The Legendary Man

Chapter 331
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Chapter 331

The Legendary Man Chapter 331

The New Chief Instructor

Patrick was visibly annoyed.

The bunch of rascals might not have recognized the photo of the new chief instructor, but there was noway he would not have. Besides, as the lieutenant commander of the Dragon Scale Guards, it would be a total disgrace if hedid not recognize Asura. These rascals may laugh at him for being young, but once they find out he’s the legendary Asura, I betthey’d be so petrified that they’d pee their pants! Sadly, Andy had specifically warned Patrick not to divulge Jonathan’s identity before their arrival.

Otherwise, Andy would punish his lieutenant commander severely, even if it meant having to hunt thelatter down to the ends of the world. In any case, Patrick was sure his troops would be in for a rude shock.

These smug bstards don’t even have respect for me, so one can only wonder how much trouble they’dbe in when Asura gets here! Just then, the roar of a plane rang out in the distance, prompting everyoneto look up at the sky. “Look, guys! There’s a plane flying toward us. Do you think our new chiefinstructor has arrived?” “Ha! I call bullsht on him being the chief instructor! How is he qualified to trainus when he’s just a young brat?” someone in the crowd scoffed. “Shall we teach him a lesson when hegets here?” “What are your plans?”

“You’ll find out once he’s here. Watch me!” The next second, everyone started discussing ways to put the new chief instructor in his place. Patrick,on the other hand, merely listened and chuckled to himself.

You rascals are in deep sh*t! The more intense your discussions are, the more you’d have to pay foryour insolence! Meanwhile, Jonathan had closed his eyes in the military helicopter, looking as though he was fastasleep.

A middle-aged soldier sat beside him, with a gaze full of confusion and doubt. He could not fathom whyAndy would pick someone who could still pass off as a university student to be the chief instructor ofthe Dragon Scale Guards. Wouldn’t the new guy be courting death?

The soldier might not be from the Asura Guards, but even he was aware of how troublesome therascals in the Dragon Scale Guards could be.

On top of that, there were more than a hundred thousand people in the Dragon Scale Guards. Apartfrom Andy and Patrick, who else would be capable enough to keep a rein on the troublemakers? In an attempt to wake Jonathan up, the middle-aged soldier announced, “Mr. Goldstein, the area infront of us is the Dragon Scale Guards’ base!”

His eyes, however, were filled with utter shock.How can this guy still sleep at such a crucial time?

Jonathan merely hummed an acknowledgment as he slowly opened his eyes and looked out thewindow.Outside, the wind was cold, and even the clouds in the sky had shrunk, turning ominously dark.

“Mr. Goldstein, the helicopter will stop mid-air in a few minutes,” the soldier stated as he took out aparachute, handing it to Jonathan. “Here, this parachute is for you. Once the helicopter stops flying,you can jump right out of it. I suppose you know how to use a parachute?”“I don’t need it,” Jonathanreplied while waving it off.

Dumbfounded, the soldier stammered, “D-Don’t need it?”Before he could say anything else, Jonathanwalked to the main cabin and pulled the door open.Naturally, the soldier was shocked beyond

measure. “Mr. Goldstein, what are you doing?”

“I’m jumping down,” responded Jonathan matter-of-factly.“Are you joking, Mr. Goldstein? You haven’teven put on your parachute!” the soldier hollered. We’re at least a hundred meters from the ground, forgoodness’ sake! Falling from this height would smash him into a pulp!“I’ve already said I don’t need it!”

Not wanting to waste his breath on the soldier, Jonathan instantly put one foot out and jumped downfrom mid-air.

“You’ve lost your mind!”

Of course, the soldier was scared out of his wits, but it was too late for him to remedy thesituation.Back on the ground, many Dragon Scale Guards had their eyes glued to the sky.

As soon as they saw a man leaping from the helicopter, one of the guards yelled, “Look! Someone justjumped down!”Another guard chimed in, “Hey, he’s not wearing a parachute.”

Only then did those with sharp eyes realize that the man had jumped without a parachute.“That’s ournew chief instructor? That kid’s not crazy, is he? He just jumped from a height of a hundred meters,and he didn’t even bother to use a parachute? Isn’t he afraid that he’d end up as minced meat?”“Let’shave a bet, shall we? Do you think he’d land on his head or his feet?”

“I say he’d land head first!”“I’m betting on his feet!”The crowd became increasingly boisterous as theybetted on how their new chief instructor would meet his demise. To them, his life and death were notimportant at all.

As Dragon Scale Guards, they came across countless dead bodies every day.

Furthermore, they had lost count of the number of enemies that had died at their hands. Because of that, a human’s death, in their eyes, was as inconsequential as that of an ant’s.

To put it simply, they had become desensitized to death.

However, just as the guards continued to whisper among themselves, a black silhouette suddenlyplummeted from the sky and hit the ground. A loud bang instantly rang out.

The impact sent dust and dirt flying everywhere, and cracks began to appear on the ground. The next moment, a figure strode out from the clouds of dust.

As the dust settled, Jonathan’s face gradually came into view. Alas, the crowd had yet to recover from their shock.

How is that possible? How could anyone survive a hundred-meter jump from the air? He’s still in one piece! How is that humanly possible?

In the end, the curiosity and astonishment were too much to bear, and someone had to ask thequestion on everyone’s mind, “Does this kid have a body of steel? Or has he learned a skill that giveshim some form of armor protection?” “Didn’t someone remark earlier that the kid hasn’t even hit puberty? What? Are you feeling scarednow?”

“Oh, shut up. I’m not afraid of anything! I refuse to believe he has a body of steel. But so what if hedoes? Can he stop the bullet from my gun?” Although the troublesome bunch had just witnessed Jonathan’s impressive feat, they remainedunconvinced and recalcitrant. Unfortunately, their impression of him only worsened when they saw how young he was.

If they had not seen Jonathan do the hundred-meter jump with their own eyes, they would have thoughthe was a university student who had gotten lost and needed their help.

With Jonathan’s good looks, they would have also believed it if he said he was a male idol fromKoandria.novelbin

After all, when had any soldier looked like a pretty boy?

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