The Legendary Man

Chapter 256
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Chapter 256

The Legendary Man Chapter 256

It Is Your Turn

Apparently, they were a group of good-for-nothing pests preying and feeding on the passengers on thetrain.

They had been scheming to pickpocket the passengers and even molest young girls at times. So far,nobody dared to say a single word to them. Now that one of them was bashed up to a pulp byJonathan, they would not easily let him off!

“So how do you want me to pay the price?” Jonathan threw Fernando a glance, laid-back as usual.

Knocking the steel pipe lightly on the desk, Fernando snickered. “Very simple. I’m giving you twooptions. For the first option, I’ll break your arm myself and throw you out of this train. As for the secondoption, you can get the matter resolved without being beaten up. You’ll only need to compensate us forthe medical fee, then let us take your seat and get out of this train. After that, we won’t bother youabout what happened today. What do you think?”

At the same time, all the other hooligans fastened their eyes at Jonathan with utter smugness on theirfaces. Apart from that, they even threatened him by swinging their steel pipes at times.

They were not the slightest bit worried that Jonathan would refuse to bow to them. After all, they wereconvinced that Jonathan, who was obviously in his twenties, would not be able to turn a table on them.

Jonathan arched his brows and asked casually, “Oh! How much do you request?”

Fernando’s lips contorted into a snicker. “Not much, maybe two hundred thousand. But of course, themore, the merrier. It’s up to you how much more you are willing to add. Bear in mind not to retaliate byacting foolish. If not, you only have yourself to blame when I throw you out of this train!”

That is indeed blackmailing in broad daylight!

Surprisingly, Jonathan nodded and replied, “Yeah, that’s not really a big sum!”

“Since it’s not considered a big sum for you, just go for the second option then!” Fernando sniggeredtriumphantly. It never crossed his mind that Jonathan would agree right away without negotiation. Pfft! Iknew it! We must have scared the h*ll out of the punk!

In the meantime, Kylie poked her head out from behind Yvette and suggested warily, “Yvette, howabout we help Jonathan pay off the compensation? My gut instinct tells me that he’s not a despicableperson!”

Hearing that, Yvette glared at her again and snapped, “What makes you jump to such a conclusion? Itmight be a trap set by these scoundrels earlier to kill two birds with one stone. Hmph! They areobviously after money and drooling over pretty women!”

“But to me, Jonathan doesn’t look like any man with ulterior motives!” Kylie retorted after stealing aglance at him. Jonathan is exuding a vibe that is a stark contrast to those hooligans. How is it possiblethat he’s their accomplice?

“Zip your mouth!” Yvette covered Kylie’s mouth in frustration with her hands to prevent her from refutingher words again.

Smiling slyly at Jonathan, Fernando sneered, “So it’s just a small sum for you, right? Then, pay meright away. You prefer to transfer the money to me or pay me cash?”

“No doubt, it’s not a large sum for me. But did I mention that I would pay you a single cent?” Jonathansnickered and rose.

“What do you mean? Punk, are you trying to fool me?” Fernando fumed with an abrupt change in hiscountenance.

“You’ll know about that very soon!” After flashing him a cold glance, Jonathan raised his right handabruptly. He grabbed hold of Fernando’s neck and threw him aside.

Bang! His body rammed into the window at once.

Right that instant, blood spurted out from his head like a fountain.

Gazing coldly at Fernando, whose blood-drenched head was halfway out of the window, Jonathansmirked. “I won’t pay you a single cent! Oh yeah, didn’t you say that you’re going to throw me out fromthis train? Is it like this?”

The next moment, he flung his arm swiftly and threw the man out of the train as if he was throwingrubbish into a trashcan.

Fernando’s agonizing yowl caused the others to break out in cold sweat. They pointed the steel pipesat Jonathan and squealed, “Punk, don’t you know what you’re doing? You’ve just killed him!”novelbin

Even so, he rebutted indifferently, “So what? Be patient. It’ll be your turn soon!”

Shortly after, he grabbed hold of Kenny’s neck and threw him out of the window. The yellow-hairedhooligan did not even have any chance to fight back.

“Run!” Horror-stricken, all the other muscular men ran for their life. They were just some cowardly thugswho liked to blow their own trumpets and had never come across such a horrendous scene before!

“You won’t be able to escape!” The flicker of coldness in Jonathan’s eyes became more intense. Hewas seemingly not going to let them off the hook!

He darted forward to grab hold of one of the hooligans’ necks and threw him out effortlessly.

It took barely one minute for him to throw all of them out from the train!

At that moment, dead silence ensued the whole train again.

Everyone had their eyes on Jonathan in utter terror. Yvette, especially, held onto the back of her seat,fearing that Jonathan would throw her out of the window in exasperation.

“W-What are you trying to do?” she stammered when Jonathan advanced toward her. Is he going tothrow me out from the train too?

“You have blocked my way!” Jonathan replied nonchalantly.

“Oh! I’m sorry” Heaving a sigh of relief, Yvette stood up at once and staggered aside to give way tohim.

Jonathan moved toward his seat, which was adjacent to the window. Moments later, he was seated idlyas if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, Yvette could not resist biting her lips after witnessing the overwhelming moments.

As the train was speeding, it was as though a gust of chilly wind permeated every corner of the train.Yvette shuddered uncontrollably in her seat and she did not dare to grumble at all.

Jonathan had scared the wits out of her a while ago. My goodness! How could he throw thosehooligans out of the train just because he’s infuriated by their provocative words?

“Yvette, didn’t I tell you that Jonathan is not a bad guy? See, my instinct is proven right, isn’t it?”Glancing at Jonathan discreetly, Kylie said softly, “Look at him again. What makes you think that he’s abad guy?”

“Stop babbling!” Yvette shot Kylie a warning look. Good gracious! What kind of righteous man wouldhave thrown others out of the train?

“Hmph! She’s still not willing to admit her mistake!” Kylie mumbled to herself, pouting her lips. Next, sheturned to face Jonathan. “Jonathan, thanks a lot!”

“Don’t mention it!” he replied without turning to look at her.

“Jonathan, are you hungry? Do you want some snacks?” Kylie whipped out a few packets of prawncrackers and potato chips sincerely, hoping that he would get a hint of her kindness.

“No thanks.” He turned her down again.

Even though he still sounded icy-cold, he was not repulsed by Kylie. At least, she’s not the type of ill-mannered woman who expects men to fall head over heels for her!

“Just let him be!” Yvette flipped out at Jonathan’s nonchalance. She snatched the prawn crackers fromKylie’s hands and threw them into her mouth. “Give it to me since he doesn’t appreciate it!”

At the sight of her puffed cheeks, while munching the prawn crackers furiously, Kylie had to cover hermouth to stifle her giggles.

“Jonathan, don’t misunderstand her. No doubt, she’s tough on the outside but soft on the inside. Eventhough she is hot-tempered, she’s a good-natured person,” Kylie explained earnestly on behalf ofYvette.

Jonathan furrowed his brows. “Enough of that! It has nothing to do with me. I’m not interested to knowwhat kind of person she is!”

He mocked inwardly. Why bother to waste time clarifying that? I don’t give a da*n about it! After all, wemight not cross paths with each other again after getting off the train!

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