The Legendary Man

Chapter 1121
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Chapter 1121

No Other Choice

The method Jonathan was talking about was to use the Holy Blood of Remdik’s Sanctuary.

According to Ksana, Holy Blood was a liquid secreted by the Remdik Emperor’s heart, which needed tobe distilled through a special technique to produce the drug they needed.

It could be used as a catalyst for cultivators during cultivation by improving the circulation of vitality andstrengthening their bodies.

However, it did have a fatal weakness, which was exhausting the cultivator’s body.

Jonathan had had an in-depth talk with Ksana about Holy Blood’s properties.

Considering that she had grown up in Sanctuary since she was young, the people of the organizationtrusted Ksana and the others who had been brainwashed since they were children.

Otherwise, they would not have assigned any important positions or assignments to Ksana and theothers.

Among these assignments were some documents that did not involve any organizational secrets.

Ksana had seen a document that had a detailed record of Sanctuary’s research on Holy Blood over theyears.

Though the report didn’t include any scientific theories for the drug, it highlighted two characteristics ofHoly Blood.

Firstly, any Grandmaster Realm cultivator who took enough Holy Blood had an eighty percent chanceof breaking through the God Realm spirit shield and becoming a God Realm cultivator.

Secondly, the lifespans of the cultivator who took Holy Blood would decrease significantly. Some mightnot even be able to live longer than the average man.

The second point was much more terrifying.

After all, even though cultivators at that moment, such as Quintus, lived the longest, the oldest acultivator could get was a little over a hundred years old. Even those who lived to be a hundred and fiftywere rare.

Naturally, such a lifespan was not proportional to the powers of a God Realm cultivator

Besides, it had been recorded in the ancient books that the cultivators of ancient times took at leastsixty years for their solitary cultivation.

No one could tell for sure that one could successfully have a breakthrough even after solitary cultivationin modern times, but others could definitely convey their condolences during their death anniversaries.

The cultivators of the current time had too low of a life expectancy. All in all, it was something that couldbring change to cultivating.

Back in the past, the world was rich with treasures. One could even find thousand-year-old medicinejust by walking down the road.

No one would have cared if someone had gotten their hands on the resources and gone into solitarycultivation.

However, there was a lack of spiritual energy resources in the present day. Even spirit stones hadbecome rare, much less the other much valuable treasures.

Furthermore, as one’s cultivation level and Realm increased, the number of resources one needednaturally increased.

In an era with a deficiency of spiritual energy, cultivators needed to fight for whatever they needed ifthey wanted to grow stronger.

Only through fights could they get more resources.

Nevertheless, who could guarantee that there would not be any injuries on their bodies after countlessbattles?

Even someone like Seboxia, a cultivator who could reconstruct his body, had to hang on to dear life ashe lay in a coffin, let alone other Divine Realm cultivators.

This was also the reason why there were rarely any Divine Realm cultivators out and about inChanaea.

The number of resources they needed was too much, be it for battles or cultivation.

Worse still, if they had gotten injured in a battle, even if there was a cure for them, the medicinal herbsneeded had already gone extinct and were nowhere to be found.

The cultivator world was just like a fine sieve, constantly eliminating cultivators one after another.

Those who managed to live were all ruthless beings who had survived countless battles in their lives.

The era of ancient times, where one could just find a random spot and gain the Heavenly Way, hadlong passed.

Yet, such a complicated situation did not prolong a cultivator’s life by much.

Nonetheless, one’s body could change depending on one’s environment and what one did. Cultivatorsconsumed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on a daily basis, which helped strengthen theirbodies, so it was only natural that they had more vitality than mere mortals.

Take Jonathan as an example. He was currently in the middle phase of God Realm. However, hiscultivation level had been constantly declining since his Cor was broken, and he would one daybecome a mortal.

But, if he managed to find a place where there wasn’t anyone after his life and where he couldpeacefully live the rest of his days, Jonathan believed he could live up to a hundred and fifty years oldhealthily.

This was the power of a cultivator.

Yet, Holy Blood was something that could undo all the hard work of a cultivator and strip them of theirvitality and life.

Ksana had once talked to Jonathan about her body.

She had just turned eighteen and had already taken Holy Blood for over twelve years.

Ksana predicted that she would not live past thirty years old due to being utterly drained.

Holy Blood could activate a cultivator’s vitality and senses mainly through its special chemicalcomposition to stimulate the user’s cell division.

It was also a well-known fact that there was a limit to the number of times for cell division in a human’slifetime.

Those who took Holy Blood were merely using up their energy for the next few decades in advance.

This was how Heavenly Pryncyp maintained balance.novelbin

One would have to give up on something if they wanted to achieve something else.

And in Sanctuary, the simplest way one could achieve the highest cultivation level was with their life.

A sense of helplessness crept into Jonathan as he glanced at Kane and the others before him, whowere seemingly excited when they heard there was a way for them to have a breakthrough into GodRealm.

Forget being able to safely bring Holy Blood back.

Even if Jonathan did bring it back, he would still talk to those in Asura’s Office about the side effects ofHoly Blood in detail.

Just like the drugs made by Charleigh, whether or not Hades and the others were willing to sacrificetheir lives and take it was all up to their own volition.

At the same time, Jonathan knew that Hades and the rest would choose to take it without hesitation ifhe brought Holy Blood back.

These people were willing to give up their lives for the sake of Asura’s Office, so why would they bescared just because the drug would shorten their lifespans?

Jonathan didn’t want to make such a choice for his people, but he had no other alternatives.

Just as he said, Asura’s Office didn’t have much time left.

He had predicted that by the time the situation in Doveston settled down, it wouldn’t be long before theeight respectable families made their moves on Asura’s Office.

After all, Asura’s Office would suffer a great deal of damage regardless of the outcome of the battle atRiver Onxy.

It was the best time to finish them off. Besides, Asura’s Office’s men would also be down in the dumpsbecause of the loss of troops.

Hence, it was the best time to take over and reunify them.

Therefore, Jonathan had no other choice at that moment.

He could either sacrifice the lives of Asura’s Office’s crucial members for the sake of cultivation, or hecould wait for the eight respectable families to make their move.

Asura’s Office had gone through too much in the past three years and was now facing a criticaljuncture.

Forcing down the worries he was feeling, Jonathan forced a smile.

“All right, all right. Let’s stop rejoicing for now. Where are Joshua and Hayden? Does anyone knowwhere they are?”

Zachary and the others shook their heads in response.

Right then, Freddie’s voice sounded from Jonathan’s communication device.

“Mr. Goldstein, someone saw two people going into the mountains toward Doveston!”

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