The Legendary Man

Chapter 484
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Chapter 484

Chapter 484 Rewardnovelbin

Xiara froze when she heard Jonathan’s words. When the ruffians dragged her into the alley before that,it was to lure Jonathan in so that he could be killed.

However, Xiara immediately knew her plan had backfired when she saw Jonathan walking awaywithout turning back. From her outfit to her facial expressions, Xiara kept trying to figure out what shehad done wrong. After all, as an assassin, it was extremely dangerous to have her identity exposedbefore she could assassinate someone.

That was why she followed Jonathan for that long. She wanted Jonathan to reveal her mistakes so thatshe could reflect on them.

However, she didn’t expect Jonathan to say her name out loud.

After all, assassins were meant to live in the dark their whole lives.

As predators, they would find their targets from all around the world and get rewarded by carrying outassassinations.

It was because of this that assassins were bound to have a lot of enemies.

Quite a lot of the parties who had been targeted would then pay a third party to kill the assassins inreturn.

Hence, assassins had to be constantly looking over their shoulders because not only could they bekilled when they were hunting, but they could also become prey themselves.

That was why it was said that once a professional assassin got exposed, they were as good as dead.

The moment Jonathan called her out, Xiara slipped a pistol from her sleeve down into her hand.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t put too much hope in that pistol of yours,” Jonathan uttered coldly. “Besides, Ipromise you that the moment you point that thing at me, you’ll die before me. If you don’t believe me,try it.”

The smile on Xiara’s face froze. How? My pistol was under my sleeve this whole time. It’s like Jonathancan predict my moves! This ability of his reminds me of the top assassin on Heaven List, GOD! Thatguy could predict all the moves his counterpart made!

Xiara could only stare at Jonathan in puzzlement.

“I don’t get it. Three years ago, Punisher, ranked third on Heaven List, came to kill me. I sent him toprison, and he had only gotten out a few days ago. Also, a few days ago, Scorpio, ranked tenth onHeaven List, had also tried and failed. Now, I shouldn’t be on the bounty list anymore, right? Why wouldyou risk your life to assassinate me? Are you sick of living?”

Right then, they arrived at a long bench by the side of the road. Xiara whipped out her pistol and put iton the bench. With a sigh, she sat down. “Well, I’m sure it’s better to live than to die. Why wouldanyone be sick of living?”

Xiara curled up on the bench, hugged her legs, and leaned her head on her knees. “Although I don’tknow Punisher and Scorpio personally, I think it’s rather easy to know their personalities by looking attheir assassinations. Punisher never shied away from creating a loud bang with his assassinations.There was once, he blew up a fifty-two-story tall building just to kill a member of a prominent bankingfamily. Obviously, it was a crazy act in the eyes of the public. At the same time, it was quite talkedabout among the assassins as well. That guy was a brute, and he would often act on his emotionsinstead of knowledge. I wasn’t surprised when you caught him. Prior to this, I even thought you’ve killedhim. As for Scorpio, he was a coward. He would only kill his targets with a sniper from afar, and he

never dared to fight someone face-to-face. Frankly, I’m ashamed because I’m on Heaven List withhim.”

Upon hearing Xiara making comments about her two counterparts, Jonathan couldn’t help but chuckle.

Back when he had a bounty on his head, he would bump into an assassin every few days. Hence, hehad some understanding of the profession. Some people might think that assassins are all in suits andsunglasses, and they’re all cold-blooded and ruthless killers. These characteristics are often shown inmovies. In reality, assassins are all top-class actors and actresses. They could disguise themselves asstudents, white-collar workers, beggars, and even poor sods who are getting beaten up. However, oncethey’re presented with their targets, they’ll act swiftly and kill. Although I’ve met plenty of them before,I’ve never ended up having a conversation with one.

While listening to Xiara grumbling, Jonathan turned to look at that adorable face of hers. “One of themis a brute, while the other one is a coward. What about you? What are you?”

Xiara smiled smugly and answered, “The wise one. If you had entered the alley, you would’ve died.”

“How so? Have you set up some booby-traps in there?” Jonathan smiled.

“Of course.” Xiara’s face was red with excitement as she added, “I buried three grenades in there toblow you to pieces.”

Jonathan nodded slightly. “All right. I’m sorry to have wasted your effort and time. Since you didn’tattack me, it’s only fair that I let you live. I have other things to attend to. Stop following me, okay?”

With that, Jonathan turned around to leave.

Xiara jumped and landed in front of Jonathan. “Where are you going, Jonathan? Could you bring me?”

“Why would I do that?”

“So that I can look for an opportunity to kill you,” Xiara answered matter-of-factly. “The reward for killingyou had just gone up to five hundred million. For that price, I would willingly risk my life.”

Five hundred million? Jonathan frowned. Before this, the bounty was set at one hundred million.However, Scorpio failed, and the bounty was taken off. How did it suddenly go up to five hundredmillion? No wonder Xiara was willing to try to kill me, even though she knew she was no match for me.Who wouldn’t risk their lives for that price?

“Well, you have the freedom to go wherever you want. However, if you try to attack me, I’ll have to killyou!” Jonathan uttered.

Jonathan was walking down the street under the moonlight, and Xiara just kept following him frombehind.

Meanwhile, Philip and Zane were standing outside the infirmary in the Gomez residence.

At that moment, a group of specialists from all the top hospitals in Lumonburg was standing beforethem.

An old professor said to Philip, “Mr. Gomez, we’ll try our best to treat Mr. Quinton. However, his injuriesare too severe. The bone in his right arm is shattered. Besides, the shattered bones had penetrated hisflesh. We can’t separate all the bones from his flesh…”

Philip’s expression turned grim. “Dr. Shaw, you’re the expert. Please do whatever you can to save mygrandson.”

Terry Shaw nodded slightly and said, “In order to avoid infections and blood loss, we need to amputateyour grandson’s right arm!”

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