The Legendary Man

Chapter 1065
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Chapter 1065

The Eastern Army had never experienced such a large-scale act of insubordination since it wasestablished thirty years ago.

All the mortal soldiers, disregarding their lives, returned to the battlefield to defend their assignedpositions.

Listening to the resounding battle cries of unwavering determination, even the commanders of theEastern Army could not enforce military discipline to punish them.

Behind the front lines, hundreds of thousands of people had begun acting according to plan, preparingfor the battle.

The command center of the Eastern Allied Army sent orders to all units and subsequently to everysoldier.

Like a precise machine, the entire army began operating swiftly.

Meanwhile, outside Beshya’s frontier, Hayes was consumed by a murderous rage.

He sent a werewolf flying with his sword, but before he could take others on, another werewolf struckhim head-on.

Tossing away his sword, Hayes crossed his arms in front of his chest to protect himself, letting out ahowl of agony as the intense pain surged through him.

Seconds later, he transformed from a six-foot-tall man into a giant that was about ten-foot-tall.

His face contorted, and his clothes were instantly torn apart.

Pitch-black hair started growing all over his body.

Following a painful howl, Hayes finally completed his transformation, assuming the form of a colossalwerewolf.

The main reason Hayes had yet to be crowned as one of the Kings of War was he had yet to attain acertain cultivation level.

Toward the later stages of Jonathan’s conquest, Hades, Kane, and Zachary advanced to the nextcultivation level after engaging in various battles.

Karl, in particular, experienced a remarkable breakthrough and ascended to the God Realm due to thetalent he had in cultivation.

Warriors at that cultivation level not only possessed the ability to suppress their opponents but alsocommanded the respect and loyalty of others.

In addition, they had the ability to safeguard themselves against individuals who might stab them in theback.

Nonetheless, Hayes had never delved deep into the Great Pryncyp, even though he was aconsiderably skilled warrior.

Even after becoming the King of Lumonburg and having access to more resources, he had neverthought of focusing on his cultivation.

In his own words, he was never a man driven by ambition. While attaining the title of one of the EightKings of War seemed glamorous, it also meant he would acquire enemies along the way.

Hence, he preferred to settle in his own little corner and live as a carefree landowner.

However, the situation took a turn when his sister harbored intentions of killing Jonathan. As a result,Jonathan sent her to the Northern Crimson Prison for rehabilitation and handed over the cultivation

method of the Gomez family in Lumonburg to him. That was when he understood the importance ofcultivation for the first time.

In other words, among all the mortals in Asura’s Office, Hayes was the first to have access tocultivation resources before Jonathan initiated the comprehensive plan for everyone.

Moreover, owing to his unique position, Hayes, who had fought alongside Hades, received preferentialtreatment when the latter distributed the cultivation resources.

Since then, Hayes’ cultivation level had improved tremendously.

Just over a month ago, Hayes used the broken spirit stone from the Blackwood family and forcefullyelevated his cultivation level to the Superior Realm.

Despite the unstable and chaotic state of his spiritual energy resulting from his rapid cultivation, Hayesdidn’t care because he knew Asura’s Office was in need of cultivators at that moment.

Moreover, just a week prior, with the assistance of Hades, Hayes obtained a Beta Warrior geneticpotion from a laboratory in Harfush.

Initially, Hades opposed to the idea.

After all, Jonathan entrusted Hayes with the command position in the Eastern Army because he valuedHayes’ loyalty and leadership abilities.

Whether Hayes was a Grandmaster Realm cultivator was not Jonathan’s primary concern.

Yet, Hayes was determined to do things his way.

He once said, “All the Superior Realm cultivators in Asura’s Office had undergone some form ofmodification. Why should I be an exception?”

Moreover, regardless of whether Hades provided him with the potion or not, he would charge forward tothe forefront alongside the other warriors.

By consuming the potion, he could attain the cultivation of the Grandmaster Realm. Doing so would notjust provide a significant boost for him but also offer a glimmer of a chance to survive.

However, if he did not take the potion, he, as a Super Realm cultivator, would meet his end on thebattlefield.

After days of deadlock, Hades finally agreed to bring the potion to Hayes.

Hades came to River Onxy with only two objectives in mind.

His first objective was to participate in the battle, and the second was to take over the command of theEastern Allied Army and lead the battle should Hayes lose his rationality after taking the potion.

Fortunately, Hayes pulled through.


Hayes howled aggressively at the werewolves that were coming in their direction.

He thumped his chest with force, and two radiant red lights lit up on his shoulders.

Upon noticing the lights, all Chanaean warriors roared hysterically and rushed forward.

Previously, Hayes had informed everyone that he would use the color red as a signal as he took thelead, paving the way for all.

The entire Eastern Army, consisting of a hundred and eighty thousand soldiers, was personally trainedby Karl.

Karl’s death still weighed heavily on their hearts, even though he had detonated the entire NorthernCrimson Prison.novelbin

Although the soldiers did not oppose Hayes’ sudden arrival, they still harbored a sense of discontent.

After all, he was just someone who had not even made it to the Grandmaster Realm. Who is he to bossus around?

Yet, all the soldiers from the Eastern Army were stunned to see the werewolf before their eyes.

Hayes did indeed uphold his promise!

As the commander of hundreds of thousands of allied forces, Hayes truly fought at the forefront,engaging in fierce combat alongside all the soldiers.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Eastern Army rediscovered their long-lost morale.

Hayes was the embodiment of their morale.


Howling, Hayes dropped to all fours, charging straight toward the werewolves ahead. He was so fastthat he practically transformed into a dark shadow.

Though the enemy werewolf lacked consciousness and self-awareness, he possessed the instinct of aliving creature.

The intense hostility radiating from Hayes was akin to a compelling force that drove him to retreat.

In battles among high-level cultivators, a mere moment of hesitation could mean death, let alone a fewseconds.

Before the werewolf could react, Hayes lunged at him and pinned him to the ground, dragging himforward in a frenzy.

The werewolf relentlessly clawed and scratched at Hayes’ arms, desperately trying to break free.

Yet, no matter how he struggled, Hayes did not give him a chance to fight back.

After charging forward for several feet, Hayes snapped the werewolf’s neck, smashing his head into hischest cavity.

After that, he reached into the werewolf’s chest, retrieving a palm-sized heart from within and clenchingit tightly in his hand.

All of a sudden, he swallowed the heart right before everyone’s eyes.

“Tiger…” Hades, who was observing him from a distance, was stunned.

As a Grandmaster Realm cultivator, he knew something was off with Hayes.

By depending on external resources to forcibly elevate his cultivation to the Superior Realm, Hayeswould experience instability in his cultivation.

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