The Legendary Man

Chapter 1184
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Chapter 1184

The Legendary Man Chapter 1184-At night, between the viridescent mountains by a spacious lakewere a few cultivators donning pelts. They were roasting animal meat by the campfire.

Among the few men, a middle-aged man who looked like he was in his forties stood up with a piece ofroasted meat.

“I’m going to take the shift by the slope at the side. You guys should get an early night after eating. Bythe way, remember to clear away the unfinished meat. We don’t want to lure other ferocious beastsover.”

The youths at the party smiled and nodded upon hearing the middle-aged man’s instructions.

“Got it, Mr. Downey. Don’t worry. It isn’t our first time out here. We’ll definitely clear out everythingproperly and leave nothing behind.”

The middle-aged man gave them a smile and headed toward the slope.

When the youths saw him leave, they hurried toward the campfire to check if their food was ready.

“Stellan, why don’t we catch some fish to eat? It’s kind of tiring to have animal meat all the time,” thesmallest and the youngest person in the group suggested as he looked at the rippling lake.

Hearing that, the three other people at the side lowered their meat and turned to look at the cultivatornamed Stellan.

“Well…” Stellan turned to look in the direction the middle-aged man had gone. “Mr. Downey has set upa formation and asked us to stay here overnight. If we leave on our own accord, and if something wereto happen…”

When the youths around him heard the hesitation in his tone, they became disheartened.

Stellan was the eldest among them, and he was the core of the team. If he did not agree with thesuggestion, the others could not protest about it.

The small-sized young man resentfully tossed his unfinished meat into the lake a dozen of metersaway from them.

“Welrun, what are you doing?” Stellan bolted over to Welrun.


When the others noticed the strong fluctuation of Stellan’s spiritual energy, they quickly stood betweenthe two.

“Stellan, Welrun’s still young. It’s his first time out here too, and he doesn’t know better. Please don’t bemad at him,” said the only young girl in their group as she tugged Stellan’s arm.

The other quickly towed Welrun aside and tried to convince Stellan to calm down too.

Stellan finally let out a sigh.

“Does that mean he can be as reckless as this? When we brought you out of the village, didn’t I tell youthat ferocious beasts roam the land? Didn’t I say we have to be extra—”

Before Stellan could finish his sentence, Welrun turned red in the face and cried out, “I just threw apiece of meat! Yes, it’s my first time leaving the village, but Mr. Downey said that this herbs-retrievingpath has been used for many years. I’m sure the beasts are all gone now, so what danger can wepossibly be in? I don’t ask for much. I just want to catch some fish from the lake. Don’t you want to eatsome fish too?”

Stellan noticed the tears welling up in Welrun’s eyes, and his gaze became much softer.

“I’m not being strict, but you’ve heard what the elders said to us before our journey. Although we’vewalked this path many times, we’ll still encounter new beasts. Our priority is to bring the herbs to ourchief. If you want to eat fish, I’ll make an application with the chief when we’re back. So, stop thinkingabout having any fish here.”

Stellan returned to the campfire and quietly ate his food.

Ultimately, the others convinced Welrun to go back to his original spot.

The episode made things tense among the group for a while as they silently polished off the meat.

What they did not notice was a gentle ripple occurring dozens of meters away on the lake.

The meat that Welrun tossed floated for a while before disappearing with a dark silhouette.

After eating, Stellan swiftly kept the rest of the meat in his storage ring.

Then, he took out a few pelts and passed them among the group.

“Although Mr. Downey is guarding for us on the slope, we should be careful too. I’ll stay up for the firsthalf of the night, and the four of you will take turns staying up for the other half of the night. Hurry upand go to sleep now.”

At that, the four slept by the fire as Stellan sat cross-legged at the side with a sharp bone dagger lyingby his side.

Stellan furrowed his brows as he looked at the sleeping Welrun, but his gaze held no hint of anger.

Welrun wanted to eat fish, and he did, too.

However, fish was a rare commodity in the mountains.

Fishes that once swam in the lake were all gone from the mass catching. The only fishes left werethose that people were raising with care. If they were to steal any, they were bound for a viciousbeating.

As for the fish in the giant lake, no one dared to catch them there.

It was definitely because the beasts in the water were too threatening.

If they encountered beasts they could not fight against in the woods, they could resort to fleeing by feetor through the use of formations.

However, they stood no chance of surviving those beasts in the water.

Perhaps because the water beasts were menacing, a certain area near the gigantic lake was a saferspot to rest at.

That was why they had decided to camp dozens of meters away from the lake.

Land beasts would not dare to approach them where they camped, and even if the water beasts didclimb ashore, they would have time to react.novelbin

It was Welrun’s first time out of the village. The journey thus far had been smooth, so he hadunderestimated the perilous state of the outside world.

Stellan knew that Welrun would only learn to be cautious after witnessing the gruesome nature of theoutside world.

Despite Welrun’s dissatisfaction toward him, Stellan did not wish to see Welrun risk his life.

Everyone had to grow up eventually, but Stellan hoped that Welrun’s growth would not be accompaniedby regret.


Right as Stellan was lost in his thoughts, a soft voice rang out.

When he turned around, he realized it was Mona, the only girl in the group.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Stellan asked with a soft chuckle.

Mona shifted over to Stellan’s side.

“Stellan, don’t take Welrun’s words to heart. He’s still young, and he doesn’t know the dangers lurkingout here.”

Stellan smiled at her. “Don’t worry. Why would I take his words to heart? You should sleep.”

“I can’t,” Mona answered quietly. “Stellan, if we send the herbs back this time—”

“Shh!” Before Mona could finish speaking, Stellan moved to hold the bone dagger by his side as hefixed his gaze at the lake. “Wake them. There’s something moving in the lake.”

Right as Stellan uttered that, the other two leaped to a crouching position, clearly having not fallen intoa deep slumber.

The only one who was still lost in his dreamland was Welrun.

Mona moved her fingers, and a pebble encased in spiritual energy shot toward Welrun’s wrist. Whileshe woke Welrun up, she unleashed a pulse of spiritual energy to keep his mouth shut.

“There’s something weird about the lake. Pack up. We’re regrouping with Mr. Downey.”

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