The Legendary Man

Chapter 1287
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Chapter 1287

Chapter 1287 Distraction

“North Outer City?”

The group listened to Neil’s words and paused for a moment.

Even though they had only been together for less than two days, they had gained a roughunderstanding of the entire small world’s distribution system from Jonathan.

As Neil was eager to unite for the rebellion, he had shared a lot of information with Jonathan’s group.

Now, everyone knew the three important components of the entire small world: Yannopolis, Outer City,and the one hundred and eight villages.

While Yannopolis and the one hundred and eight villages were easy to understand, it was Outer Citythat had a north and south divide.

In the small world, water was the source of sustenance for many native cultivators, but it was also themost dangerous element.

The aquatic monsters lurking beneath the waters were extremely terrifying and ferocious. Even themost powerful divine messengers couldn’t guarantee their safety when venturing into the waters.

What complicated matters was that Colstrax ran right through the middle of the small world, dividing itinto north and south.

Yannopolis, with its unique forbidden spell formation, was the only piece of land that spanned Colstrax.novelbin

On its north and south sides were two massive Outer Cities, responsible for governing the one hundredand eight villages.

As Neil had previously explained, the primary purpose of establishing these two Outer Cities was toprovide shelter for the villagers of the one hundred and eight villages during beast waves that occurredin the small world.

However, after the White family’s defeat and escape, the four major vassal families took control ofYannopolis and turned these two citadels into tools to exploit the cultivators from the one hundred andeight villages. They became places for the reckless enjoyment of the offspring of the four major vassalfamilies.

Of course, due to fears of being overthrown again, Yannopolis was heavily guarded and no longer opento the outside world.

As a result, the portal formation between these two Outer Cities began to serve as a means ofcommunication between the north and south banks of Colstrax.

However, this teleportation array was convenient but limited to use by envoys from the Outer Cities.

Ordinary people could never see what lay on the other side of Colstrax in their entire lives.

This time, Neil’s target was Roy Carmichael, the governor of North Outer City.

“Neil, what is your plan exactly?” Joshua asked Neil.

For Joshua, Neil’s family had originally been a subsidiary family of the White family, but over the courseof more than two thousand years, the agreement between the ancestors of the White family and Neil’sfamily had lost its validity.

Neil, although he had secretly amassed an army of over eight thousand, Joshua knew that thesesoldiers were not intended for him, a descendant of the White family.

Neil, despite being an “ancient,” possessed remarkable intelligence, strategic planning, and operationalskills that were on par with or even surpassed anyone present.

So, before taking action, Joshua needed to understand Neil’s true intentions.

Blindly following Neil into action could lead to Joshua being outmaneuvered by him.

Observing Joshua’s demeanor, Neil turned his gaze back to Jonathan and the others.

“You’re careful.” Neil chuckled. “No need to worry; if I wanted to kill you, I could do so openly right now.Inside this mountain, I have several thousand comrades hiding. With one command from me, I’m afraidthat except for Jonathan and Joshua, the rest of you won’t be able to take a single step out of thiscourtyard.”

Upon hearing Neil’s words, Jonathan and the others looked at Joshua.

It was understandable that Jonathan could leave here alive, given that there was a high-level DivineRealm expert residing within him.

However, Neil’s claim that Joshua could also survive surprised them.

Joshua, as a remnant of the Whitley family, had been pursued by the eight respectable familiesoutside.

Although he displayed God Realm middle phase cultivation treasures, he was at his limit.

While his strength was formidable outside, it might not be enough within the small world.

To leave this courtyard alive without God Realm cultivation seemed impossible in the small world.


Joshua certainly had some hidden trump cards unknown to others.

Jonathan frowned as he observed Joshua.

He reflected on the battles they had experienced together and realized that Joshua had neverappeared flustered.

Even when facing opponents like Quintus, a Divine Realm cultivator, Joshua always maintained avigilant demeanor, never revealing even the slightest hint of panic.

This guy has some tricks up his sleeve!

As Jonathan contemplated this, he heard Neil, who was in front, chuckle.

“Oh… Look at me, did I accidentally let something slip? Did I unintentionally reveal that Joshua still hassome hidden cards?”

Neil had a guilty smile, but everyone knew he was doing it on purpose.

Neil cleared his throat and then continued with a cheerful tone, “You don’t need to be too nervous. Iasked you to accompany me in assassinating Roy purely based on your cultivation levels. To behonest, while I have over eight thousand God Realm cultivators at my disposal, their cultivationtechniques are rather limited. These individuals, though secretly trained by me, only possess a fewtypes of cultivation techniques. The control over cultivation techniques for God Realm cultivators inYannopolis is exceptionally strict, and I couldn’t obtain many options. Furthermore, these cultivationtechniques have been known for quite some time, so when it comes to combat, even if Roy’ssubordinates scramble to respond, it will still be a short while before a clear winner emerges.”

Looking at the group in front of him, Neil said calmly, “So, that’s why I chose all of you. You areoutsiders, without reservations, and possess versatile cultivation techniques that are hard to defend


He then continued, “We want to break into Yannopolis, and for that, we need to find a point of entry. I’vethought about it, and the best way to create an opening is to plunge North Outer City into completechaos. As long as Yannopolis focuses all its attention on North Outer City, our actions, even if a bitlarger in scale, should go unnoticed. And most importantly, my influence is limited to the south ofColstrax, but for you, foreign cultivators, at least one-third will be randomly sent to the north of Colstrax.Those Divine Realm cultivators will be our primary force when attacking Yannopolis.”

As Neil explained his plan, Jonathan and the others exchanged glances.

The plan seemed feasible.

If it could achieve the desired effect, they might indeed break through Yannopolis’s defenses.

Jonathan, with his background as a commander, even developed multiple follow-up battle plans basedon Neil’s strategy, including tactics like bait and switch, encircling the enemy’s rear, and others.

As long as they could make Yannopolis feel threatened and fearful, Jonathan had confidence that hecould lead Neil’s over eight thousand troops to annihilate the forces dispatched by Yannopolis.

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