The Legendary Man

Chapter 473
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Chapter 473

The Legendary Man Chapter 473 Suffer The Same Fate

“Yes, Mr. Goldstein!” Hades hesitated for a while but still did not dare to speak in the end.

The decision made by Jonathan was not something he could change.

Forget him, not even God could change Jonathan’s mind!

“After I leave, Asura’s Office will be handed over to you,” Jonathan said as he glanced coldly at Hades.“At the same time, you can use this opportunity to pluck out all the weeds in Asura’s Office!”

“Weeds?” Hades was taken aback and only responded after a while. “Mr. Goldstein, are you sayingthat there are traitors in Asura’s Office?”

“What do you think?” Jonathan shot him an icy stare. “Did you think that the Gomez family fromLumonburg would dare to attack me without anyone backing them up? Of course, there are peoplehelping them.”

“That’s impossible, Mr. Goldstein.” The expression on Hades’ face darkened at once.

Asura’s Office was single-handedly built from the ground by Jonathan. With an impregnable defense,every person in Asura’s Office was meticulously chosen. They were the cream of the crop. How couldthere be a traitor?

“There is no such thing as impossible.” Jonathan smiled coolly. “Remember this, there are no eternalcomrades in this world; only personal interests matter! Unless I die, how can anyone replace me? Itseems that someone has noticed my weak legs and wants to seize the chance to take over the throne.”

Jonathan shook his head and headed outside while he continued, “Remember, no matter who it is, aslong as you find the weed, you must make sure it is completely removed! We will deal with the

aftermath when the time comes.”

“Yes, Mr. Goldstein!” Hades said with a glint of killing intent in his eyes.

Asura’s Office belonged to Asura, but it was also Hades’. Hades was the leader of the Eight Kings ofWar. Yet, right under his nose, there were actually people who were in cahoots with outsiders andplanning to kill Jonathan.

This felony alone was enough for the culprit to be punishable by death!

“It seems that some people really don’t know how good they have it.” Hades sneered as a cold gleamflashed in his eyes.

It seemed that in the last few years of tranquility, someone had forgotten just how Hades had risen tobecome the leader of the Eight Kings of War back then.

The night passed by in the blink of an eye.

As the sky slowly lit up, Jonathan was already sitting comfortably on a plane.

The flight ticket was booked by Hades, so he was ushered right into the VIP lounge, where he then saton a massage chair, enjoying this short relaxation time that he rarely had.

However, just as Jonathan was about to get some shuteye, a flurry of noisy footsteps was heardcoming from the distance.

“Get out! Everyone, out!”

“Clear the place!”

At the exact moment the words sounded, a beautifully-dressed woman was seen hurriedly walking intothe lounge while surrounded by a group of men.

At first, there were a few people in the VIP lounge. After the woman barged in, those people were allchased out of the room.

Jonathan frowned but paid them no mind.

Unfortunately, that did not mean that they would let him go!

“Hey! Wake up!”

At that moment, a burly, middle-aged man dressed in a black suit stepped in front of Jonathan andimpatiently woke him up.

“You, get out!” shouted the suited man while pointing at Jonathan.

“Why should I?” Jonathan’s expression was a little unsightly. “You’d better give me a good reason.Otherwise, you’ll be sorry for disrupting my rest!”

“Reason? What reason do you need?” The man sized up Jonathan and noticed that he was dressed incheap clothes. Not a single article of clothing on him was expensive. Disdain was evident on the man’sface as he continued, “Get the hell out of here. You’re such an eyesore!”

“And if I don’t?” Jonathan asked as he stared coldly at the brawny man.

It was this stare that made the man instantly feel a chill run down his spine. Nevertheless, knowing thathe had his men backing him from behind, the man remained unfazed and said, “Then, don’t say that Ididn’t warn you.”

As soon as the words fell, the man’s hand reached out to grab Jonathan’s collar.



Jonathan swiftly caught hold of the man’s extended arm. Following the sound of bones cracking, theman in the black suit fell to the ground with a thud.

“Hasn’t anyone ever told you that you should speak politely when you’re outside?”novelbin

“Stop right there!”

Hearing the blood-curdling scream, a group of men in black came rushing over. They then saw the mankneeling on the ground before Jonathan with a pained expression on his face.

“I said stop! Do you hear me?”

The leader of the pack dashed forward to Jonathan with a bleak expression.

“He was impolite, so now his arm is broken. Do you want to suffer the same fate as him?”

Jonathan raised his leg and promptly kicked away the man at his feet. Then, he glared coldly at theother man with his fists clenched.

As for the man who was kicked, the moment he was released by Jonathan, all he felt was theagonizing pain of his broken bones. It was so painful that he passed out on the spot.

“Brat, do you know who we are? You’re looking for death if you dare mess with any of us.” When theleader of the men in black saw what Jonathan did, he waved his hand and ordered, “Get him! Let’steach this little brat a good lesson.”


As soon as the order was issued, the group of tough men immediately charged at Jonathan.

“D*mn you!”

Jonathan shifted his gaze and sent out a flying kick on the chest of the man coming toward him. Justlike that, the man’s chest caved in from the impact of the kick. Following that, he spat out a mouthful ofblood and flopped to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the men in black who were surrounding Jonathan subconsciously retreated a fewsteps backward. The leader, who was just preparing to teach Jonathan a hard lesson, was stunned onthe spot, not even daring to move a muscle.

Unexpectedly, someone dressed in a white suit came scurrying over right at that moment.

“What’s going on? What’s all the commotion about? Didn’t I ask you guys to clear the scene? What thehell are you doing?”

As soon as the man in the white suit came in, he furiously gave the men in black an earful.

“Baxter, someone is giving us trouble here. He hurt our men!” The leader of the pack quickly sprangforward and pointed an accusatory finger at Jonathan.


The man named Baxter immediately cast his gaze at Jonathan upon hearing those words. As a sharpglint flashed across his eyes, Baxter couldn’t help but snicker. “No one has dared to cause trouble forme in so many years. I didn’t expect to meet a dumb fool today!”

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