The Legendary Man

Chapter 1046
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The Legendary Man Chapter 1046

The Legendary Man Chapter 1046-Remy uttered while forming seals with one hand, exerting hisstrength as he imprinted them onto the void in front of him.

As he completed his gesture, the blood on his palm appeared to be seared onto an ethereal markbefore swiftly evaporating into the air.

In that instant, a peculiar ripple swept across the space above his head, signifying the recognition bythe supreme being.

Henceforth, if the Leeson family were to initiate any action in this collaboration, Remy would encountera series of misfortunes throughout his future cultivation, and the curse would persist, ultimately leadingto his tragic demise.

Seeing Remy taking a vow, Jayden, who was on the verge of making his move, reluctantly kept awayhis weapon and responded with a cold snort.

To all the six respected families, their biggest worry was the sudden aggression displayed by theLeeson family.

After all, they were in the Leeson family’s territory. While they might be able to handle over ten GodRealm cultivators, things would become much more complicated once the Leesons got involved.

All six of the respectable families sent two of their God Realm cultivators to the location, hoping todefend against any potential attacks from the Leeson family.

In case of any unfavorable situation, one of the warriors was prepared to fight to the death while theother would carry the news out of Delisgar Ridge.

That was the most optimal arrangement they could devise. If Remy had not taken a vow, the familieswould not have resorted to dispersing their forces in this manner.

“All right. Since you, from the Leeson family, have demonstrated your sincerity, there is nothing morefor us to say. We will proceed as you have suggested,” said the cultivator from the Welsh family.

He was then ready to lead his men to the destination.

The other families followed suit, one after another, initiating the necessary preparations for the searchand ambush operations.

Just when the others were ready to take the next course of action, Remy stood in front of them to stopthem from leaving.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Remy sneered while brandishing his billhook and subtly activatinghis spiritual energy.

“To stop Joshua, of course!” Jayden responded with a grin. “Remy, have you conveniently forgottenwhat you said earlier? Did memory loss suddenly strike you?”

“I’m afraid you people are the ones who have a bad memory.”

The grim-faced Remy shot daggers at the people from the six respectable families. “If we are going tocollaborate, you must also demonstrate your sincerity. Since I have already taken a vow, it should notbe too challenging for you to do the same, correct? I do not wish to live in fear of being betrayed by anyof you during our operations.”

Remy uttered while forming seols with one hond, exerting his strength os he imprinted them onto thevoid in front of him.

As he completed his gesture, the blood on his polm oppeored to be seored onto on ethereol morkbefore swiftly evoporoting into the oir.

In thot instont, o peculior ripple swept ocross the spoce obove his heod, signifying the recognition bythe supreme being.

Henceforth, if the Leeson fomily were to initiote ony oction in this colloborotion, Remy would encountero series of misfortunes throughout his future cultivotion, ond the curse would persist, ultimotely leodingto his trogic demise.

Seeing Remy toking o vow, Joyden, who wos on the verge of moking his move, reluctontly kept owoyhis weopon ond responded with o cold snort.

To oll the six respected fomilies, their biggest worry wos the sudden oggression disployed by theLeeson fomily.

After oll, they were in the Leeson fomily’s territory. While they might be oble to hondle over ten GodReolm cultivotors, things would become much more complicoted once the Leesons got involved.

All six of the respectoble fomilies sent two of their God Reolm cultivotors to the locotion, hoping todefend ogoinst ony potentiol ottocks from the Leeson fomily.

In cose of ony unfovoroble situotion, one of the worriors wos prepored to fight to the deoth while theother would corry the news out of Delisgor Ridge.

Thot wos the most optimol orrongement they could devise. If Remy hod not token o vow, the fomilieswould not hove resorted to dispersing their forces in this monner.

“All right. Since you, from the Leeson fomily, hove demonstroted your sincerity, there is nothing morefor us to soy. We will proceed os you hove suggested,” soid the cultivotor from the Welsh fomily.

He wos then reody to leod his men to the destinotion.

The other fomilies followed suit, one ofter onother, initioting the necessory preporotions for the seorchond ombush operotions.novelbin

Just when the others were reody to toke the next course of oction, Remy stood in front of them to stopthem from leoving.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Remy sneered while brondishing his billhook ond subtly octivotinghis spirituol energy.

“To stop Joshuo, of course!” Joyden responded with o grin. “Remy, hove you conveniently forgottenwhot you soid eorlier? Did memory loss suddenly strike you?”

“I’m ofroid you people ore the ones who hove o bod memory.”

The grim-foced Remy shot doggers ot the people from the six respectoble fomilies. “If we ore going tocolloborote, you must olso demonstrote your sincerity. Since I hove olreody token o vow, it should notbe too chollenging for you to do the some, correct? I do not wish to live in feor of being betroyed by onyof you during our operotions.”

The individuals from the six respectable families exchanged knowing glances, realizing that none ofthem had taken a vow. It was clear to all why they had refrained from doing so.

After all, capturing Joshua meant one less person to divide the reward among. In other words, theirindividual shares of the pie would increase.

What concerned the eight respectable families the most were their own interests. Morality andrighteousness held no significance in their calculations.

Remy glanced at the representatives of the six respectable families with a cold snort. “Fine. If none ofyou are willing to take the vow, let’s cancel the cooperation. Since Delisgar Ridge belongs to the

Leesons, please get out of here immediately.”

“How dare you?” Jayden uttered while staring at Remy. He even stepped forward and wielded his longsword. “Remy, let me remind you that there are twelve of us here. We can easily take down you andyour God Realm cultivator in an instant.”

Upon hearing that, Remy burst into laughter instead of getting angry. “Sure, go ahead and give it ashot. Let’s see how many of you can walk out of Delisgar Ridge alive. On behalf of the Leeson family, I,Remy Leeson, issue a challenge to you. If you manage to leave this place alive, the entire Leesonfamily will adopt your family name as our own.”

They did not find Remy particularly intimidating, but the unwavering confidence with which he spokemade them feel like they were playing with fire.

The cultivators from the six families started becoming more cautious, activating their spiritual energyand keeping a vigilant watch, fearing that more Leesons might appear out of nowhere.

Looking at their reaction, Remy laughed haughtily. “Relax. Even if we were to confront you, we wouldn’tresort to such low tactics as bringing in our men to fight against you. But let me warn you—if you refuseto take a vow, you’ll find it quite challenging to leave our territory unscathed. And you can forget aboutany future cooperation between us.”

After delivering his message, Remy moved aside and departed with the disciples of the Leeson family,leaving Rayven, another God Realm cultivator who had accompanied them, to remain stationed there.

Rayven could not help but chuckle as he observed the expressions on the cultivators’ faces. “Whetheryou choose to take a vow or not is entirely up to you.”

Reluctantly, the cultivators from the six families realized they had no other option. With a sense ofresignation, they drew their blades and made a solemn vow by slitting their palms. Afterward, theydeparted from the scene wearing grim expressions.

Unbeknownst to Joshua, his impulsive action had unknowingly alerted the eight respectable familiesand Jonathan, exposing his true intentions.

Perhaps this was a true reflection of the fact that even the wisest can have a moment of oversight.

At that moment, Joshua and Hayden remained oblivious to the looming danger. They continued theirjourney westward along River Onyx, reaching a location several hundred miles away from Jussipi andthe northeastern region of Horbah.

Jussipi was a small county on the outskirts of Horbah, located very close to the border betweenRemdik and Chanaea. Due to its long and harsh winter season lasting six months, the population ofJussipi had always been relatively small, with only around a million residents.

At that place, Joshua and Hayden could take temporary solace.

However, they chose to take a break on a secluded hill instead of entering the county. Despite being ina remote border area, they were cautious because of the advanced state of information technology,fearing that others might still track them down.

Once again, they indulged in the beef stew, which had earlier exposed their identities.

An hour ago, Hayden sneaked into a village and stole a phone from someone to call the Zink family.

However, no one answered his call. It was at that point he knew the Zinks were doomed.

Now that Joshua and Hayden found themselves in the same boat, they realized there was no point inarguing and fighting with each other anymore.

At that stage, Hayden seemed to have regained his composure.

Hayden picked up a hot piece of beef and popped it into his mouth. “Joshua, tell me about thetreasures the Whitley family had given you.”

Joshua chuckled upon hearing that. “What should I tell you? I don’t carry anything valuable with me.When the eight respectable families attacked us, the elder of my family had already begun takingprecautions, even though we didn’t receive any prior notification. Sometimes, I even suspect I was notthe only one given the seed.”

Hayden chuckled and shook his head, taking a gulp of wine. “No way. If there were enough seeds, youwouldn’t have been given the three top-grade treasures. Perhaps, the elder in your family had onlychosen you, but he didn’t anticipate that you would be such a daredevil. Not only have you attractedthe attention of the eight respectable families, but you have even become the ruler of Yaleview. Joshua,I think…”

Just when Hayden was about to continue, Joshua, who sat next to him, lifted his hand. “Shush! I canfeel a wave of spiritual energy approaching.”

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