The Legendary Man

Chapter 199
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Chapter 199

The Legendary Man Chapter 199

The Death Penalty

Coincidentally, the Turner family was holding their family banquet that day.

The banquet hall of the Turner residence was filled with people, but one of the scions, Timothy, wasnowhere in sight.

Every time that very day came in the past, he would personally present his gift to Titus—the patriarchof the Turner family—and receive the man’s praise under the envious gazes of his peers.

That day, however, he did not turn up.

In the corner of the hall stood a middle-aged man in a black suit. A frown marred his countenance ashe asked, “Where’s Timothy?”

He was Timothy’s father and Titus’ eldest son, Hank Turner.

In other words, he was the future successor to the Turner family.

Beside Hank was a man who seemed to be a servant. Not daring to look him in the eye, the manstammered timidly, “Mr. Timothy w-went out!”

“Where did he go?” Hank demanded, his brows knitting together.

“I-I don’t know.” The servant’s head hung all the lower.

Upon hearing that, Hank went ballistic. “You don’t know? What’s the use of me employing you whenyou don’t even know where he went? You lots are good-for-nothing! Phone him and tell him to rushback within half an hour no matter where he is or which woman’s bed he’s in!”

“I-I can’t reach Mr. Timothy…” The servant was so terrified that his legs shook.

“You can’t reach him?” Hank’s expression darkened the instant he heard that. Raising his leg, hekicked the servant in his stomach, sending him down on his knees. “Tell me honestly—where exactlydid he go?”

His sudden rage petrified the servant so greatly that his whole body began to tremble. With terrorwritten all over his face, he admitted, “M-Mr. Timothy is at the warehouse.”

“At the warehouse?” When Hank heard that, the crease between his eyebrows instantly deepened.“What is he doing there?”

“M-Mr. Timothy secretly mobilized the Divine Dragon Guards and captured the entire Smith family. Heeven said that he wanted to slaughter them all tonight!” By then, the servant was already at the pointwhereby he no longer cared what he should and should not say, revealing everything in a single breath.

“What a fool! Utterly foolish!” Hearing that Timothy deployed the Divine Dragon Guards withoutauthorization, Hank flew off the handle. He kicked the servant in the shoulder, knocking him right to theground. “He actually dared to mobilize the Divine Dragon Guards secretly? Does he know that doing sois punishable by death? Is he sick of living?”

The Divine Dragon Guards is one of the Four Asura Guards, and Zachary Lint is the only person in thewhole of Jazona who has the right to mobilize them! Yet, he dared to deploy them secretly? If the Kingof War Division were to learn about it, it’d be a capital crime that would result in our entire family beingexecuted!

Hank was so livid that his face flushed. “Is that idiot trying to get the Turner family killed? Send somemen to the warehouse and bring him back immediately! If I don’t see him within half an hour, you’ll bepaying with your life!”


His order struck such stark fear into the servant that he scrambled up and sprinted away, not daring totarry for even a second.

Even after he was gone, fury remained etched on Hank’s face. Seeing that, a middle-aged man inmilitary fatigues walked over. “What happened, Hank?”

At the sight of his brother, Hank spat, “It’s that idiot, Timothy! He actually dared to mobilize the DivineDragon Guards without permission and even seized the entire Smith family! Not only that, but he’seven planning to annihilate them! Does he really have a death wish?”

Right then, he was so furious that he was even gripped by the urge to commit murder.

Never mind if he merely detained the entire Smith family or even killed the lot of them, but he actuallydared to deploy the Divine Dragon Guards secretly! That’s a capital offense! No one will be able tosave him!

“Ah, I thought it was something serious. It’s just mobilizing the Divine Dragon Guards withoutauthorization, no? It’s fine. With me around, no one will find out about it. Even if someone does learnabout it, I’ll just say that I was the one who deployed them.” Hank’s brother patted him on the shouldernonchalantly after hearing that.


Hank was going to speak further, but he cut him off. “All right, don’t worry about it anymore, Hank. It’sthe Turner family’s family banquet tonight, so why be up in arms on such a joyous day? Timothy is stillyoung and doesn’t know the severity of doing so. Just give him a word of warning later.”

Subsequently, he continued, “Next time, inform me beforehand. After all, deploying the Divine DragonGuards without authorization is a capital offense!”

“What an insolent fool! I’ll kill him when he comes back!” Despite his brother’s words, Hank was stillpurple with rage.

This younger brother of his was the captain of the Special Forces Team Eight, so he was considered ahigh-ranking official in the Divine Dragon Guards. With him there, things could probably be swept underthe rug even if someone discovered it.

However, no sooner had he finished speaking than the servant who dashed out earlier abruptlyreturned, and with a panicked expression at that.

It was as though he had encountered something utterly terrifying.novelbin

“Why are you back? Have you found Timothy?” Hank frowned when he took in the panic-stricken lookon the servant’s face.

“B-Bad news! There are many soldiers outside, and they have surrounded the Turner residence!” theservant frantically reported as he panted, having run hell for leather that he could barely catch hisbreath.

“What did you just say? There are many soldiers outside, and they have surrounded the Turnerresidence?” Hank’s expression changed the instant he heard his words.

“Yes! There’s a whole legion! There are so many of them that they spread out far beyond the eye couldever behold, an entire sea of darkness. It’s really terrifying!” The servant’s face had gone as white as asheet in fright.

The moment Hank’s brother heard the servant’s utterances, his face turned as black as thunder. “Howdare they? Who are these soldiers who dared to surround the Turner residence? Are they sick ofliving?”

After saying so, he yanked the servant up by the collar and started striding out.

“Let’s go! Show me where they are! I want to see who is so audacious as to besiege the Turnerresidence!”

As he spoke, he stepped out of the Turner residence in less than a minute.

Right when he reached the gate, he suddenly heard an ear-splitting roar.

Accompanying it was the sound of hooves clattering on the ground and the footsteps of countlesssoldiers.

The noise was so great that it was as though the ground would crack in the next second.

At once, his expression changed.

Being in the military himself, he was all too familiar with such sounds.

These aren’t soldiers! Instead, it’s clear as day that troops have been deployed! What is going on? Whydid they besiege the Turner residence out of the blue?

Just when the thought of taking flight seized him, a bang sounded as the gate of the Turner residencewas kicked open from the outside.

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