The Legendary Man

Chapter 345
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Chapter 345

The Legendary Man Chapter 345

Shadow Dragon Pool

“We’ve found something!”

Hearing Jonathan’s words, Hades quickly caught up with him. “I found a place called Shadow DragonPool a while ago. I think it’s related to the secret scroll that you wanted to find!”

“Shadow Dragon Pool?” Jonathan slightly frowned when he heard this. “Where is it?”

“It’s in Jipsdale, not too far away from Yaleview.” As he said this, Hades hesitated a while beforecontinuing, “But I can’t guarantee that Shadow Dragon Pool is related to the secret scroll that you wantto find. I just heard the elderly there say that a legendary expert once appeared there before. The scrollthat he used for his cultivation just happened to be the Shadow Dragon Technique!”

“The Shadow Dragon Technique?”

That name didn’t seem to have any relation to the technique he was cultivating. The scroll that he hadgotten back then was called the Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique.

However, he only had the first half of it.

As of then, the second half was still yet to be found.

Nonetheless, as long as there was a slim chance that it was related to the Ancient Sacred DragonTechnique, there was no way that he would give up on this rare opportunity.

After all, he had already spent three whole years looking for the second half of the Ancient SacredDragon Technique.

“I think it’s called the Shadow Dragon Technique. But you do know that those elderly only got thisinformation from hearsay. As for the legendary expert, even they themselves don’t know who it is!”Hades felt helpless as he continued, “Mr. Goldstein, if you do want to go, why don’t I send someone togo along with you?”

“There’s no need for that.”

Jonathan shook his head. “Send me the address. I’ll go there myself.”

“Yes, Mr. Goldstein.”

Once he finished his words, Hades casually waved his hand, and a soldier stepped forward behindhim.

The soldier then passed a hand-drawn map to Hades.

“Mr. Goldstein, I got a local to draw this map for me when I was there. There might be someinaccuracies, but there shouldn’t be a major problem.”

As he said that, Hades passed the hand-drawn map to Jonathan.

“Is this a map?” Jonathan instantly furrowed his brows when he saw the map.

How could this be a map? This is clearly just some scribbles!

The red lines and countless squiggly black lines just seemed like a mess.

“I didn’t have any other choice. No one had ever been there. Even the locals there said that they onlyheard their elders mention it.” Hades seemed slightly awkward. “Besides, I’ve heard that many peopledied there before. Perhaps the legendary expert set some trap inside it. As long as someone

trespassed inside, the trap would be set off. But this is all just some rumors. Who would ever believesuch superstition in the modern era?”

Hades didn’t believe a single word about the traps and protective formations.

In the modern era, no one would do something so superstitious and traditional.

“Forget about the map. I’ll look for it myself.” Jonathan tossed the scribbled map to Hades. He thenheaded outside.

“Mr. Goldstein, do you need me to send someone to go with you?” Hades shouted as he followedbehind Jonathan.

“There’s no need.”

Without turning back, Jonathan walked out.

A few hours later, Jonathan exited the train station at Jipsdale.

As Yaleview was near Jipsdale, it wouldn’t even take him half an hour, especially if he went by train.novelbin

“Handsome, do you need a place to stay? Our hotel is very cheap. It only costs one hundred a night!”The moment Jonathan walked out of the train station, a middle-aged woman dressed conservativelyrushed up to him. “Besides, we also have young girls at our hotel who are good at singing, playinginstruments, and everything else. It only costs five hundred a night!”

“Get out of my way!” Jonathan frowned once he heard this.

What era are we living in? How are there still pimps acting so brazenly at train stations? How are theyopenly asking for customers from passing passengers at the entrance of the train station? Do theofficials in Jipsdale not care about any of this?

“Hmph. Just say it if you don’t want to. What’s with the attitude?” Seeing that Jonathan’s expressionhad darkened, the middle-aged woman glared at him annoyedly and turned to walk away. As she didso, she even grumbled, “He’s dressed so decently, and I thought that he was some rich man. I didn’texpect that he wouldn’t even be able to afford a one-night stay worth five hundred! What a broke loser.Pfft! Just my luck.”

The middle-aged woman spat out a mouthful of saliva huffily before rushing over to a balding middle-aged man behind Jonathan.

After a few words, the man hurried after the middle-aged woman as they headed toward a small hotel.

Jonathan didn’t even have to think about what would happen inside.

Besides him having sex, there was nothing else that could happen.

After a while, Jonathan followed along the path according to the map in his memory and headed towardShadow Dragon Pool.

After walking for about four hours straight, he finally stopped at what looked to be a desertedwilderness.

However, he was surprised to find a group of young men and women dressed fashionably in thewilderness. At a glance, they seemed to have no relation to such a remote place.

Just as Jonathan looked at them, the group also turned to look at him.

However, Jonathan only ignored them and continued on his journey.

As he walked forward, it wasn’t long before he reached a mountain range.

The landscape of mountains seemed to go on for hundreds of miles.

The dense foliage on the mountains also made it seem exceptionally eerie.

Just as Jonathan was about to head up the mountain, the group of young men and women behind himsuddenly rushed up to him. One of the young men who looked slightly older looked at Jonathan andasked, “Are you also going to Shadow Dragon Pool?”

“Do you know Shadow Dragon Pool as well?”

Jonathan instantly frowned when he heard the man mention Shadow Dragon Pool.

Never would he expect that the group of young people was also looking for Shadow Dragon Pool.

“Of course we do!” Upon hearing Jonathan’s question, the young man hurriedly responded. “We camehere just to look for Shadow Dragon Pool!”

“What are you going to do there?” Jonathan asked with a slight frown.

“We’re going to Shadow Dragon Pool to look for the spring water deep inside the pool. We want to usethat spring water to make a new type of mineral water. It’s just like Watson’s sparkling water and Evianmineral water.” The young man told him their motive without hesitation. He then turned to the youngwoman beside him, who was dressed fashionably and looked to be of mixed blood. This is the thirddaughter of the Hansley family. I came here with her to look for the deep spring water!”

“Francis, why are you telling a stranger so much?” Upon hearing the man’s words, the young woman,also known as Cecilia Hansley, frowned slightly, seeming rather displeased.

“Ms. Hansley, it’s better to gain more friends anyway. Besides, it isn’t a bad thing to have anothercompanion in a gloomy place like this, isn’t it?” The man chuckled as he said that and turned toJonathan. “Why are you going to Shadow Dragon Pool then?”

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