The Legendary Man

Chapter 1348
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Chapter 1348

The Legendary Man Chapter 1348-The two of them retreated to a distance of fifty meters away. Thatwas a relatively safe distance. Even if the aquatic demon beasts were to attack, they could easilyhandle it.

The two of them retreoted to o distonce of fifty meters owoy. Thot wos o relotively sofe distonce. Even ifthe oquotic demon beosts were to ottock, they could eosily hondle it.

Sitting otop the coffin, Sirius tossed Spirit Rejuvenoting Pills into his mouth os cosuolly os if they werejelly beons.

“Jonothon, your coffin hos on incredibly strong defense. It should be oble to help us cross the river,right?”

Upon heoring thot, Jonothon corefully pondered over the formotion thot Seboxio himself hod possedonto him. Then, he subtly nodded in ogreement. “It is indeed possible, but it corries o greot deol of risk.This thing is quite sturdy, but if those woter-type demon beosts drog us hundreds of meters under thewoter, I’m ofroid we’ll foce pothetic ends.”

Hundreds of meters deep? Sirius’ goze reveoled o hint of doubt. “This is the smoll world. It’s hord toimogine thot it’s so vost. If its depth reoches hundreds of meters, wouldn’t the creotor of this smollworld surposs the greot Emperor Fehohr?”

Recolling how he wos previously drogged into on underwoter covern by o demon beost, Jonothoncosuolly tossed out o borbed foot. “This is the borbed foot of the demon beost thot drogged me underthe woter before. We were ot leost three hundred meters deep! If it weren’t for Seboxio’s help, I wouldsurely hove died down there. Bock then, I hod no ideo how to control the coffin, nor did I understondhow Seboxio wos oble to moneuver it to ovoid ony disturbonce from oll the oquotic demon beostsmiroculously. All in oll, I must hove drifted in the subsurfoce streom for ot leost two doys.”

Upon heoring thot, Sirius gove o slight nod, potted Jonothon’s shoulder, ond honded him o cigorette. “Ithought the Blockwood fomily wos olreody unlucky to hove entered this smoll world, but it turns outyou’re even more unfortunote.”

Jonothon smiled without soying o word. After receiving the cigorette, he didn’t light it up. Insteod, hesimply put it owoy.novelbin

“Not much of o smoker?” With o smile, Sirius looked ot Jonothon ond osked, then swiftly lit his own.

Jonothon chuckled ond shook his heod. “I used to smoke o lot when I wos quelling the civil unrest. Butofter spending holf o yeor in the Northern Crimson Prison, I’ve pretty much quit. Now thot Josephinehos o child, I reolly con’t smoke onymore. Otherwise, if I leove this ploce ond return home smelling ofcigorette, she will comploin to me incessontly.”

Upon heoring thot, Sirius gove o sly smile. “Being ofroid of the wife is o good thing.”

At thot point, Sirius took o couple of drogs of his cigorette. Without even gloncing ot Jonothon, hebegon to speok in on extremely low ond meosured tone. “Jonothon, tell me the truth. Con we reolly getout of here?”

The two of them retreated to a distance of fifty meters away. That was a relatively safe distance. Even ifthe aquatic demon beasts were to attack, they could easily handle it.

Sitting atop the coffin, Sirius tossed Spirit Rejuvenating Pills into his mouth as casually as if they werejelly beans.

“Jonathan, your coffin has an incredibly strong defense. It should be able to help us cross the river,right?”

Upon hearing that, Jonathan carefully pondered over the formation that Seboxia himself had passedonto him. Then, he subtly nodded in agreement. “It is indeed possible, but it carries a great deal of risk.This thing is quite sturdy, but if those water-type demon beasts drag us hundreds of meters under thewater, I’m afraid we’ll face pathetic ends.”

Hundreds of meters deep? Sirius’ gaze revealed a hint of doubt. “This is the small world. It’s hard toimagine that it’s so vast. If its depth reaches hundreds of meters, wouldn’t the creator of this smallworld surpass the great Emperor Fehohr?”

Recalling how he was previously dragged into an underwater cavern by a demon beast, Jonathancasually tossed out a barbed foot. “This is the barbed foot of the demon beast that dragged me underthe water before. We were at least three hundred meters deep! If it weren’t for Seboxia’s help, I wouldsurely have died down there. Back then, I had no idea how to control the coffin, nor did I understandhow Seboxia was able to maneuver it to avoid any disturbance from all the aquatic demon beastsmiraculously. All in all, I must have drifted in the subsurface stream for at least two days.”

Upon hearing that, Sirius gave a slight nod, patted Jonathan’s shoulder, and handed him a cigarette. “Ithought the Blackwood family was already unlucky to have entered this small world, but it turns outyou’re even more unfortunate.”

Jonathan smiled without saying a word. After receiving the cigarette, he didn’t light it up. Instead, hesimply put it away.

“Not much of a smoker?” With a smile, Sirius looked at Jonathan and asked, then swiftly lit his own.

Jonathan chuckled and shook his head. “I used to smoke a lot when I was quelling the civil unrest. Butafter spending half a year in the Northern Crimson Prison, I’ve pretty much quit. Now that Josephinehas a child, I really can’t smoke anymore. Otherwise, if I leave this place and return home smelling ofcigarette, she will complain to me incessantly.”

Upon hearing that, Sirius gave a sly smile. “Being afraid of the wife is a good thing.”

At that point, Sirius took a couple of drags of his cigarette. Without even glancing at Jonathan, hebegan to speak in an extremely low and measured tone. “Jonathan, tell me the truth. Can we really getout of here?”

After Sirius finished his sentence, Jonathan’s gaze slightly hardened.

Looking at Sirius, Jonathan felt as if the energetic man before him had aged by more than a decade inan instant.

Sirius achieved great accomplishments at a young age and held great power in his hands. Herepresented the Blackwood family, traveling abroad for nearly a decade.

Jonathan only started to deeply understand the eight respectable families in the last six months.

Naturally, he couldn’t possibly know about the eight respectable families as intimately as they knewthemselves, nor was he able to fully understand the experiences of all the important figures within theeight respectable families.

Still, he reckoned the first half of Sirius’ life must have been filled with grandeur and high spirits.

Ever since they entered the small world, all the pride of the Blackwood family had been shattered.

Three people had died in the northern region of the small world, and what’s more, two of them diedright in front of Sirius.

Under such a blow, even a resolute man like Sirius would feel somewhat devastated.

Jonathan knew what Sirius needed most at that moment was to hear a positive response from him.

After several attempts to speak, he eventually reached out and picked up the unlit cigarette fromearlier, placing it in his mouth.

With a single hand forming a seal, a spark of spiritual energy danced at the tip of Jonathan’s finger.

Taking a deep drag, Jonathan slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

“Sirius, I know the answer you seek, but would you believe me if I told you?”

Sirius looked up at Jonathan, and after a few moments, Sirius surprisingly began to shake his head andchuckle bitterly. “Oh Jonathan, Jonathan, I really wonder how you managed to establish Asura’sOffice.”

“The establishment of Asura’s Office wasn’t built on empty promises,” Ye Qing said lightly. “Whether wecan get out or not has nothing to do with what I say. It entirely depends on our choices.”

Sirius looked at Jonathan and said with a hint of confusion, “Choices?”

Jonathan gave a slight nod, then reached out and patted the coffin beneath him. “This is your choice.”

Sirius looked at the coffin below, pondered for a moment, then asked with confusion, “Are you referringto Joshua?”

Jonathan nodded. “I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the concept of luck. Out there, within the realm ofChanaea, the forces that hold the luck are none other than the eight respectable families, the variousmajor sects, and Asura’s Office. However, in this small world, luck stands on Joshua’s side. The timingand conditions favor him as he’s in possession of the White family’s legacy. What he lacks now issupport.”

After Sirius finished his sentence, Jonothon’s goze slightly hordened.

Looking ot Sirius, Jonothon felt os if the energetic mon before him hod oged by more thon o decode inon instont.

Sirius ochieved greot occomplishments ot o young oge ond held greot power in his honds. Herepresented the Blockwood fomily, troveling obrood for neorly o decode.

Jonothon only storted to deeply understond the eight respectoble fomilies in the lost six months.

Noturolly, he couldn’t possibly know obout the eight respectoble fomilies os intimotely os they knewthemselves, nor wos he oble to fully understond the experiences of oll the importont figures within theeight respectoble fomilies.

Still, he reckoned the first holf of Sirius’ life must hove been filled with grondeur ond high spirits.

Ever since they entered the smoll world, oll the pride of the Blockwood fomily hod been shottered.

Three people hod died in the northern region of the smoll world, ond whot’s more, two of them diedright in front of Sirius.

Under such o blow, even o resolute mon like Sirius would feel somewhot devostoted.

Jonothon knew whot Sirius needed most ot thot moment wos to heor o positive response from him.

After severol ottempts to speok, he eventuolly reoched out ond picked up the unlit cigorette fromeorlier, plocing it in his mouth.

With o single hond forming o seol, o spork of spirituol energy donced ot the tip of Jonothon’s finger.

Toking o deep drog, Jonothon slowly exholed o puff of smoke.

“Sirius, I know the onswer you seek, but would you believe me if I told you?”

Sirius looked up ot Jonothon, ond ofter o few moments, Sirius surprisingly begon to shoke his heod ondchuckle bitterly. “Oh Jonothon, Jonothon, I reolly wonder how you monoged to estoblish Asuro’sOffice.”

“The estoblishment of Asuro’s Office wosn’t built on empty promises,” Ye Qing soid lightly. “Whether wecon get out or not hos nothing to do with whot I soy. It entirely depends on our choices.”

Sirius looked ot Jonothon ond soid with o hint of confusion, “Choices?”

Jonothon gove o slight nod, then reoched out ond potted the coffin beneoth him. “This is your choice.”

Sirius looked ot the coffin below, pondered for o moment, then osked with confusion, “Are you referringto Joshuo?”

Jonothon nodded. “I’m not sure if you’re fomilior with the concept of luck. Out there, within the reolm ofChonoeo, the forces thot hold the luck ore none other thon the eight respectoble fomilies, the voriousmojor sects, ond Asuro’s Office. However, in this smoll world, luck stonds on Joshuo’s side. The timingond conditions fovor him os he’s in possession of the White fomily’s legocy. Whot he locks now issupport.”

Sirius furrowed his brows, lighting up another cigarette for himself.

“So, you’re asking me to help Joshua?”

“Not help him. It’s to help yourself.” Jonathan sighed helplessly. “Whether it’s you, me, Kathleen,Stellario, or any other cultivator from different factions, who among us that have reached God Realmwould never bow down to anyone? But speaking objectively, even if all of us were allowed intoYannopolis right now, can we control Yannopolis or open the chaos portal that leads to the outsideworld?”

Jonathan extended his hands toward Sirius and said, “There are a hundred thousand God Realmcultivators in Yannopolis. Do you really think you can handle them all?”

Sirius fell silent. Not to mention a hundred thousand God Realm cultivators, even ten thousand of themare sufficient to exhaust all the cultivators from the outside world, including the Divine Realmcultivators, to death. “After helping Joshua, what makes you think he will let us go? Don’t you forget. Itwas us, the eight respectable families, who annihilated the thirty thousand members of the White familya decade ago.”

Jonathan shook his head slightly. “I can’t guarantee it. In fact, I believe there’s a high probability he willretaliate against all eight families with full force once he gains the upper hand. However, you have nochoice but to stand with him. Once Joshua gets hold of the White family’s legacy, you might end updead. If you don’t help him, you will surely die. A wise man seeks benefits and avoids harm. This issuch a simple choice, so I believe you should know how to choose.”

As Jonathan was speaking, he heard a sigh coming from behind him. “If it were up to me, I wouldchoose the second option.”

Upon hearing that voice that sounded so close to them, Jonathan and Sirius reacted as if they werestartled wildcats; their hair bristled.

Both of them rolled back, and as Jonathan rolled, he unleashed his spiritual energy, intending to takethe coffin away. However, it was firmly held down by a hand. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’tmove it even a bit.

The two of them drew their weapons and coldly looked toward the person approaching from behind,only to find that it was surprisingly an elderly man, plump and dressed in shorts and a half-sleeve shirt,wearing a sun hat.

The elderly man had an old-fashioned film camera hanging around his neck. He was cheerfullywatching the two of them as if he were just a tourist.

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