The Legendary Man

Chapter 1283
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Chapter 1283

Chapter 1283 Bizarre Shapes

Upon seeing Jonathan stand up, everyone instinctively stepped back.

If there was someone in the small courtyard who truly had the potential to eliminate everyone else, itwould undoubtedly be Jonathan.

It was not just due to his own strength but primarily that of Seboxia who was inside him.

Moreover, Stellario’s life was in the hands of Seboxia. If Jonathan were to will it, everyone present hadto stop in their tracks.

Yet, at that moment, Jonathan took a deep breath and looked at the people around him.

“I think what Joshua said makes a lot of sense. There’s no need for us to make everything so awkward.According to the ratio of cultivators on both sides as Neil described, our chances of winning are nothigh in the current situation. At this stage, let’s set aside these useless matters. We can still fight to thedeath after we’ve opened the chaos portal to the outside world.”

After hearing Jonathan’s words, Stellario, who was standing opposite Jonathan, let out a sigh of relief.

If he were to take action now, it would truly be a fight to the death.

At that stage, both Jonathan and Joshua were capable of killing him in an instant.

The only thing he could do was unleash all his parasites with a forbidden technique when he was onthe brink of death, staking it all on a suicide attack against his adversaries.

Since Jonathan chose to stop, the remaining few didn’t want to get themselves killed for no reason.

However, those men didn’t stay idle. One by one, they began to rummage through their storage rings,pulling out bullets, and studying how to attach formations to them.

Although they were cultivators, they grew up in a dog-eat-dog world and rose up from the bottom rungsof cultivators. Consequently, all of them had a few firearms stored in their storage rings.

As a cultivator from an affiliated family, Hayden naturally didn’t understand the concerns of scions fromrespectable families.

Watching everyone engrossed in studying bullets, Hayden, the one who proposed this idea, movedcloser to Jonathan.

“Jonathan, we’re both from Asura’s Office, aren’t we? Could you possibly share the formation drawingof the spiritual destruction formation with me?”

Jonathan was a man of action. As soon as Hayden proposed the theory, he had already begun testingit on bullets.

The carving of a formation was greatly reliant on capturing the elusive feeling.

It was like the moment when one was playing basketball, and one was certain of scoring after shootingthe ball.

Those were all profoundly mysterious things.

On top of that, Jonathan wasn’t some formation master. He had merely read the summary offormations recorded in the miscellaneous chapters of Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique during his freetime.

As for setting up the formation, Jonathan had tried it before. However, due to the low success rate, heeventually gave up.

At that moment, Jonathan was meticulously etching a familiar

Hayden had just managed to get close to him and lightly touched him, causing the formation to fail. Thesniper bullet in Jonathan’s hand suddenly exploded.


And with that explosion, three more blasts echoed from different parts of the small courtyard.

Bang Bang Bang!

Jonathan, Joshua, Stellario, and Kathleen.

These four, who could be said to be standing on the edge of the political chessboard that wasChanaea, were all now coldly eyeing Hayden, who was standing next to Jonathan.


Hayden’s hand, reaching out to pat Jonathan, froze mid-air.

Swallowing hard, Hayden slowly lowered his head toward the group.

“I’m so sorry!”

Kathleen and the others glared at Hayden as if looks could kill.

After all, setting up a formation was a meticulous task. The last thing anyone wanted was to bedisturbed.

Consequently, the few of them initiated their own force fields, blocking out external noise as they begantheir individual research.novelbin

As for Jonathan, his hands were torn and flesh exposed due to the bullet explosion. At that moment, hewas looking at Hayden with a face full of disgust.

“Here, take this and go play somewhere else. Don’t bother me.”

Hayden, holding a yellow scroll, ran off to the side with a smile. He then began to study it intently,mimicking what the others were doing.

However, after witnessing the gruesome sight of several people’s hands mangled from the earlierfailure, Hayden discreetly took precautions, putting on a pair of gloves for himself first.

Clap, clap, clap…

Amidst the bewildered gaze of Merilyn, many of their bullets began to explode incessantly.

For a moment, the small courtyard seemed as lively as if it were the New Year, bustling withexcitement.

After an hour, Jonathan had already fired off more than a dozen bullets.

At that moment, Hayden, who was hiding alone in the corner, stealthily made his way over.

“Mr. Goldstein, do you think this is done?”

“Are you joking?” Jonathan instinctively said, “Setting up a formation on your first try? Who do you thinkyou are…”

Jonathan’s voice trailed off, as he was unable to continue any further.

He noticed that the bullet Hayden had handed him was actually engraved with a crooked arcane array.

If one paid close attention, one could even sense the spiritual energy it contained.


Jonathan’s brows furrowed deeply as he studied the formation markings on it.

“What the hell is this?”

“This is the formation marking you gave me.”

Hayden pulled out the formation drawing and began to gesture in front of Jonathan.

“Look here, here, and here. Aren’t they exactly the same?”

How are they the same?

Jonathan stared in astonishment at the formation markings on the bullet.

The formation drawing he gave to Hayden was a square, but the latter had drawn a trapezoid.

On his own formation drawing, every stroke carried a unique rhythm, but on the bullet, every strokeseemed to look like the scrawls made by a chicken.

These two formations don’t resemble each other at all, do they?

At that moment, Joshua and the others also gathered around. One by one, they looked at the twistedformation markings with strange expressions on their faces.

Surrounded by so many people, Hayden was feeling a bit embarrassed.

He swiftly retrieved the bullet and promptly loaded it into the magazine.

“We’ll know if this formation marking is good or not by firing a shot, isn’t that right?”

“D*mn it. Wait a moment!!” Stellario swore as he backed off several meters.

“The explosive power of an incomplete formation marking can be big, let alone the mess you’ve drawn.Be careful not to blow yourself up.”

Upon hearing that, the rest of them swiftly moved back to safety.

Even though Hayden claimed not to care, he still positioned the defensive shield in front of him,gripping the firearm with his spiritual energy.

At that moment, Jonathan was not stingy at all. With a flip of his hand, he threw out a formation plate.After activating it, he placed a bottle of beer behind it.

“This formation plate is the simplest defense array. If your formation is effective, your bullet should beable to penetrate the two layers of spirit shields and hit the beer behind. If you don’t, it’s a failure. Doyou understand?”

Upon hearing the words, Hayden slightly nodded. Then, aiming at the beer bottle, he slowly retreatedwhile holding up his shield.


As Hayden manipulated his spiritual power to pull the trigger, a rumble echoed in the air.

Everyone leaned in for a closer look. The beer bottle was still standing unscathed on the stone.

However, the formation plate in front of the bottle had now vanished, taking with it a large portion of theground surface…

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