The Legendary Man

Chapter 310
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Chapter 310

The Legendary Man Chapter 310

The Siege

“Andy Morsley!” the middle-aged soldier casually uttered his name.

The moment when Michael heard the name, his feet instantly felt like jelly, and he almost went down tohis knees on the spot.

Andy Morsley? The legendary person in control of 100 thousand Dragon Scale Guards and also one ofthe Four Kings of War of Asura’s Office who’s elected by Asura personally? Demonic Terminator, AndyMorsley? What’s he doing here? There’s no enmity between us, but why did he suddenly lead thetroops to besiege the Zeller residence?

“Commander Morsley, wh-what are you doing here? Have we done anything wrong and offendedAsura’s Office? Or is there anyone ignorant from the Zeller family who ruffled your feathers?” Themoment when Michael realized that the middle-aged soldier in front of him was Andy, his attitudechanged drastically in an instant.

“The Zeller family didn’t get on my nerves but has offended someone scarier than me!” Andy cast aglance indifferently at Michael. “I’m here today on a command to exterminate the Zeller family! Theperson that you’ve offended has made his order, that he doesn’t want any nonsensical four prominentfamilies to exist in Yaleview! Do you understand what I mean?”

Wipe out the Zeller family? Michael’s expression abruptly changed the moment when he heard thesefew words. He looked at Andy with a flash of disbelief in his eyes. “C-Commander Morsley, did I hearyou right? Did you just say that you’re going to wipe out the Zeller family?”

“You’ve heard it right!” Andy glanced at Michael. He then waved his hand and instantly ordered, “At mycommand, Dragon Scale Guards! Take every one of the Zeller family back! No mercy for those whodare to resist!”

“Yes, sir!”

At a word of command from Andy, countless heavily-armored soldiers behind him held the rifles up intheir hands and swiftly barged into the Zeller residence without demur.

Everything turned upside down in a split second. Chaos and screams resounded through the Zellerresidence.

“Commander Morsley, wh-what exactly happened? Is there some misunderstanding?” Michael instantlyfelt at a loss, seeing was going on in front of him.

As the nominated successor and the eldest son of the Zeller family, Michael could do nothing but watchDragon Scale Guards, who were behaving bestially in the Zeller residence.

Michael had to be losing his mind if he dared to play tricks with Dragon Scale Guards, as there wouldthen be dozens of rifles blowing him to bits on the spot at a command from Andy.

“Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding do you think there is?” Hearing Michael’s words, Andyglanced at him coldly. “You have only yourself to blame for offending someone whom you can’t affordto! He’s someone that the Zeller family should never mess with! Since you’ve done so, the whole Zellerfamily is going to end up in ashes from now on!”

The moment Andy finished his words, he didn’t even bother to lay his eyes on Michael. He strodetoward the living room of the Zeller residence and snarled, “Hurry up! Don’t waste time, and take themdown quickly! Act like a soldier! Gather at the door within half an hour! We’re moving to the next place!”

“Yes, sir!”

Endless howls roared in the courtyard, yet Michael could only look at everything in front of him with hisface as white as a sheet.

He had never thought of running away. Even if he wished to do so, the tens of thousands of soldiersfrom Dragon Scale Guards wouldn’t let him off!

After half an hour, hundreds of members from the entire Zeller family were all retained in the back ofthe military trucks with nobody spared.

The whole process turned out to be unusually smooth, as nobody dared to defy the troop of black-armored soldiers.

Indeed, no one would have the audacity to do so in front of innumerable black muzzles.

Otherwise, they had to be courting death.

“Is everyone here?” Andy turned around and looked at the lieutenant commander indifferently, who wasbehind him.

“Yes, Commander! Everyone’s here!” the soldier roared.

“Take all of them to the military camp to wait for the verdict!” Andy waved his hand. “Everyone else,follow me to the next place!”

“Yes, sir!”

With bellows of roars, the loud rumbling noise of military trucks rang out again, and the destination thistime was the Maxwell residence.

Half an hour later, countless military trucks, military off-road vehicles, and military tanks stopped at thedoor of the Maxwell residence.

When the servant of the Maxwells standing at the door saw this scene, his face instantly paled withterror. He then turned around and ran away.

“Oh, no! It’s terrible! Something bad has happened!”

With a shriek, the servant hastily ran into the living room of the Maxwell residence.

The head of the Maxwells, Bernard Maxwell, was making the tea inside the living room and about totaste it. The moment he heard the servant’s scream, his hand trembled, and the teacup in his handdropped to the ground with a clacking sound.

“D*mn it!”

Bernard’s expression changed. He looked at the servant frigidly. “What are you shouting for? Is theworld collapsing? Why are you yelling and getting so riled up? Get on your knees!”

With a bellow from Bernard, the servant instantly kneeled in fright in front of him. “Old Mr. Maxwell,something bad has happened! Many soldiers have besieged the Maxwell residence outside of thedoor!”

“What?” Bernard’s expression abruptly changed once he heard that. At the same time, the initiallyboisterous living room of the Maxwell residence instantly fell into dead silence.

“What in the world has happened? Make yourself clear!” The eldest son of Bernard, Zayne Maxwell,also stepped forward at this moment.

“I don’t know what’s going on too. I saw many soldiers with a murderous look and rifles in their handsshowing up at the door. I was terrified and immediately rushed over here to report it to you!” Theservant kneeled on the ground and answered while shivering in trepidation, “There’re also manymilitary trucks out there, and even a lot of military tanks too!”

“What? Even the military tanks are dispatched?” The moment when Bernard heard the servant, heinstantly realized that something was wrong. He hurriedly ordered, “Hey, you! Hurry up and flee withothers during the chaos! The Maxwells might be in trouble!”

“Dad, is that necessary? Could there be a misunderstanding?” Hearing Bernard’s orders, Zaynefrowned slightly. “We haven’t done anything pestilent recently, and there’s also no animosity betweenAsura’s Office and us! So what if the troop of soldiers out there has surrounded the Maxwell residence?There’s nothing to be afraid of! We’re in Yaleview, the place in the authority of Asura’s Office. Even ifthose soldiers are atrocious, they won’t dare to mess around, right?”novelbin

“You have no idea! Do you think anyone could simply dispatch the military tanks in Yaleview?” HearingZayne, Bernard couldn’t help staring at him viciously at once. “In Yaleview, only Asura’s Office cansend the military tanks in action!”

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