The Legendary Man

Chapter 1314
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Chapter 1314

The Legendary Man Chapter 1314-Let Us Go Together


As their fists clashed, Jonathan firmly grasped the weak fist with his hand.

The Blackwood family member before him had been imprisoned in a dungeon for an indeterminateamount of time. Their severe injuries, coupled with the fact that all their acupoints had been unsealed,had led to the complete depletion of spiritual energy within their body due to the formation.

Even though Jonathan had rescued the individual by sacrificing some of his life force, it had primarilybolstered their physical strength.

In the presence of cultivators, even with a modest augmentation of spiritual energy, this physicalstrength was truly inconsequential.

Jonathan gripped the person’s fist and said in a low voice, “I am Jonathan!”

The person gazed at Jonathan and his comrades with vacant eyes. After a few moments, they startedto choke up, and their eyes welled with tears.

“I-I am Sirius.”


Upon hearing Sirius’ words, everyone was momentarily stunned.

Without uttering another word, Jonathan immediately took out a bottle of mineral water and handed itinto the cell.

Previously, Sirius had been tortured to the point of being battered and bruised, his face covered in thickscabs of blood. Even though Jonathan had healed his injuries, he still couldn’t recognize Sirius.

Sirius took the bottle of mineral water. He gulped down half of it, then poured the rest all over his face.

After a hasty cleanup, Sirius finally unveiled his genuine appearance. While he still appeareddisheveled, he was now at least recognizable.

Jonathan ordered, “Open your mouth.”

Without any hesitation, Sirius opened his mouth. Jonathan popped two Spirit Rejuvenating Pills into hismouth.

In the dungeon, any actions involving spiritual energy had to be executed swiftly.

Even passing the Replenishing Spirit Pills from one person to another could result in a significant lossof spiritual power. This formation was truly quite terrifying.

As Jonathan regarded the individual before him, a myriad of emotions swelled within his heart.

These past few days, he had been hanging out with Stellario and the others. Despite facing life-and-death circumstances, they had not reached a state of complete despair.

Even though they had been thrown into the arena or abandoned in North Outer City and couldn’t defeattheir enemies, they could still think of ways to escape.

In Jonathan’s speculation, Sirius and many other scions of respectable families already had their ownsecret means of communication.

Therefore, he surmised that these individuals should be capable of uniting more swiftly. From a logicalstandpoint, they ought to be in a much safer situation than Jonathan.

Alas, he never imagined that Sirius and his companions would fall to such a low point.

If they had not coincidentally fallen into this dungeon while fleeing, Sirius would have met his end here.

What on earth happened to them?

As Jonathan was deep in thought, he heard Sirius slowly start to speak from within the prison cell.

“Jonathan, do you still have a storage ring?”

“Hey, aren’t you being a tad too demanding?” Hayden couldn’t resist but voice his discontent. “We justsaved your life, so shouldn’t you show some gratitude? And now you have the audacity to makerequests. Isn’t that a bit too much?”

Upon hearing this, Jonathan didn’t hesitate. However, he only had two storage rings on him, both ofwhich were in use and couldn’t be given to Sirius.novelbin

He casually pulled out a storage bag from his pocket and handed it over.

“This is the storage bag I obtained after defeating the cultivator here. The space inside isn’t large, justfive cubic meters, but it should suffice for now.”

“It’s enough.”

Sirius picked up the storage bag, swiftly imprinting his spiritual sense on it. He then waved it at the twobodies on the ground, keeping them in the bag.

Sirius looked at the storage bag in his hand and spoke coldly. “I can’t let them die here.”

Observing Sirius in this condition, some couldn’t help but experience a pang of sadness, as if mourninganother’s passing.

In this small world, Grandmasters held little significance, given the multitude of God Realm cultivators.

Even though they were nearing the pinnacle of the hierarchy in the external world, they wereperpetually at risk of losing their lives in this small world.

At present, it was the two individuals from the Blackwood family, but in the next moment, it could beany one of them.

The only question remained: after their demise, would there be anyone to retrieve their bodies andtransport them back to their hometown?

Joshua walked up to Jonathan and said, “I’m almost done.”

To escape from Northern Outer City, his Formation Crusher and Jonathan’s Elemental ExtricationTechnique were both indispensable.

At this moment, everyone finally understood the true purpose of the Formation Crusher.

The Whitley family had managed to exist in Chanaea for almost two millennia, setting themselves apartwith a multitude of high-ranking cultivators that exceeded other families and their possession of threemagical items.

Among these, the Troop Summoner and the Hailstorm Fan were formidable magical items. TheFormation Crusher, on the other hand, appeared to serve a more auxiliary role. Besides its ability toeffortlessly establish minor formations, its primary function was to disrupt formations.

Its most frequent use was during confrontations with others, where it could render the formationsengraved on the opponent’s weapons ineffectual.

As for crushing formations, the outside world’s cultivation environment had already declined to the pointwhere there were scarcely any formations left for it to crush.

Despite its reputation for being extraordinary in the outside world, the item didn’t seem as effective asits name suggested.

Upon entering the small world, everyone understood the true power of the Formation Crusher afterwitnessing it firsthand.

These three weapons were not crafted for combat in the external world, particularly the FormationCrusher. x

Descendants of the White family, due to their bloodline heritage, had the ability to manipulate thismagical item. This was likely their true trump card.

Neil’s ancestors only passed down the information about the small world’s formation rules.

Little did he know that what he had given up was the true treasure.

Jonathan gazed at Joshua, whose complexion still bore traces of pallor. He laid his hand on Joshua’sshoulder.

A surge of life force flowed swiftly into Joshua’s body, revitalizing him to a state of peak vitality oncemore.

“Seal your acupoints,” Jonathan instructed. “This life force can stay within your body for up to twohours. Within this time frame, if you sustain injuries, this energy will expedite your recovery. You should

be fine until it’s entirely exhausted.”

It was rare for Jonathan to be so generous, but this was a situation where he had no other choice.

After all, he couldn’t control the dissipation of the life force.

In order to save Sirius, he shattered a bead formed by life force.

While Jonathan held onto his seemingly insignificant belongings, reluctant to share them with others,he understood that when the moment arrived, these possessions would ultimately fade intonothingness.

“Thank you very much.”

Even though Joshua didn’t know what this energy was, he understood that such precious energy,within this small world, was undoubtedly considered a treasure.

Whether Jonathan sought to exploit his bloodline or employ the Formation Crusher he held, he shouldbe appreciative of Jonathan for rescuing him.

“We shall talk about that outside.”

Jonathan stretched out his hand, pointing at Sirius, and asked, “Your Formation Crusher should workon the restraining barrier of this cell too, right? Rescue him, and let’s leave together.”

Hearing that, Stellario chuckled lightly.

“Great! The team has expanded again. We’re now a hodgepodge.”

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