The Legendary Man

Chapter 1053
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The Legendary Man Chapter 1053

The Legendary Man Chapter 1053-Wilbur met Jonathan in the Valley of Elites three years ago.

Back then, they were elite warriors sent there by Harfush and Huxville, respectively. Because of howphysically mighty they were, they kept breaking various records during their stay in Valley of Elites.

While they seemed extremely competitive on the surface, in reality, they were pretty good friends.

However, during their later stages of training in Valley of Elites, they had a conflict in opinion whenYaleview was recruiting.

Because of that, they went on their separate ways.

In the three years since then, Jonathan risked his life tens of times before finally restoring peace toChanaea. It was around that time that the initial prototype of Asura’s Office was completely solidified.

Meanwhile, Wilbur used various tactics and Joshua’s trust to become the commander of Yaleview. Healso had the help of the Salladay family to achieve his goal.

Both of them attained success in different ways.

Back when they were still nameless goons, they were already comparing themselves against eachother.

Even after they were each in control of the two largest military organizations in all of Chanaea, theynever stopped competing and defending themselves against each other.

As Wilbur remained in his rocking chair, he sighed and stared at the night sky. I’ve never lost toJonathan in just about anything except for when it comes to our subordinate’s loyalty. That’s the onlything I can’t be compared to him. Asura’s Office has Eight Kings of War. After he abdicated, Hadescould’ve taken over his position at any moment to ensure Asura’s Office’s continued operation. Karl

from Doveston was executed because of the Mysonna incident. Who could’ve thought the leader of amilitary base in Lumonburg would become Prince of Diyouli and the commander of hundreds ofthousands of soldiers? It’s like Jonathan has an endless number of subordinates he can use to replacehis old ones. Not only that, he has proven his choice is correct. It doesn’t matter where he stations hissubordinates. All of them are capable of handling the responsibilities delegated to them. The entireAsura’s Office’s office is like a well-oiled, sophisticated machine, and the Kings of War are its mostimportant components. Even if some of them are broken, they’ll be replaced by a new part, and themachine will continue chugging along. Meanwhile, my adjutant, whom I’d promoted over the two yearshe had spent following me, still doesn’t have the guts to suggest anything in front of me! I must say, it’sa very tragic thing to happen to a commander.

He slowly closed his eyes as he recalled the difficult path he trudged through to arrive at his currentposition. “I’ve prepared seven hundred thousand men for you, Jonathan. That’s how much YaleviewArmy has grown. If you don’t want to lose Doveston, it’s time for you to show your sincerity.”

At that moment, Eshistan was ready to join the war.

It had been two hours since the first cannonball crossed Chanaea’s and Remdik’s national borders.Yet, both armies continued their bombardment.

The cost of each cannonball fired from either side ranged from tens of thousands to millions. They werepractically burning through their military budget.

However, neither Chanaea nor Remdik cared about that anymore.

It was a war they had been waiting for too long.

Seven years ago, the battle between Medved Army and Eastern Army claimed more than seventythousand lives.

Due to the intervention of both sides’ information departments, their air-defense networks wereparalyzed immediately.

It was hell on earth. Without the protection of the air-defense networks, both armies were locked into abattle of attrition.

Each cannonball that landed on the battlefield would kill an unknown number of soldiers.

Both sides waited until their enemies couldn’t bear it any longer and stopped firing their cannons ontheir own accord.

That brutal conflict lasted for three days. By the end, even after Karl had successfully contacted Aidanto stop that pointless war, the cannonballs were still falling from the sky.

After that experience, both sides learned to isolate the information department responsible for their air-defense network from the outside world.

Even the best hackers on the planet wouldn’t be able to locate a breach in a short period.

The explosions never stopped for two hours.

Scattered below the air-defense network towers were empty, heated shells.

An adjutant swiftly arrived before Hayes and reported, “Sir, a third of the air-defense towers’ammunition has been depleted.”

“Open the first ten supply warehouses and replenish the ammunition as fast as possible!” utteredHayes calmly, as though he was saying what he wanted to eat for his next meal.

“Roger!” Without delay, the adjutant left to relay the order. On the battlefield, each second passed mightspell the death of a soldier.

Right after that, an intelligence officer sprinted toward Hayes with a laptop in his hand. “Commander!”


Before the soldier could reach Hayes, a bright light was spotted around twenty meters behind him.

A wave of scorching air mixed with shrapnel extended outward from that point. The intelligence officerscreamed as he was launched toward Hayes by the shockwave.

“Block!” Hades stepped forward and held his hand up. An invisible spirit shield promptly appearedbefore them.

Without delay, the shockwave was split in half by the spirit shield while Hayes held the intelligenceofficer in his arms tightly.

“I have an emergency report, Commander!” The intelligence officer struggled to stand up after hehanded the laptop to Hayes. “We’ve detected a large group of humanoid beings rapidly approachingRiver Onxy from the north!”

Hayes had already secretly installed surveillance cameras with thermal imaging in the airspace north ofRiver Onxy.

It was done to track the Remdikian army movement in real time.

The image that the laptop received from the cameras and displayed on the screen depicted burlywerewolves charging toward the south of River Onxy.

“Contact the Intelligence Unit. Tell them to activate all surveillance cameras south of River Onxy. I wantto know these werewolves’ movements at any given moment,” requested Hayes.

“Roger!” The intelligence officer performed a military salute before sprinting toward the IntelligenceUnit. However, a few steps later, he staggered and dropped onto a collapsed tent.

In a flash, Hayes grabbed the intelligence officer’s waist and pulled him up.novelbin

At that moment, he noticed the intelligence officer’s back had already been painted in dark red.

There was a palm-sized wooden spike half-lodged into his body.

It was possible the intelligence officer failed to notice the pain due to the explosion earlier.

Hades approached the officer and held the latter’s wrist. A second later, he turned to Hayes and shookhis head. His circulatory system and lungs had been damaged beyond repair. In short, he’s as good asdead.

“Commander…” The intelligence officer was only twenty-something years old. He was barely standingas spiritual energy enveloped him. “I feel so dizzy… My back… it hurts…”

With a grimace, the young soldier stared at Hayes. As he coughed, blood gushed out from his mouthand nose.

Holding the soldier’s hand, Hayes asked in a trembling voice, “What’s your name?”

The soldier grabbed Hayes’ arms tightly, his eyes filled with despair. “I… I want to… go… home…”

The Legendary Man Chapter 1062-“Awoo!” Howl after howl filled the air. That was the…

The Legendary Man Chapter 1061-Bang! Bang! Bang! A series of sniper rifle shots rang…

The Legendary Man Chapter 1060-Those commoners, shrouded in the trauma of war, hid behind…

The Legendary Man Chapter 1059-Following Hayes’ command, the entire Eclipse Army proceeded tomake…

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