The Legendary Man

Chapter 194
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Chapter 194

The Legendary Man Chapter 194


Upon hearing Jonathan’s remark, Timothy could not stifle a sneer. “What did you just say? I didn’tmishear you, did I? You said you wanted to wipe the Turner family out of existence?”

Raising his voice, he then asked, “Did you all hear that? He said he wants to obliterate the Turnerfamily!”

He acted as though he had heard the greatest joke in the world and regarded Jonathan as a fool forhaving such wishful thinking.novelbin

Soon, his smile faded. What replaced it was an icy look in his eyes. “Jonathan Goldstein, do you knowhow powerful my family is? We’re so influential that our power is beyond your imagination. Annihilateour family? Who do you think you are? Even if Kingstone Warhol were standing there, he wouldn’t evendare make such a statement, much less you!”

Kingstone Warhol is a figure of no importance, even if he’s the governor of Jazona. No matter howmuch power he wields, he can’t mobilize the Divine Dragon Guards. In the whole of Jazona, the onlyones who can deploy the Divine Dragon Guards other than Zachary Lint are our family! Wipe theTurner family out of existence? Even Kingstone can’t do it, let alone a worthless live-in son-in-law!

Gazing at him apathetically, Jonathan replied, “He’s nothing. While he doesn’t dare do that, it doesn’tmean that I don’t dare do it as well! Is it all that difficult to annihilate the Turner family?”

At that comment, Timothy doubled over in laughter. “He’s nothing? It looks like I’ve reallyunderestimated you, Jonathan! I initially thought that you were just a bit daring, but I never expected

you to be so much more arrogant! If the governor of Jazona is nothing in your eyes, who’s something toyou? Zachary Lint? Or Asura?”

“Zachary Lint is nothing either!” Jonathan’s expression was still as placid as ever. It was as thoughZachary was also no more than an ant to him.

“What a m*ron!”

After hearing that, Timothy lost all interest.

It’s not worth wasting my time with a fool who doesn’t even care about Zachary Lint!

“All right, I don’t want to waste my breath with you anymore, Jonathan. You want to wipe the Turnerfamily out of existence, don’t you? I’ll give you a chance.” Casting the man an airy glance, he declared,“Do you see the soldiers standing behind you? There is a total of over four thousand of them. As longas you can take them all out, you’ll have the opportunity to obliterate our family!”

Soon after, he eyed Jonathan as though the latter was an idiot.

Of the four thousand over soldiers standing behind him, more than a thousand are of the Divine DragonGuards. Meanwhile, the remaining three thousand or so are mercenaries trained by our family with aking’s ransom. Even if the King of War, Zachary Lint, were standing here, he would be equallydefenseless in the face of the guns!

“I don’t want to sully my hands by doing so,” Jonathan countered nonchalantly.

“Did you all hear that? He said he doesn’t want to sully his hands to take you all out!” Timothy holleredto the soldiers behind the man, his eyes narrowing with menace.

When the soldiers heard him, they were instantly incandescent and roared, “Yes, we heard that!”

Sneering, Timothy barked, “In that case, I reckon you all know what to do, yes? I’m giving you a minuteto riddle him with bullets! Is that understood?”

“Yes!” the soldiers bellowed at once.

The look in their eyes as they stared at Jonathan was as though his death was near at hand.

“Why are you not acting, then?” Timothy boomed. In the next second, clicks echoed as the soldierscocked their guns. Four thousand plus guns were then promptly pointed at Jonathan.

It was as though they would open fire all at once with a command from Timothy.

At the sight of Jonathan being held at gunpoint, Timothy sneered. “Do you see that, Jonathan? If I givethe order, your body will be a mass of holes before you can even plead for mercy! Are you afraid now?If you are, I can give you a chance. As long as you get on your knees before me and grovel, I might bein a better mood and thus spare you!”

In spite of his words, a smirk graced his lips as he thought, Spare him? That’s impossible! From theinstant he stepped in the door, I had no plans of allowing him to walk out of here alive!

In truth, he only said that because he wanted to humiliate Jonathan as much as possible before theman breathed his last.

He wanted to see him kneeling before him and entreating him for mercy like a dog. Then, he wouldgive the order to have him eliminated.

Yet, Jonathan glanced at him coolly and replied, “You’re giving me a chance? In that case, I’ll do thesame. If you fall on your knees before me and grovel before my temper spikes, I’ll grant you a quickand painless death!”

Timothy’s face darkened when he heard his last sentence, and he screeched, “How dare you? Iactually wanted to give you a chance, but you’re determined to court death! Since that’s the case, I’llsend you to meet your maker! Just go and die!”

Having said that, he no longer bothered to yak with the man anymore.

He waved his arm and ordered, “Fire!”


With that command, the soldiers aimed their guns at Jonathan in concert, their fingers on the trigger.

At that exact moment, Jonathan said, “Wait a moment.”

At the sound of his voice, disdain manifested on Timothy’s face. “Why, are you finally fearful? And hereI thought you were truly unafraid of death, but it turns out that you’re still a coward! Ultimately, you’re nodifferent from this bunch of dogs from the Smith family!”

“No, you’ve misunderstood. I just wanted to tell you that you’ve missed out on the chance I gave you.It’s almost time, so they should be here soon!” Jonathan announced, casting him an impassive look.

Immediately, he turned and gazed out at the vast sea of pitch darkness outside the warehouse.

“Come on in.”

“Come on in?”

The moment Timothy heard those words, a glimmer of surprise flickered in his eyes.

Don’t tell me he arranged for an ambush outside? No, that’s impossible!

In the blink of an eye, he dismissed that notion.

I’ve already stationed a ton of soldiers to stand guard outside the warehouse, so I would’ve beenalerted at once if someone were lying in wait outside. Furthermore, more than four thousand soldiersare standing at the door, so it doesn’t matter even if there’s an ambush outside!

“All right, drop the act, Jonathan! Even if the president himself comes here today, he wouldn’t be ableto save you!” In an instant, his gaze went chilly, and he ordered in a booming voice, “Fire!”


Following the order, the thousands of soldiers readied themselves to pull the trigger.

However, an ear-splitting noise abruptly rang out beyond the door and interrupted them.

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