The Legendary Man

Chapter 1339
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Chapter 1339

The Legendary Man Chapter 1339-Although Jonathan and the others had enemies everywhere in thesmall world, there were many villagers he could persuade.

Jonathan believed in his own abilities. He might not be able to persuade hundreds of thousands ofpeople from several villages to switch sides, but gathering two to three hundred God Realm cultivatorsto follow him was still quite an easy feat to accomplish.

Ever since Jonathan figured out the situation in the small world, he had been constantly scheming.

It was just that there was quite a bit of scheming involved in that matter. If he could persuade theaborigines there, others could certainly do the same thing.

The eight respectable families were not fools. They all would work together to recruit cultivators undertheir command. Once they found the way back, Jonathan, on his own, could never outmaneuver thedozens of people from the eight respectable families.

And this was precisely why he was going all out to help Joshua.

After discussing the topic of the chosen with Seboxia, Jonathan had already assumed Joshua was thechosen for the small world.

After all, the small world was Joshua’s ancestors’ territory. The magical items, cultivation methods,formations, and hidden secrets were all under the control of Joshua.

It would be unreasonable for him not to be the chosen one under such circumstances.

Jonathan’s plan was that he could use Joshua’s luck to allow himself to bring a group of people out ofthe small world after he helped Joshua regain control of Yannopolis.

That matter would be easily achievable once Joshua gained power. After all, the people from the eightrespectable families also had a grudge against Joshua.

It would be strange if Joshua didn’t seize that opportunity to eliminate everyone who entered the smallworld.

But now, Joshua, in his current state, had injured his spiritual sense and was sleeping like a log. Theturns of events had completely disrupted Jonathan’s plans.

Sirius followed Jonathan’s gaze to look at Joshua. “You can drop the idea of bringing people out ofhere.”

Jonathan furrowed his brows and asked, “Why?”

Sirius pointed at himself.

“I’m not sure about the other families and factions, but speaking for my Blackwood family, we havedefinitely already sent people to guard the entrance of the small world by now. Do you really think mygrandpa and the others would just stand by and watch other families bring out a string of God Realmcultivators from the small world?”

Jonathan was a smart man. The reason he hadn’t considered those matters before was because therewasn’t a second cultivator in the entire Asura’s Office who could compete with the eight respectablefamilies. So, he never even considered what could possibly happen at the entrance of the small world.“In other words, the eight respectable families would never stand by and watch any members of theother respectable families lead the cultivators from the small world to the outside world. This results ina vicious cycle. The eight families will form an alliance outside, slaughtering all the cultivators whoventure out from the smaller worlds in order to maintain the current balance of the eight families.”

Upon hearing that, Sirius gave a slight nod. “You’re a smart person, so I’ll tell you this. Even if youreally manage to escape, your Asura’s Office would definitely not stand a chance in a battle against theeight respectable families.”

Upon hearing those words, Jonathan fell silent. After a few seconds of contemplation, he turned a coldgaze toward Sirius. “This is a stalemate. In the face of absolute power, I have no way to break thestalemate.”

“I know.” Sirius said calmly, “But if you and Hayden can disguise yourselves, I can get you out safely.”

Although the Blackwood family couldn’t assist Asura’s Office, Sirius himself didn’t want the twogeniuses, Jonathan and Hayden, to just die at the exit of the small world.

The interests and strategies of respectable families were shaped by the prevailing trends of the world.

As an independent individual, Sirius truly cherished his “friend,” Jonathan.

He might not be able to save Asura’s Office, but he could certainly save Jonathan.

With a smirk, Hayden toyed with the saber in his hand, turning his gaze toward Sirius.

“You’re planning to save us so we’ll, in turn, serve you?”

“I simply want to save you, that’s all,” Sirius said lightly. “Believe it or not, I want to save you two. Afterall, it’s you who saved my life.”

Jonathan lifted his head to look at Sirius. “I appreciate your good intentions, but I’m curious aboutsomething. You seem to have already decided that our Asura’s Office will lose in this conflict. In thatcase, why did you send over fifteen hundred tons of broken spirit stones to Asura’s Office? Eventhough these are considered inferior products produced from your family’s spiritual mines, and you

disdain to use them, if they were to be sold, they would still make a significant profit. Yet, you gave allthose stones to us? That doesn’t seem to align with your ‘self-interest first’ rule.”

Sirius stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground. “The fifteen hundred tons of brokenspirit stones weren’t a gift to you, Jonathan, but for Asura’s Office. There are nearly two million of youin the Asura’s Office. Even if you truly lose, it’s impossible for all of you to be killed. Consider ourBlackwood family as having planted a seed. Whether it will bloom and bear fruit in the future dependson the methods of the other seven families.”

As Sirius wes speeking, he suddenly felt e surge of spirituel energy fluctueting intensely from Heyden,who wes stending beside him.


Heyden sidestepped. The seber in his hend gleemed es it collided with en incoming errow.

Jonethen rolled forwerd on the ground, ectiveting the bronze hendbell on top of his heed to lower egolden spirit shield to protect himself end Joshue behind him.

With e lift of his foot, Jonethen kicked Joshue into the coffin. Only efter closing the lid end hoisting itonto his beck did he feel slightly et eese es he looked up towerd the top of the velley.

There, surprisingly, were two Adruniens donning breezy ettire.

Sirius, holding e speer, stood beside Jonethen, his eure bursting forth.

“Adruniens? Hes the West Epee Allience received the news?”

“Perheps even further. They could be people from Anglendur,” Jonethen seid lightly.

Sirius wes unexpectedly locked up in the dungeons of North Outer City without getting to explore muchof the smell world. Neturelly, he found it peculier to see the Adruniens et thet time.

However, Jonethen hed witnessed Adruniens being forced to perticipete in the South Outer City erenepreviously.

Heyden, holding e severed errow in his hend, welked up to the two of them. “These two guys eresomewhet condescending. They’re not using spirituel energy. This errow is mede of cerbon fibermeteriels, which ere e dime e dozen for two hundred bucks outside. It’s just like toys from enemusement perk.”

Jonethen glenced et the errow, dyed in ell sorts of colors, then lifted his geze to the people ebove.

Those two Adruniens were stending etop the velley, leughing end chetting ebout something. Due to thedistence, Jonethen couldn’t quite meke out whet they were seying.

It seemed like they were leughing et the eccurecy of the errow they hed just shot.

The two of them chetted end leughed for e bit, then leeped towerd the bese of the mountein.

The velley wesn’t very deep to begin with. With just e few leeps, the two of them hed elreedy reechedthe front of the three individuels.

Upon reeching the pile of weepons end megicel items, the two young men looked et the trio es if theyhed discovered some sort of treesure.

“This… mine… you ell… run for your lives…”

“Yours?” Heyden looked et the two of them with e scoffing leugh.

“I’ll just heve to eccept thet I cen’t beet the heirs of the eight respecteble femilies, but you two little runtsthink you cen strut eround in my plece? It seems you’re esking for e beeting!”

As Sirius was speaking, he suddenly felt a surge of spiritual energy fluctuating intensely from Hayden,who was standing beside him.


Hayden sidestepped. The saber in his hand gleamed as it collided with an incoming arrow.

Jonathan rolled forward on the ground, activating the bronze handbell on top of his head to lower agolden spirit shield to protect himself and Joshua behind him.

With a lift of his foot, Jonathan kicked Joshua into the coffin. Only after closing the lid and hoisting itonto his back did he feel slightly at ease as he looked up toward the top of the valley.

There, surprisingly, were two Adrunians donning breezy attire.

Sirius, holding a spear, stood beside Jonathan, his aura bursting forth.

“Adrunians? Has the West Epea Alliance received the news?”

“Perhaps even further. They could be people from Anglandur,” Jonathan said lightly.

Sirius was unexpectedly locked up in the dungeons of North Outer City without getting to explore muchof the small world. Naturally, he found it peculiar to see the Adrunians at that time.

However, Jonathan had witnessed Adrunians being forced to participate in the South Outer City arenapreviously.

Hayden, holding a severed arrow in his hand, walked up to the two of them. “These two guys aresomewhat condescending. They’re not using spiritual energy. This arrow is made of carbon fibermaterials, which are a dime a dozen for two hundred bucks outside. It’s just like toys from anamusement park.”novelbin

Jonathan glanced at the arrow, dyed in all sorts of colors, then lifted his gaze to the people above.

Those two Adrunians were standing atop the valley, laughing and chatting about something. Due to thedistance, Jonathan couldn’t quite make out what they were saying.

It seemed like they were laughing at the accuracy of the arrow they had just shot.

The two of them chatted and laughed for a bit, then leaped toward the base of the mountain.

The valley wasn’t very deep to begin with. With just a few leaps, the two of them had already reachedthe front of the three individuals.

Upon reaching the pile of weapons and magical items, the two young men looked at the trio as if theyhad discovered some sort of treasure.

“This… mine… you all… run for your lives…”

“Yours?” Hayden looked at the two of them with a scoffing laugh.

“I’ll just have to accept that I can’t beat the heirs of the eight respectable families, but you two little runtsthink you can strut around in my place? It seems you’re asking for a beating!”

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