunt Sophia has been taken away, yet none of you showed your concern at all.novelbin

And now you’re yelling at me because you’re worried the situation will be unfavorable to your self-interests. Is this what you call a prominent family? You people are not only frigid and heartless but alsoclouded by greed! You guys are honestly way worse than beasts!”

It was unknown whether it was because that flying ceramic shard was too terrifying or becauseJonathan’s words had hit the nail on the head, but the members of the Goldstein family fell in completesilence in that instant.

Catching sight of that scene, Jonathan coldly scoffed and strode toward the exit.

“Remember this—Goldstein Group will no longer have anything to do with you after you people get outof this situation. I’ll kill anyone who dares lay their fingers on anything other than this manor.”

Meanwhile, in the Xydias residence, Quinten was packing his belongings in the living room.

It was, in fact, out of sheer desperation that the Xydias family had gotten themselves involved in thegrudge between the Osborne family and the Goldstein family this time around.

Two years ago, the Xydias family was still a nameless, ordinary family, and Quinten was merely anaverage administrative officer in the Department of Transportation.

At that time, the director of the Department of Transportation was an honest and decent man. TheOsborne family wanted the director to intervene and control the developments of the four prominentfamilies, yet he refused.

Learning that the director was someone unmoved by force or persuasion, the Osborne family killed himright before Quinten’s eyes.

The following day, Quinten, who had witnessed the entire incident in person, took over the director’sposition and officially became the powerholder in the Office of Government Affairs.

It was also then the Xydias family went through tremendous growth. However, that came with a price topay—they became the vassal of the Osborne family.

Realization finally dawned upon Quinten that collaborating with the Osborne family was tantamount toplaying with fire. With the Xydias family’s foundation, they stood at risk of getting decimated at anytime.

Somehow, Quinten had a feeling that the downfall of the Xydias family would come anytime soon. Thatwas why he had to think of a way to get out of Yaleview and even Chanaea.

With that, Quinten had his important belongings packed—cash, clothing, and passport, to name a few.Nevertheless, just as he was ready to leave, an indifferent voice rang out behind him.

“Mr. Xydias, are you perhaps heading somewhere? You seem like you’re in such a hurry!”

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