The Legendary Man

Chapter 209
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Chapter 209

The Legendary Man Chapter 209

How Dare You

Right after Jonathan had departed the military commander’s residence, a mysterious guest came toEdenic Heights.

A black Rolls-Royce slowly rode into the neighborhood to No. 1 Villa. A short while later, the carstopped before the villa’s gates, and someone opened the door.

A middle-aged man who was wearing a black suit came out of the car. He had a dark look on his facewhich only turned darker when he looked at No. 1 Villa. Then he rang the doorbell.

The sound shattered the silence, and Josephine came to open the door. “Hello. How may I help you?”

“I am here for Jonathan Goldstein.”

“Jonathan?” She looked at him suspiciously. “He’s not in right now.”

“No matter. I can wait for him.” The man barged into the villa rudely and ignored Josephine’s attempt ata protest.

When she tried to stop him, a few burly men in black quickly stood before her, blocking her way.

“W-What do you want?” She thought the men in black were dangerous, and her mind was screaming ather, telling her to chase them out. “Leave my house right now, or I’m calling the police.”

“Worry not, lady. I shall not harm you.” The man looked at her calmly as he waved the men in blackdown. They obliged and quickly retreated away from Josephine.

“W-Who are you?” She went to a corner and held her phone with her right hand quietly. If the man orhis lackeys gave her any reason to believe they would harm anyone, she would call the policeimmediately.

“I am also a Goldstein. Tommy Goldstein. I’m Jonathan’s relative.” The man sat on the sofa casually, asif he was the host instead of Josephine. “In other words, I’m technically your uncle.” He lit a cigar up.

Uncle? He’s a Goldstein? He shares Jonathan’s last name! It was then, realization struck Josephine,but she asked hesitantly, “Are you Jonathan’s family?”

“You might say so, yes.” The man nodded, still acting as calm as ever.

“If that’s the case, then why have I never seen you before?” A frown furrowed her forehead.

She had been married to Jonathan for four years, but he had never brought up his family. Not evenonce. And she had never seen his family either. Even when they got married, not a single person fromhis family came to the wedding.

“Despite what you might think, that is quite normal actually,” the man answered flatly. “Jonathan hasn’tseen me in ten years, either. This is the first time we meet.”

Jonathan hasn’t seen him in ten years? The frown on her forehead deepened, and what little trust shehad for the stranger was slowly getting lesser and lesser.

Naturally, Josephine started feeling alarmed. “H-How can you prove it? How can you prove that you’retelling the truth?”novelbin

“I do not have to. You shall know if I was lying once Jonathan returns.” The man put his cigar out andlooked at one of the men in black. “Have you found him yet?”

“Not yet, sir.”

The burly man shook his head. “Our tracker lost him.”

“Useless fools. All of you!” The man’s face fell, and he looked at Josephine. “Call Jonathan and tell himto come home immediately. I do not have time to waste with him.”

“I can’t find him,” Josephine refused without hesitation. She was not sure if the man was being truthful,so she would not do as he asked.

“Do not try to do anything funny, girl. I know exactly what you’re thinking.” The man snorted at her witha disdainful look. “It is best you do as I say, or else…”

Once the man gave them their cue, his subordinates stepped up to surround Josephine. If the mangave his orders, they would no doubt harm her.

“Or else what?” a voice reached them from outside the villa. A moment later, a young man stepped into rescue Josephine from her the imminent threat.

“Jonathan!” Josephine quickly went to her husband the moment he appeared.

Jonathan gave her a hug and patted her head. “It’s alright now, Josephine. I’m here. I’m here,” hecooed.

However, when he looked at the man who was threatening his wife, his gentle demeanor was replacedby a cold, harsh look. “What do you want?”

“To take you back,” Tommy answered coldly.

“Take me back?” Jonathan sneered, as if he had just heard something ludicrous. “I’ll need you to bemore specific about the location.”

“Yaleview.” The man looked at his nephew coldly. “The family has agreed to let you come back to thefold.”

“I am not interested.” Jonathan rejected his uncle’s invitation without even a second of hesitation. “Theyexiled me from the family, but now they want me back? I am not someone whom they can orderaround. Scum and b*stards, the lot of them.”

“Insolence, Jonathan.” Tommy was infuriated at the insult. “Do you really think it’s that easy to return?Giorno was involved in a car crash and remains in a coma even now. If it weren’t for that, you wouldnever have the chance to return because of the sins of your actions alone.”

“Ah, so that explains the sudden visit. Your precious son got hurt.” Jonathan sneered again, apparentlyamused by his uncle’s lack of shame. “I see why you want me back. So, I can be his puppet, huh? Ordo you want me to donate my organs to him?”

“That is nonsense, Jonathan! I shall do no such thing!” Tommy flew into a rage. “Your grandfather madethis decision himself! Do you really think I want a piece of trash like you back? Do you really thinkyou’re good enough to even be my son’s replacement?”

My son is the one and only heir of the prestigious Goldstein family in Yaleview, while you are just apoor sod who was exiled ten years ago. Someone of your caliber could never measure up to him.

“I do not care who made that decision.” Jonathan stared daggers at Tommy. “From the day the familyexiled me, they have made their decision to cut off all ties with me. Whether your son lives or dies isnone of my business. The same goes for your family’s survival.

“If you came here today to persuade me to return, then you can give up now. I do not have any interestin your family. Not even an ounce.”

That marked the end of the discussion, however short it might be. Jonathan did not want to waste hisbreath anymore, so he chased them out. “Josephine, send our guests off.”

“Jonathan!” The insult was the final piece of wood to stroke Tommy’s flames of fury. He pointed at hisnephew with a trembling finger, his eyes filled with rage. “How dare you assume such a brazen attitudewith me!”

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