The Legendary Man

Chapter 510
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Chapter 510

Chapter 510 Come Save Her

Sophia’s expression changed when she heard Quinten’s statement. “Mr. Xydias, although theGoldstein family can never hold a candle to The Untouchables, we still have a somewhat solidfoundation. There’ll be a price for you to pay to even think of winning me over.novelbin

I may be only a woman, but I still have what it takes to stand my ground. Besides, if we, the Goldsteinfamily, have our backs against the wall, I’m afraid not even you will be able to fend off our retaliation.”

Quinten’s countenance gradually darkened as he listened to Sophia’s claim. “Are you threatening me,Sophia?”

“Oh, no, I wouldn’t have the guts to pull something like that. I simply wish for an amicable relationshipbetween us,” answered Sophia with a faint smile. “Over the years, Mr. Xydias, the Xydias family hasbeen flourishing ever so steadily under your lead. Even so, you guys are teetering on the brink of fallingoff the chart of being a notable family. If you ask me, you still have a long way to go if your family is totruly be regarded as a prominent family.”

Sophia quickly added, “Considering that the ranking of all affluent families in Yaleview is going to startanew, the chance to shoot to prominence is up for grabs. The Goldstein family sees this as a goldenopportunity, but at the same time, you, too, must share the same sentiment, don’t you? If you can find itin your generous heart to spare me, we can actually form an alliance. After all, the Zeller and Maxwellfamilies are already exiled from Yaleview, but their positions have yet to be filled ever since. Wouldn’t itbe good if the Xydias family could assume their roles instead?”

Silence ensued in the whole room.

Sophia reached into the briefcase at the side and fished out a set of documents she had preparedbeforehand.

“Have a look. These businesses cover an array of different fields. They’ll be all yours if you agree.”

Quinten slipped into deep thoughts as he looked at those documents on the table.

A tinge of wicked glee flitted across Sophia’s eyes the moment she saw Quinten’s demeanor.

That would be logical, for each of the documents represented a business that was worth a few billion.

By putting them all together, it would bring the sum to a grand total of more than hundreds of billion.

Better still, those businesses offered to Quinten were merely the tip of the iceberg. In truth, Sophia andLydia had eliminated them for being crude.

Yet, it was more than sufficient to have the head of a prominent family like Quinten be thunderstruck tothe core.

Such was the difference between a family in clover and a so-called prominent family.

Sophia secretly let out a long sigh after gaining control of the situation.

Alas, just as she was about to open her mouth to impel Quinten into complying, the latter lifted a handand pushed the documents worth hundreds of billion back to her.

“What’s the meaning of this, Mr. Xydias?”

A frown marred Sophia’s mien as she posed the question.

Quinten shook his head slightly and said, “Money sure makes the world go round, but this moneycomes at a rather inappropriate time, don’t you think? I might not even live long enough to spend themoney you offered. It’s pretty easy if you want to keep the Goldstein family out of harm’s way. All youhave to do is to offer me the entire fortune of your family!”

“What? The entire fortune…”

Sophia was stupefied by the absurd demand. She had thought that he was only greedy to a certainextent. Not even in a million years did she ever expect him to be that insatiable.

“Are my ears playing tricks on me? Mr. Xydias, if you really meant what you said, I guess we shouldjust part ways right now.”

As Sophia took a stance, she rose to her feet and was all ready to depart from the place.

Be that as it might, a snort escaped from Quinten’s lips as he remained seated.

“Leaving already? Do you seriously think you can step out of here?”

“What is that supposed to mean?” asked Sophia, putting her guard up at once.

“Do it!”

Following the bellow from Quinten, a series of agonizing shrieks could be heard coming from outsidethe room.

Sophia’s visage did a one-eighty there and then as she bolted toward the door, pulling it open with allher might.

The second the door was open, a gun was pointed directly at her forehead.

All she could see were the members she had brought with her had all fallen to the ground in thecorridor.

Raising her hands in mid-air, Sophia slowly retracted her steps and returned to the room.

“As the director of the Department of Transportation, Quinten, I suppose you’re in the know of muchinsider information. Don’t tell me you have no idea what kind of person Jonathan is! Don’t you know therepercussion of imprisoning me?”

“Do you think I want to do this?”

Quinten was purple with rage as he stared at Sophia.

“Of course, I’m very tempted by your generous offer worth hundreds of billion. I can even go against myown conscience and do all your bidding. Still, this measly amount of money would only be deemedchicken feed for them.”

“Them? Who?” questioned Sophia in perplexity.


A crisp voice was heard coming from outside the door. Immediately afterward, a young man decked ina suit set foot inside the room.

“I’ve long heard that the daughter of the Goldstein family is a beauty. And today, I get to witness it withmy very eyes.” The young man lifted a finger and pushed the gun away from Sophia’s forehead. “Begentle, please. You shouldn’t be uncouth toward our goddess.”

After shoving his subordinate to the side, the young man tugged at Sophia’s shoulders and pressed herdown into a chair.

“Ms. Goldstein, you don’t genuinely believe that a loser like Quinten gets to be so full of himself justbecause he’s the director of the Department of Transportation, do you?”

That young man took a seat next to Sophia and rested his feet. Concurrently, Quinten, who had beensitting opposite him, leaped up right away and respectfully stood aside.

Even if he was belittled outright by the young man like that, he didn’t dare to have any kind of reactionat all.

“Who are you…”

Seeing Quinten’s bearing, Sophia reckoned that the young man had to be some sort of big shot. Yet,no matter how she racked her brain, she could not put her finger on who would have the audacity to laya hand on her and the Goldstein family.

“Ah, forgive me for being crude. This is the first time we’ve met. I should’ve introduced myself to you.”

The young man flashed a grin as he straightened his shirt.

“I’m Jay Osborne from the Osborne family. A few days ago, Jonathan declared war on my family, andhe even went as far as to disable my elder brother’s hand. So, today, I’m here to collect the debt!”

Meanwhile, Joshua was leisurely enjoying some tea in the courtyard at his place at Zedfield inYaleview.

“Commander, the Osborne family has made a move. Sophia is now being held captive at ProsperousHotel. As for the rest of the Goldstein family members, the Osborne family has sent someone to goafter them. The entire Goldstein family would fall into the clutches of the Osborne family in an hour, atthe latest.”

Upon hearing the report, Joshua bobbed his head in response.

“Sometimes, humans do require a push to the brink before they acquire the courage to overcome theirfears. Jonathan is a strategist himself; he has been taking baby steps year after year just to build up hisconnections and strengthen his power.”

He stopped to ponder for a bit before continuing, “In order to ignite the fire within him, we need morefuels to fan the flames. Isn’t Sophia the only kin he cares about among all of his family members? Makesure her life is a living hell, then.”


Back in the garden at No. 1 Villa in Jadeborough, Jonathan was stroking the ancient sword in hishands.

At that point in time, Josephine was bringing over a tray of well-sliced fruits to Jonathan’s side.

“Look at yourself. You’ve been carrying this sword around and staring at it ever since you came backfrom Lumonburg. What on earth is so special about it?” asked Josephine in mock anger as she putdown the tray of fruits on the table beside.

Listening to the woman’s query, Jonathan broke into a smile while laying down his precious HeavenSword at one side.

“You know, you can always ask the helpers to do these chores in your stead. You have a bun in theoven, so you must rest more.”

As Jonathan dropped his remark, he dotingly helped Josephine to the seat. He even reached out tolightly touch Josephine’s tummy.

“There’s someone else here who also needs some rest, you see.”

Josephine instantly flung her hand to shove Jonathan’s hand away from her belly.

“The baby’s only two-month-old. So tell me, how much rest do I actually need to have?”

Josephine pouted as she tossed him a retort.

Despite blurting out such a comment, she still wore a sweet smile as she caressed her own stomach.

There was an unconcealable glint in her sparkling eyes. Without a doubt, she must feel blessed.

Jonathan was also all smiles, gazing at Josephine right in front of him. How I wish to have the ability tofreeze time so that I can be with Josephine forever, living a simple and peaceful life, just like now.

Right at that juncture, Jonathan’s phone chimed. He fished out the phone and peeked at the caller ID.The next second, he froze.

Lydia? Why’s she calling me?

After swiping the answer key, Jonathan held his phone to his ear.

“Jonathan! Sophia’s in danger. Come save her. Quick!”

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