The Legendary Man

Chapter 1207
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Chapter 1207

Jonothon finolly felt confident ofter controlling Stellorio.

In the cultivotor society within the outside world, Jonothon wos considered o powerful cultivotor os hiscultivotion level wos God Reolm.

It didn’t motter if he wos in Remdik or West Region. He would dore to keep chorging forword.

It wos becouse he knew he could survive even if he couldn’t win o bottle os long os he didn’t hove tofoce Divine Reolm cultivotors.

However, he didn’t possess the some confidence in the smoll world becouse its societol structure woseerie.

In the outside world, o Grondmoster Reolm cultivotor wos powerful enough to become o ruler of onoreo, but they were the weokest existence in the smoll world.

Even God Reolm cultivotors weren’t seen os voluoble becouse they were common in the smoll world.

If Yonnopolis didn’t forbid the villoge residents from surpossing God Reolm cultivotion level, it would’vebeen the lowest cultivotion level in the smoll world.

For some reoson, Jonothon suddenly recolled the description of the oncient cultivotion environment inthe Ancient Socred Drogon Technique. “Divine Reolm cultivotors ore everywhere, ond God Reolmcultivotors ore less useful thon dogs.” Every time I reod o possoge like thot, I thought the person whowrote the book wos exoggeroting. However, it seems like it might’ve been true in the oncient post. Thissmoll world con’t be explored by single individuols. Even cultivotors like Seboxio ond Quintus hove tobe coutious while moving oround here. Since one’s Pryncyp is stripped owoy here, it doesn’t motterhow powerful their cultivotion level is. They ore no different from o God Reolm cultivotor with thickspirituol energy. By my estimotion, not o lot of cultivotors con store o Pryncyp os powerful os Seboxio’s

in o spirituol beod. In foct, it’s likely his secret technique. After oll, Seboxio wos the only Divine Reolmcultivotor who survived for over o thousond yeors. Mony powerful secret techniques hod been lost totime. While I don’t know who built this smoll world ond for whot reoson, it’s o truly incredible ploce. Thisploce uses on obsolute seoling technique to force God Reolm ond Divine Reolm cultivotors to stond otthe some storting point. It’s the greotest opportunity ond donger here. The oppeoronce of spirituoltreosures, potent medicinol herbs, ond oncient relics in this smoll world is on opportunity for oll.Although, it depends on the person how mony benefits they con scoop up ond if they con return to theoutside world sofely. Right now, whot I need to do is to snotch this luck.

Jonathan finally felt confident after controlling Stellario.

In the cultivator society within the outside world, Jonathan was considered a powerful cultivator as hiscultivation level was God Realm.

It didn’t matter if he was in Remdik or West Region. He would dare to keep charging forward.

It was because he knew he could survive even if he couldn’t win a battle as long as he didn’t have toface Divine Realm cultivators.

However, he didn’t possess the same confidence in the small world because its societal structure waseerie.

In the outside world, a Grandmaster Realm cultivator was powerful enough to become a ruler of anarea, but they were the weakest existence in the small world.

Even God Realm cultivators weren’t seen as valuable because they were common in the small world.

If Yannopolis didn’t forbid the village residents from surpassing God Realm cultivation level, it would’vebeen the lowest cultivation level in the small world.

For some reason, Jonathan suddenly recalled the description of the ancient cultivation environment inthe Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique. “Divine Realm cultivators are everywhere, and God Realmcultivators are less useful than dogs.” Every time I read a passage like that, I thought the person whowrote the book was exaggerating. However, it seems like it might’ve been true in the ancient past. Thissmall world can’t be explored by single individuals. Even cultivators like Seboxia and Quintus have tobe cautious while moving around here. Since one’s Pryncyp is stripped away here, it doesn’t matterhow powerful their cultivation level is. They are no different from a God Realm cultivator with thickspiritual energy. By my estimation, not a lot of cultivators can store a Pryncyp as powerful as Seboxia’sin a spiritual bead. In fact, it’s likely his secret technique. After all, Seboxia was the only Divine Realmcultivator who survived for over a thousand years. Many powerful secret techniques had been lost totime. While I don’t know who built this small world and for what reason, it’s a truly incredible place. Thisplace uses an absolute sealing technique to force God Realm and Divine Realm cultivators to stand atthe same starting point. It’s the greatest opportunity and danger here. The appearance of spiritualtreasures, potent medicinal herbs, and ancient relics in this small world is an opportunity for all.Although, it depends on the person how many benefits they can scoop up and if they can return to theoutside world safely. Right now, what I need to do is to snatch this luck.

As Jonathan stared at Stellario, who was a dozen meters away from him, he fell into deep thought.Speaking of luck, while it exists, it’s invisible. It’s not something like Heavenly Pryncyp. While it alsocouldn’t be challenged, a cultivator could grasp it by chance and utilize it. Meanwhile, luck can’t beinteracted with or grasped. It is as though it exists only in concept. For example, I was originally the heirto the Goldstein family, a debaucherous scion indulging in a life of luxury. Yet, because of variousreasons, I was kicked out of Yaleview and became the son-in-law of the Smith family. Then, unable towithstand the humiliation, I joined the army and obtained the Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique byaccident. In less than four years, I became the master of Asura’s Office. Of course, I worked hard aswell, but it seems luck has always been by my side. It’s as if every step I took helped me arrive at thenext until I reached where I am today. It’s not just me. Wilbur, Joshua, and Hayden all became powerful

cultivators because of luck. Even the core heirs to the eight respectable families inherited the powertheir families possessed since the day they were born. While luck is mysterious and invisible, it’simpossible to ignore. I can’t find a way out of my situation here in this small world. That’s why I must domy best to gather as many people from the outside world as possible and borrow their luck to escape. Ithink Joshua’s likely the luckiest person from the outside world here. However, I’ve no clue where he is.I guess I’ll have to save Hayden first. I must escape this place!

His eyebrows tightly furrowed together as the look in his eyes turned grim. Ever since I entered thissmall world, I can feel my Cor crumbling because this place nullifies outside Pryncyp and has thickspiritual energy. Despite that, my regressing cultivation level is constantly being repaired. In fact, itmight be improving a little. If I can rest here without worry for half a year, I think I can achieve theadvanced phase of God Realm without needing to ingest any spiritual pills. The spiritual energy herealone would be enough to help me achieve that cultivation level. Currently, I’m in the middle phase ofGod Realm. Hence, I can put up a good fight against any God Realm cultivators. Once I reach theadvanced phase, I bet I can defeat anyone less powerful than a Divine Realm cultivator. Still, I don’tthink I will stay here. There are too many things in the outside world that I’m worried about, such as thepregnant Josephine and the battle of River Onxy. I absolutely mustn’t stay here! The only thing I canhope now is that Xavion wasn’t lying. Once I’ve eliminated Everett’s family, he better returns Josephineto me without a scratch on her!

It had been four days since the battle of River Onxy.

The whole campaign also ended the initial technological conflict. At that point, the war had taken amore conventional, invasive form.

The cities in Horbah that were near River Onxy had been turned into a battlefield.

However, Remdik didn’t break the rules of war. They allowed the citizens to drive out of the city ondesignated routes safely.

Someone suggested disguising the Eastern Allied Army soldiers as civilians to lower the Remdikianarmy’s defense.novelbin

However, Leslie, who was battle-crazed and only ever focused on results, shot down that proposal.

In fact, she stripped the person who recommended that tactic of their rank and kicked them out of thearmy.

In her mind, while that could win them the war with the least amount of soldier casualties, it would alsodestroy the Eastern Allied Army’s reputation.

Additionally, the Remdikian soldiers would have no reason to allow civilians to leave the warzone intheir vehicles. It would cause the deaths of many ordinary folks.

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