The Legendary Man

Chapter 1211
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Chapter 1211

The Legendary Man Chapter 1211-Leslie’s words ignited a sudden flurry of activity in the silentcommand room.

The first-level commanders of the Eastern Allied Army, numbering less than thirty, were esteemedfigures with unparalleled authority in their respective military districts. They wielded absolute authorityover the military, and they were second only to the Kings of War in terms of power and influence.

Each person remaining in the command room held immense authority. They even possessed thepower to take preemptive action and engage in warfare without seeking prior approval duringemergencies.

Under Leslie’s leadership, this group of individuals exhibited a remarkable sense of humility. Thereason for their humility was straightforward: the operational methods employed by the young girlstanding before them had left them deeply impressed and astonished.

In traditional warfare practices, it was customary for these commanders to be personally present on thefrontlines of their assigned war zones. This allowed them to have real-time control over the battle’sprogress and served as a morale booster for the soldiers. Their physical presence instilled confidenceand a sense of security among the troops.

Nevertheless, they adopted a different approach under Leslie’s guidance. Instead of being physicallypresent at the frontlines, she directed them to gather and seek refuge in the underground facility.

Naturally, the battle-hardened commanders viewed this act of avoiding frontline battles with disdain, butthe young woman’s reasoning for doing so was simple.

Technology had advanced far beyond what it was decades or even just a few years ago.

With the exceptional intelligence capabilities of Asura’s Office, the advancements in technology hadbrought about near-instantaneous synchronization of information about the entire battlefield.

With the elimination of delays in receiving information, there was no longer a need for thesecommanders to risk their lives and engage in theatrical acts solely for their own interests.

While soldiers could be replaced or recruited from other districts if they perished, the loss of acommander would be irreplaceable.

Hence, it was crucial for these high-ranking commanders to prioritize their own safety.

Initially skeptical of Leslie’s approach, these influential first-level commanders gradually changed theirtune over the past two days. They had witnessed how the Eastern Allied Army, which was originally ina passive defense situation, swiftly stabilized its frontlines and even displayed signs ofcounterattacking.

It was at that point that they came to acknowledge the significant gap between their own abilities andthose of Leslie.

As they diligently attended to their specific roles, Leslie, on the other hand, possessed acomprehensive understanding of the entire battlefield. Her seemingly unorthodox and puzzlingdirectives gradually revealed a coherent strategy as the war unfolded.

Witnessing the tangible results and the effectiveness of her strategies, the first-level commanderscouldn’t help but become convinced and fully embrace Leslie’s leadership.

After the 3D projector was activated, the lights in the room were dimmed to enhance the clarity of theprojected images on the floor.

Wearing gloves embedded with electronic components, Leslie confidently approached the front of the3D projector. She briefly glanced at Kane’s face, but quickly shifted her attention to other matters athand.

“The data update is complete, commander!”

A girl standing next to Leslie relayed information to her in a soft voice.

To which Leslie responded with a light nod, then clapped her hands together.

“All right, everyone, let’s review the situation on the River Onxy battlefield,” she announced, her voicefilled with authority.

With a swift movement of her fingers over the control panel, the ten-square-meter 3D projection on thefloor expanded rapidly.

The others that were gathered around the projector appeared as if they were suspended in the sky,observing the entire battlefield from a bird’s-eye view.

The edges of the projection blurred, obscuring the mountains and rivers from view. Instead, specificareas were zoomed in on, magnifying them with precision and clarity.

“South bank of River Onxy, one hundred and thirty kilometers east of Jussipi, our forces haveencountered the Medved Army’s thirty-eighth brigade. Now, let’s gather intelligence on the enemyforces in that area.”

With Leslie’s skillful manipulation, the three-dimensional map smoothly transitioned between differentregions, displaying the relevant data in each area.

Each command issued by the young woman was promptly executed by the first-level commanderswithout hesitation.

The strategy meeting lasted for an hour and a half, with Karl maintaining his foot on top of Kane theentire time.novelbin

After the final command was given, Leslie slumped tiredly into her chair.

Just then, a young figure dressed in a suit swiftly entered the room accompanied by several individualsin white coats.

“Backstabbing your own, huh? Looks like you’re enjoying yourself,” the boy casually remarked, calmlyobserving the chaotic command room. He then cast a disdainful glance at Kane before approachingLeslie’s side.

This boy was none other than Donald Chambers, the twelve-year-old prodigy doctor and apprentice ofJason Carrick!

Jason was currently deeply immersed in his research on modified cultivators alongside Charleigh,rendering him unable to participate in the ongoing battle.

Hence, the remarkably mature Donald, accompanied by twelve other top military doctors, assumedresponsibility for overseeing the medical support operations on the River Onxy battlefield.

“You haven’t slept in over forty-eight hours. From a medical standpoint, your current mental state is notsuitable for commanding the battlefield. You need to rest!” Donald solemnly advised Leslie.

He nodded to a female military doctor standing nearby, who proceeded to attach various monitoringdevices to Leslie’s arms and head.

“Donald, I’m fine. A couple of cups of coffee will do the trick,” Leslie said, flashing the young boy asmile as she looked at him.

“Coffee won’t suffice,” remarked Donald, as he uncapped a bottle of glucose and presented it to Leslie.“Consume this glucose. It may not be the most tastiest option, but it will swiftly restore your energylevels.”

Leslie let out a wry smile and reluctantly took the bottle of glucose.


Before she could finish her sentence, the boy turned his head and gazed at the few members ofLeslie’s command team. “Is Leslie’s presence required for your current operations?” he inquired.

“We have just finished implementing a new deployment, so at the moment, we only require monitoringof the overall situation,” responded one of the members of the command team.

Upon hearing this, Donald smiled at Leslie and instructed the doctor, “Administer the medication!”

“Medication? What kind of medication, Donald? Are you rebelling—”

Leslie made a feeble attempt to resist, but she quickly realized that she stood no chance againstDonald and the others. After all, she was just an ordinary person, unable to match their expertise anddetermination.

As the medication entered Leslie’s veins, a wave of fatigue washed over her, gradually weakening herbody.

“I can’t sleep… It will only delay things…”

Leslie’s hand weakly reached out, grasping onto Donald’s arm for support.

However, he mercilessly swatted her hand away and frowned.

“In a state of extreme fatigue, your reaction speed significantly decreases, and your judgment of thesituation becomes prone to errors. You need to rest. Sleep,” Donald urged firmly.

As Donald’s words echoed in her ears, Leslie weakly closed her eyes, succumbing to the exhaustionthat had consumed her.

Donald then turned to the members of the command team.

“Everyone, this medication will induce deep sleep, allowing you to get proper rest. It only takes twohours to ensure adequate recovery. Please divide yourselves into five groups and take turns sleeping,”he instructed, providing a clear plan for rest rotation.

After a brief pause, he reassured them, “I will remain here for the next ten hours, and if any significantchanges occur, I will wake the sleeping individuals using the antidote, ensuring that you remain incontrol of the situation.”

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