The Legendary Man

Chapter 130
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Chapter 130

Chapter 130 There Are Two Options

“I heard it from the owner of Tavion Tower! I even watched his interview on television last year or theyear before, and he said it himself!” the taxi driver answered airily.

Ah, he said it himself, huh?

Upon hearing that, Jonathan couldn’t help sneering.novelbin

“Are you going to Tavion Tower to interview for a job, lad?” The taxi driver didn’t notice Jonathan’swintry expression and continued chatting with him. “I heard that the requirements for a job there arepretty high. You’ve got at least a bachelor’s degree, yes?”

“I’m going there to pay the owner of Tavion Tower, Tavion Callahan, himself a visit!” Jonathan admittedin a curt voice.

“You’re acquainted with him?” Surprise manifested on the taxi driver’s face when he heard thatJonathan was acquainted with the owner of Tavion Tower.

His countenance is plain, and he doesn’t appear to be some rich man. I never expected him to beacquainted with the owner of Tavion Tower!

“Yes.” Snickering, Jonathan drawled, “I’m the business partner whom he claimed to have caused him togo bankrupt. My visit this time is for no other reason than to ask him whether he hates me for havingput him through all that back then!”

In an instant, the taxi driver’s expression changed, and his face flushed bright red.

He wanted to say something, yet the words were stuck in his throat.

Nonetheless, Jonathan wasn’t in the mood to bother about him. He whipped out his phone and made acall instead.

Shortly after, a deep and booming voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

“Hello, Mr. Goldstein?”

“Yeah, it’s me.” In a low voice, Jonathan ordered, “Investigate someone for me. His name is TavionCallahan, and he’s the owner of Tavion Group in Jazona. I want everything on him in the past fiveyears, including the number of meals he ate every day, the number of women he bedded, and theamount of money going into his bank account. I want all of that.”

“Has he offended you, Mr. Goldstein?”

The voice on the other end of the phone went icy at once, and the murderous intent in it was clearlydiscernible even through the phone.

“Don’t ask questions you shouldn’t be asking. You only need to help me investigate everything I saidearlier. Give me all the information before dawn. Is there any problem with that?” Jonathan enunciatedfrostily.

The person on the other end instantly replied, “No! Rest assured that I’ll investigate even his ancestorsbefore dawn!”

“I’m not interested in his ancestors. I’m only interested in everything he did in the past five years!”Jonathan then proceeded to warn coldly, “For this matter, you’re only to investigate him. Do notinterfere. Do you hear me?”

“Understood, Mr. Goldstein!”

“I’m not joking with you. If you dare interfere in this matter, I’ll toss you out of Jazona. Also, you’ll bedismissed from your position as the King of War!” In all these years, this was the first time Jonathanever warned Zachary.

As one of the four Kings of War and the person he trusted most, Jonathan had never threatened him ashe did that day.

Of course, he had also never been as furious as he was that day.

“Is the matter this time very serious, Mr. Goldstein?” On the other end of the phone, Zacharyperceptively sensed something different from the man’s tone.

Even through the phone, he could hear the wrath in the man’s voice.

“Yes. It’s so serious that I’ve got to handle it myself!” Then Jonathan hung up without giving him anopportunity to utter another word.

An hour later, the taxi came to a stop in front of Tavion Tower.

Undeniably, Tavion Tower was indeed majestic, for it spread over dozens of hectares.

The stone plaque at the entrance with the words “Tavion Tower” was even more impressive.

“Hello, Sir. How may I help you?” A beguiling receptionist in a short, black skirt immediately cameforward and blocked Jonathan’s path as soon as he entered the lobby.

“I’m here to see Tavion Callahan!” Jonathan declared plainly.

“Do you have an appointment?”


“I’m sorry, but you can’t meet Mr. Callahan without an appointment. If you want to meet him, you mustmake an appointment a week ahead.” The receptionist politely and diplomatically denied him entry.

“A week is too long. I want to see him right now!” Casting her a glance, Jonathan added, “Tell him thatsomeone named Jonathan Goldstein wants to see him. He’ll definitely agree to see me.”

“I’m sorry, Sir, but Mr. Callahan is currently in a meeting. I’m afraid I can’t do that for you,” thereceptionist declined once again.

“It’s okay. I can wait.”

Jonathan didn’t put her in a difficult position but plopped down on the couch. Then he unhurriedly lit acigarette.

Since I came here today, I naturally won’t be going back empty-handed!

At that, the receptionist looked at him with much exasperation. “You’re making things difficult for me,Sir. There are droves of people who want to see Mr. Callahan every single day. Without anappointment, he won’t see you even if you wait here until night falls.”

“I’ve told you that he’ll definitely agree to see me if you tell him my name.” Subsequently, Jonathanglanced at the slowly approaching security guards before he lifted his eyes to her and warned, “You’dbetter not provoke me with such a method. Otherwise, you’ll certainly regret it!”

“Sir, you misunderstood!” When her intention was exposed, the receptionist could only wave a hand atthe security guards and signal them to return to their posts.

When they had retreated, she turned to Jonathan once more and asserted, “Sir, you’re really makingthings difficult for me!”

“If I truly wanted to make life difficult for you, I would be standing in front of your boss’ door right now.”Eyeing her dispassionately, Jonathan stated, “I’ll give you ten minutes to consider this. Either youinform your boss as per my orders, or I’ll forcefully kick open your boss’ office door. There are twooptions. Make your choice.”

“Sir, you’re—” The receptionist was so irked that her face contorted into a mask of rage. But just whenshe was about to speak further, a few burly men in black suits and black sunglasses who appearedvery much like bodyguards stalked into the lobby at some point in time.

Behind those few burly men was a man in a white suit who stood out like a sore thumb.

“Mr. Callahan!”

The instant the receptionist who was initially fuming caught sight of the man in the white suit, shepromptly put her irritation away and forced a professional smile.

“Mmm,” the man in the white suit acknowledged blithely. Without even sparing her a glance, hebrushed right past her.

However, the second his gaze swept over Jonathan nonchalantly, he froze and halted in his tracks.

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