The Legendary Man

Chapter 1125
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Chapter 1125

The energy-gathering and energy-locking formations were the two most commonly-known formationsamong cultivators.

The former collected the spiritual energy within a particular area, while the latter retained it to preventleakage, but despite their differences, they worked synergistically to create a favorable environment forcultivation.

The goal of the Leeson family was to conceal all the energy exuded from the small world’s chaosportal.

Although they were only dozens of miles away from the battleground at River Onxy, the spiritual energydischarged from the chaos portal was so thick that it formed an energy tide that caught Quintus andJonathan’s attention

The mountain they were at was but an unremarkable one out of the numerous peaks in the DelisgarRidge. Still, it appeared unusual because of the surge of mist rising from the mountain as a result ofcondensing spiritual energy.

The mist’s density was so high that the beginner-phase Grandmasters’ faces turned red as if they weredrunk.

Their vitality spiked because they absorbed the potent energy as they breathed.

When Ashton noticed the situation, he promptly repositioned those Grandmasters to the periphery ofthe mountain.

Since spiritual energy shared the same characteristic as saline water, particles in both agents movedfrom high density to low density.

As for the Grandmasters in the beginner phase, although cultivating in a space with dense spiritualenergy would elevate their ability rapidly, they still found it hard to control their vitality in an environmentwhere the spiritual energy transcended their ability to cope, let alone those still in the Superior Realm.novelbin

The energy that leaked from the chaos portal was enough to turn the mountain into a superiorcultivation hub, which went to show the significance of the secret hidden in the small world behind thechaos portal.

“Be mindful of the spirit stones’ positions. We need to seal all eight entryways on this mountain. Eachentryway should be assigned nine groups of triple energy-locking formation. Hugh, bring your men toset up a trap formation plate outside the portal and an illusion array as the third layer. Garner all yourresources and ask the family to send more if you don’t have enough. We’re going all in!”

Although Ashton’s strategy to mobilize all kinds of formations was formidable, it was merely the tip ofthe iceberg.

While one did not dare to trespass the small world at the moment, according to historical records, theappearance of the world’s chaos portal meant a catastrophe was inevitable.

After all, as part of the ancient heritage, the small world was home to many demon beasts trappedthere for experimental purposes during those times.

But in the contemporary context, those then-insignificant creatures were considered powerful beasts.

In the past, even beasts the size of a vehicle tire that emerged from a portal could wreak havoc in theworld, let alone those from a portal with a height of more than thirty feet.

The spiritual energy oozing from the portal was enough to disconcert just anyone. Even Quintus, aDivine Realm cultivator, was alarmed at the sight, so it went without saying that a God Realm cultivatorlike Ashton was unnerved.

His hunch told him that the creatures in the small world might change the entire Chanaean history, butfaced with such a crisis, he was aware that subduing the threats behind the portal was just part of theLeeson family’s hurdles since they also had to contend with other influential families over the portal.

Despite Ashton’s personal distaste for how respectable families would spy on one another forintelligence, the practice was undeniably common among families.

Although it was impossible for spies to infiltrate the core of other families, the intel they gathered justfrom the lower levels was enough for them to infer the target families’ intentions.

More importantly, there was no way the spies could overlook what was happening at the portal,especially when the spiritual energy tides coming from it rippled across hundreds of miles.

Whilst the spies of the seven respectable families had retreated from Doveston, it was evident fromJoshua’s behavior that he had been waiting for the small world’s activation.

With the Leeson family occupying the portal to that world, the only way for Joshua to enter was to messup the situation to create a distraction.

As for Jonathan, he had upended Remdik and West Region over the past half a year despite his claimsto retire from Asura’s Office.

Given his Divine Realm ability, it was unsurprising that he would take advantage of this opportunity,especially when the small world was so close to him.

“Time is of the essence!” Quintus remarked as he beheld the clouds of spiritual energy from above.

“People from the seven respectable families will be here in no time. In fact, even those hidden ancientsects would reappear after knowing about the portal. I don’t think I can hold on any longer, Ashton. Youhave my approval to put the two other Divine Realm cultivators in position.”

Quintus’ words struck Ashton, for the Leeson family only had three Divine Realm cultivators, two ofwhich had been living in seclusion for more than a decade since the besiege of the Whitley family.

They had distanced themselves from the world because they suffered severe internal injuries back thenand did not want to get involved in worldly strife.

They were the pillars and foundation of the Leeson family, but in a situation like that, Quintus had nochoice but to allow Ashton to mobilize those two cultivators.

To Ashton, that strategy meant that mere tricks and tactics could no longer resolve the emergency athand—the gravity of the crisis called for forceful intervention.

“Is this the only way, Uncle Quintus?” Ashton asked reluctantly.

Quintus nodded slightly, saying, “The chaos portal is in Doveston. Geographically speaking, our familyhas the upper hand since it’s closer to us, but this opportunity is a ticking time bomb. The eightrespectable families might have had their own strife in the past. Still, it was unlikely that things couldescalate to a point where they joined forces to oust a single family, just as they did to the Whitley familybecause it was not in their interest to do so, but this portal is a game-changer. Unless our family givesup on this opportunity to dominate the chaos portal, we remain the seven families’ common enemy.You’re the patriarch of the family now, so it’s your call to decide, but I suggest you not confront themwith force.”

At that point, Ashton seemed to have understood Quintus’ message.

“Uncle Quintus, are you saying that…”

“You’re right. We should enter the chaos portal before they do anything,” Quintus suggested calmly.

“I’ve made up my mind. We both know I don’t have much time left to live. I give myself three to fiveyears at most. The last thing I can do is to give it a shot for our family’s future.”

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